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  1. Just got "Want of the Dark Faerie" for 5000 points! Only 37 points left to spend.
    4 points
  2. @TantrumOfDarknees you can't buy the same thing several times, it has to be 15 unique items. and i'm not sure but i think you'd have to keep count yourself, it just shows how many points you've spent
    4 points
  3. I collected my pieces before I went to the hub page this morning, and had to refresh a couple times before they registered for today. PROBABLY that means they'll still register, but might want to go to the hub first to be safe instead of risking it one day.
    4 points
  4. My pet is really strong. So far I'm just 1 hit KOing.
    3 points
  5. My stats are at half (lower) than yours for the most part and I’m one hit KO’ing them as well. But it’s kind of nice in a way, with everything else we have to do and AC cup coming up it is super nice to blow through the battles.
    3 points
  6. hrtbrk

    Happy Ixi Day!

    Ice Stamp
    3 points
  7. GillyTook

    The Runway Votes #158

    It's already voting time? Yikes! Glad I didn't procrastinate on this one. Edit: Also, I am totally glad to see that I'm apparently not the only person who loves those wings!
    3 points
  8. New Daily and Weekly prizes have just dropped including some brand new paint brushes, petpetpets, morphing potions, stamps and more! CHECK OUT OUR GUIDE We are still collecting data. Got a prize we don't have? Tell us!
    3 points
  9. Day "two"(?) is still locked so my guess is it will be at least a day and a half to collect the void essence. One of the achievements is also to collect 50 void essence so we might even have more than one day in between locations. There's also a timer on 7 days (for weekly bonus rewards?) and 5 visible locks (but there are arrows, pointing to more to come).
    3 points
  10. There is an official timer on the Act II Volunteer Section of the plot that states it will begin on Monday, last day of Act one will then be Sunday. However TNT has confirmed that ALL Fearless Deeds will be available to everyone throughout the entirety of the plot. It just looks like only the VERY first deed, that required you to join during the first week is an exception to this rule. Sunpotato answered this in editorial 1012 here, 13th question down.
    2 points
  11. Looks like I got all 40 points, and both items. I didn't even consider the cheating angle. I have no idea how it selected the same pet twice (didn't give me the option TO select one, and Cutey was way down in the list, so she should not have been first up if I somehow managed to click and not notice it) so definitely won't be abusing it.
    2 points
  12. Okay, I haven't heard or read that so let's hope it's true! I'm not saying it will end on Sunday, I'm just saying it might since we can get all the achievements of Act 1 on Sunday if we wanted and did everything every single day since the start of the plot. Also, unless you bought anything that has a limiter, like the Void Blade or the Thundersticks, you will have to keep track of it yourself. All you know is, as said above, how many points you've already spent.
    2 points
  13. You can't buy the same thing for it to count. Also it seems you have to keep track on your own.
    2 points
  14. Yes, and the achievement gives you 10 points. I'll be spending my points on Sunday so I'm sure I get to get the 15 prizes achievement before Act 1 end. Just in case you get less points if you don't get all the achievements in the active act. I don't know when it Act 1 will end but I know it won't be before Monday because of the Time is of the Essence (3/3) achievement. I just don't want to risk anything. I'll mostly get the books and collectables now and a few 1 and 10 point prizes to get to 15.
    2 points
  15. The Faerie's ruin plot is what the RE is referencing.
    2 points
  16. Burlap Stamp
    2 points
  17. The Altador Cup press tour has begun and is introducing a brand new team, Dacardia, alongside teams Brightvale, Darigan Citadel, and Virtupets. What team are you joining for this years Altador Cup?
    2 points
  18. The NC Malls birthday party continues on with another free cupcake. Feeding this cupcake to your pet will increase its strength by 5 and will give a special NC item. CLAIM NOW This cupcake can be redeemed on your side accounts.
    2 points
  19. Apparently I got a new avatar called Devoted Caretaker for working 72+ combined total hours for volunteering at the NeoHospital during The Void Within plot. Asides that, I got this bad boy recently since the Quest Log gods blessed me with the required item as my previous Weekly Quest prize.
    2 points
  20. Chapter 2 of The Void Within has released, and it has us fighting Void Shade in the Battledome or volunteering our time in the Neopian Hospital. Participate now to earn points towards the final prize shop! VIEW OUR GUIDE
    2 points
  21. It's the NC Malls 17th birthday! Head there to claim you free birthday cupcake now! You are able to claim these birthday cupcakes on your side accounts. CLAIM NOW
    2 points
  22. Got this while I was playing Sakhmet Solitare. I got a Fountain Faerie use from a Grey Faerie Quest I completed last week, and painted Utsujin (an Aisha from one of my side accounts) Alien with it, and the Alien Aishas drop by and give me this Nerkmid.
    2 points
  23. hrtbrk

    Happy Peophin Day!

    Valentine Food
    1 point
  24. Be sure to check out the rules as some things may have changed since the last time we ran this contest (or if you simply want to refresh your knowledge of them). They can be found right here. THE RUNWAY NOW GIVES OUT PRIZES, PLEASE MAKE SURE TO HAVE YOUR NEOPETS USERNAME LISTED ON YOUR PROFILE OR SUBMIT IT TO ME WITH YOUR ENTRY. Current theme: Oh I Love This Color! Description: In this round you are required to use just ONE color for everything! This means that every item has to be whatever color you choose to use. For example if you choose green every item, background, accessory, you name it has to be some shade of green, even the pet! (This does not mean that it has to be a basic green pet, but any paint brush color that the pet is some shade of green). You are not confined to having to choose green, but again whatever color you choose, EVERYTHING must be that color. Let's see those entries! (it is also alright if a few other colors are included in some wearables you use, just needs to be mostly the chosen featured color) Entering period: Monday, July 22 - Saturday, August 3rd (@11:59p NST) Voting period: Sunday, August 4th - Saturday, August 17 (@11:59p NST) If you have any questions about this round, or the Runway in general, just post them here, or send me a message*.
    1 point
  25. I have a good feeling about this round though. I'm sure Thieves will win.
    1 point
  26. I like challenging themes like this, I can't wait to see what colors everyone chooses!
    1 point
  27. Voting before the entries are even in? Is this contest fixed? Oh, this one sounds difficult, and not just because your example is my favourite colour!
    1 point
  28. That's why it's easiest to just buy the first lowest priced 15 items, that's what I did, it will cost you 872 points to do that. The last item you will buy is the King Roo collectable Card which is 100 points. Also, CONGRATS @sunny098 on getting one of the top tier weapons in the game!
    1 point
  29. BEE.

    Avatars: What have you got?

    only took me 18 years! hahaha Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Techo - Cheesy' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    1 point
  30. Duma

    Weapon Choice Help

    They're both pretty great so it will come to whatever your opponent blocks. Since you only play 1P you know what they might block. If they don't block too much or any Dark (and physical) then Wand of the Dