LindaSmith Posted April 26, 2019 Posted April 26, 2019 I love Faerie and Lenny so much as of what I have played till now. They are so fascinating. Quote
Greywindd Posted May 1, 2019 Posted May 1, 2019 Woodland Gelert, Desert and Steampunk Hissi, and Maraquan Xweetok. Quote
zombietigersquash Posted May 27, 2019 Posted May 27, 2019 this year, I was finally able to achieve one of my childhood dream pets, a baby kougra other than that... always loved starry kaus & shoyrus & as an adult, I realized I just really love plushie & faerie painted pets Angeló 1 Quote
missuninvited Posted July 17, 2019 Posted July 17, 2019 I'm reviving this thread because I've just started thinking about this again! Four dream pets: 1. Faerie Eyrie. And guess what? I have one!! She started out Blue, I morphed her Faerie when I realized that prices had changed a lot since I was a wee'un, and I have not regretted it for a moment. She's probably my top dreamie, and her current custom/design is my favorite that I've ever done. 2. Brown Uni. It sounds boring, but the Brown Uni design is so appealingly... realistic? I feel like I could do almost any sort of custom on her - from ba warrior to flowery forest spirit - and she'd still look stunning. I'd also settle for White, but Brown is my dream-dream. She's currently Red, which is... well, it's a color. That's about all I have to say about that. 3. Transparent Peophin. Y'ALLLLL! This is my favorite transparent design. I have this sort of warrior-femme thing going on with my (Red) Peophin right now, and I would LOVE to see her become some sort of Transparent avenging elemental with glass skin and a giant sword. I guess I'm halfway there. 4. Halloween Kougra - I used to have a Kougra, way way back, but I don't know what happened to her!! I had transferred my old Peophin to a side and recently brought her back to my main, but I don't know what happened to my Kougra. I fear an accidental (... how?) abandonment occurred. Regardless, I am a sucker sucker sucker for black cats, so I would probably pee my pants for a Halloween Kougra. Can you imagine?? Runner-up is just about anything Woodland... Woodland Eyrie, Woodland Grundo, and Woodland Koi are imo some of the most beautiful designs the team has ever created. I guess I'm just a bit more attached to the "older" colors than anything else. This was a really fun topic to answer! Great idea! alohadiscordia and Angeló 2 Quote
alohadiscordia Posted July 22, 2019 Posted July 22, 2019 can I say I love how everyone's reply is so different :) really shows how pretty much every pet and variation has a fan. for me, my two favorite colors in general are magma and wraith. I've always liked neopets that looked more like, well, animals, or some sort of supernatural creatures. these styles (along with many others ofc) convey that feeling for me perfectly. so yeah, 2 of my 5 permanents are magma and 2 of them, a lupe and a gelert, are going to be wraith :) just need to save up for their multi-million NP brushes haha but it's a goal to work towards so it's all good! Angeló 1 Quote
berriganify Posted October 26, 2019 Posted October 26, 2019 i love kyriis and buzzes just in general, and currently have 7 kyriis and 4 buzzes in my dream team, some of which ive achieved (i have a grey and darigan kyrii, and a zombie and faerie buzz) but i also really like vandagyres, because theyre basically owlbears. and stealthy is basically a ranger/rogue paint job. together they form the ultimate roleplaying combo. ive already found the perfect name for one (after a ranger archetype), now its just a matter of saving up for the paintbrush Quote
MysteryAF Posted October 27, 2019 Posted October 27, 2019 I want the lab ray to give me a Mosaic Grarrl. That is my only dream pet right now. berriganify 1 Quote
berriganify Posted October 28, 2019 Posted October 28, 2019 On 10/26/2019 at 7:20 PM, Robin Hood said: I want the lab ray to give me a Mosaic Grarrl. That is my only dream pet right now. mosaic grarrls are gorgeous. theyre definitely my favourite of the mosaic pets! Quote
mischief51 Posted November 5, 2019 Posted November 5, 2019 my pirate lupe was my favorite achievement when i was a kid. just recently when i came back from like 5-7 years of hiatus and discovered crosspainting my new transparent lupe with pirate clothing has been my absolute favorite! berriganify 1 Quote
Bingo Posted November 15, 2019 Posted November 15, 2019 My eternal dream pet has to be the UC Plushie Buzz. It's so adorable! LOOK AT IT. I'm not really well versed in pet trading though, so at some point I just got a converted one Not the same thing at all, but it's still cute and I can make art of it in whatever style I want, I guess A pet I have yet to create is a Peophin, though. I've always been fascinated by the species and somehow never got one?? Maybe because I've never settled on which one looks best: God, I love Peophins Gotta work on that. Yuiina 1 Quote
Yuiina Posted November 15, 2019 Posted November 15, 2019 1 hour ago, Bingo said: Depending on the customization you make, all 4 of those are great! For example, if you have access to NC, Stealthy (clothesless) Peophin is a great choice! And Daringan is a good color in case you plan on using only NP items. Those are just examples of course I think I never posted here, so I'll post mine too. The only pet that I can call a dream really this only will happen in my dreams is a UC Plushie Ixi. I have goats as pets and I love goats! And this little guy is just... dreamy! Unfortunately, it's EXTREMELY RARE. Even more than others UCs. I think I only saw one of those on neopets all these years. It's just too adorable and I want to squeeze it to death. And, unfortunately, the converted version is not 1/4 charming as the UC so... Quote
ohml Posted December 19, 2019 Posted December 19, 2019 Dream pet: UC Ice Bruce, I mean cmon, look at that bruce, its adorable. jellysundae 1 Quote
missuninvited Posted February 1, 2020 Posted February 1, 2020 Life update RE: Dreamies! 1. I am still beyond happy with my Faerie Eyrie. She's beautiful. I haven't even touched her custom in years because I like it so much. 2. I passed on Transparent Peophin in favor of Tyrannian Peophin. I just painted her today and I'm already so much more pleased than I was when she was Red! She kicks it. 3. My Halloween Kougra will have to wait another day, because today I painted my Red Flotsam to Tyrannian as well, and he's so much cooler now. Perhaps I'll set up my H.K. on a side one day. 4. I am hyping myself up to spend the 600K for a Brown paint brush so that I can finally have my Brown Uni. I thought I'd get tired of the idea, but I definitely haven't!! Don't even get me started on C vs UC pets (are either of those a crying emoji? i honestly can't even tell anymore. rip my eyes.) Quote
protego_totalum16 Posted April 15, 2020 Posted April 15, 2020 I have so many!! Baby Lupe, Chocolate Xweetok, Water Aisha, Faerie Poogle and Faerie Pteri are my most wanted. I've also wanted a Plushie Kacheek for years but I finally got her thanks to the premium species change perk. So worth it! Quote
AgJu Posted July 7, 2020 Posted July 7, 2020 i pretty much have mine....I'm not changing my Eventide Aisha cuz i busted my butt for that Altador Cup prize (AC8 i believe...Eventide Paint Brush). I just managed to get my other dream pets this year: Magma Ixi (after FIIIINAALLLY catching the guard napping after all these years), a Candy Kougra (lucky enough to have the Rainbow Pool faerie answer a Grey Faerie's request), and a Mutant Poogle (can't remember if i got the potion or if that was another rainbow pool quest). Originally i had wanted a Faerie Lenny (love the peacock design), but i'm not as big on faerie pets as i used to be (my Kougra was faerie-type previously) so for my Lenny, i'd like it to be Steampunk. My Quiggle, i think burlap is cute, but that's a lab ray only thing and i really don't want to keep zapping it in the small chance it'll stay Quiggle AND turn burlap....maybe a Water Quiggle then? I haven't decided yet. Edit: Oil Paint and Swamp Gas are pretty cool Quiggle varieties. If I get another pet, I want a Vandagyre and if i do that, i like its Christmas, Chocolate, and Magma options. Quote
hasallthegas2000 Posted July 14, 2020 Posted July 14, 2020 On 10/28/2018 at 11:22 PM, rachee said: My converted dream pet is a Fire Xweetok. I am working towards saving up for a Fire Paint Brush along with a few other items to get all my dream pets painted. ^^ Ive got your dream pet! I would love to give him to you... Quote
anapm.agostini Posted July 26, 2020 Posted July 26, 2020 After getting my faerie bori (still not as cute as the UC), all I really wanted was an UC Grey Yurble. They are just so cute, I mean... I also loved the plushie eyrie, but wanting a faerie, grey and plushie PB when hitting 100k was an achievement was just too big of a dream for this girl. Quote
tay Posted August 23, 2020 Posted August 23, 2020 my absolute most dreamed are probably faerie ixi, baby aisha, and white poogle!! theyre all just so cute Quote
birds Posted September 17, 2020 Posted September 17, 2020 I love UC pets the most, but my most wanted current converted dream pet is a Maraquan Eyrie. So pretty. ;u; Someone gifted me one! I'M SO HAPPY AHH. My other dreamies that I eventually want are Mara Gelert, UC Fae Kougra, UC Dari Aisha, and Mutant Poogle. Quote
SimplyTragic Posted September 18, 2020 Posted September 18, 2020 A chocolate Grarrl, Kacheek, Gnorbu, Wocky. It's gonna take a long time for those lol I was zapping a pet and it turned into a Grarrl and a few zaps later it turned into Snot. Best lap zap ever. Quote
SnowGura Posted September 19, 2020 Posted September 19, 2020 I've always been head over heels for these two designs! Chocolate kacheeks and plushie aishas are too cute. berriganify 1 Quote
iyavi Posted October 4, 2020 Posted October 4, 2020 My ultimate dream pets are a lot of UCs that I doubt I’ll ever get, so those are more pipe dreams haha. When I was a kid one of my big dreamies was an alien aisha, and I made soooo many applications for them back in the day, so I think my inner 14 year old would be so happy to know I have one now Angeló 1 Quote
Secre Posted October 5, 2020 Posted October 5, 2020 I'm slowly but surely achieving all my dream pets one by one now!! My goals have changed somewhat since I was first on neo many moons ago, but several of them are still the same: 1. Faerie Kougra - this was my all time dream as a teenager and I actually managed it once upon a time. Then I got hit by the evil invisible pet RE whilst playing neoquest and it was all for naught! I've now decided on a Royal/Faerie crosspaint, but I'm waiting until Autumn is over as I only recently painted him camoflage to go with the autumn customisation. 2. Halloween Lupe - this was originally a Royal Lupe and again was one of the few dreams I actually achieved as a teenager. I have since cross-painted him into an awesome Royal Werelupe! 3. Mutant Draik - completely unachievable as a teenager, but is a goal I hit with the help of a Fountain Faerie quest and the far more accessible priced Draik eggs nowadays! 4. MSP Poogle - another unachievable goal as a teenager, as the lab map was expensive and I didn't have the patience for the randomness. I achieved this one from the Premium species change loophole. I actually morphed my poor Jetsam into a Water Kau in order to get there... and have since decided I want a Mutant Jetsam which is just typical really. Then there are the ones that have changed but at least kept the same species: 4. Plushie Shoyru - this used to be a Darigan Shoyru, but having come back to the site, the design just wasn't doing it for me at all. 5. Tyrannian Peophin - I'm not sure what my old goal was with my Peophin, I'd just got her painted Christmas so she wasn't a basic colour. I suspect I wanted Royal or something like that. I was toying between Relic and Tyrannian in the end, but the Tyrannian won out. New goals: 6. Maraquan Jubjub - I adopted a Clay JubJub from the Pound and have just realised how bleeding cute the Maraquan Jubjub is!! 7. Lost Desert Koi - I made a Koi on a whim... 8. Woodland Ruki - Because that is gorgeous!! 9. Halloween Grundo - It turns out I like Halloween pets! I have an Elephante named Huggleby and that seems a perfect name for Death Incarnate. 10. Darigan Gelert - I saw the Darigan Gelert playing AC for Darigan and fell in love. And pets I don't yet own: 11. Baby Cybunny - I have already started collecting baby stuff on my side... 12. Oilpaint Ixi - Because that is a stunning design!! Angeló 1 Quote
CoconutDragon Posted October 14, 2020 Posted October 14, 2020 Just painted a dreamie thanks to a lucky nerkmid! Not customised yet though... berriganify, TryVegan4TheAnimals, Secre and 1 other 4 Quote
Mayetra Posted March 8, 2021 Posted March 8, 2021 I'm slowly working on my dream team of pets. I make backstories for my pets which help me decide their looks/clothing. I also work in the things that I collect and activities that I do on Neopets. Hopefully you'll enjoy: Pim Truenote – My first pet. He was named/is based on a tiger-like creature that was a familiar for one of my tabletop RPG characters. Pim was silver and got in a fair amount of fights with her. So he is my Battledome pet (still training/figuring that out). I have a Pirate paintbrush that I need to use on him, since that is the closest look to the original Pim. He is the captain of the sky-ship Scimitar, which is manned by a crew of petpets. All of my pets fled there when the Flash Catastrophe destroyed both their original and new Neohomes. Kia Truenote – Kia is currently a Lost Desert Kougra. I got her from the pound not long after I made Pim. She was a regular Kougra who I painted. I also ignore the Kougra14 after her first name. She will be repainted as a Daragan and I will be giving her a librarian look, which means dipping my toe into NC trades. She's is my book trophy pet, I'm currently working on both. She and Pim are happily married. She collects backpacks and interesting school supplies – mainly Kougra and Faerie ones. Cutter Wolfking – Cutter was the second pet that I made specifically for my oldest son. He wanted a Cloud Kougra named Cutter (our last name) but was too young to have an account. We compromised and he agreed to a pseudonym for our last name. He promptly lost interest and is now a surly teenager who doesn't care. So Cutter will be getting a purple paint job. He will be my food club pet and is the financial manager for my pets. His favorite thing is investing in stocks and collecting interest from the bank. He's got a lengthy backstory involving shady criminal organizations in Neovia, his rise to power in one such organization and his success at reinventing them into a legitimate corporation but that is a tale for another day. He likes to read recipe books, collect posters and t-shirts. He's gonna have a nice Gothic look. Kahmaat – Kahmaat is my new Lost Desert Kougra, created for my now side account. She was created as a result of the “Frozen Account” incident that hit Neopets several years back. I've moved back to my main account (a long story involving how to move a Lutari) and she has moved with me. She runs the pets' Neostore where she sells all the treasure they collect on their adventures. She will stay a Lost Desert Kougra but I will find some new clothing for her. She collects stamps and other collectibles. Tikka Tokk – Tikka is my Lutari who currently resides on my side account. She is an archaeologist and tinkerer. She loves discovering treasure and inventing robot petpets. The current plan is to morph her into something else, move her to main account and then morph her back into an Island Lutari with a potion. I have the potion but haven't done it yet. Mostly because I'm scared it won't work. She collects snowglobes. Black Bery – Bery is a pound pet that I got when I belonged to a now-defunct adoption guild. My intent was to zap her into something cool and adopt her out. She is now my labray pet for avatar purposes. However, if I end up being able to collect avatars using TDN, I don't know what I will eventually do with her. She may live her best life on my side account or if she is zapped into something cool and someone wants her, I may still adopt her out. Thistle (Last Name Unknown) – Thistle will be my Christmas Vandagyre. She's going to be my witchy pet. I haven't made her yet and I'm still working out her backstory. I do know that she will collect plushies and toys. I also have a rather expensive outfit put together that will require NC items. She also likes gardening and reading spell/magic books. I'm kind of waiting to see what I will do with Bery before I make her but will collect her costume and gear while I do. Unnamed Draik – So while investigating what I need pet-wise to collect avatars, I looked at Draiks and fell in love with the Woodland Draik. He will be Thistle's partner-in-crime so he'll need an appropriate backstory and name. I think he have something to do with the fairies. He will also love apples. It will be fun putting all that together. I really need Neopets to let us have more than 6 pets on an account (not counting premium). I also wish TNT would give us renaming scrolls or tokens or something. I played a dragon pet game where you could rename them but you had to pay for a scroll. Helped with cool looking but badly named adoptions. jellysundae, berriganify and Secre 3 Quote
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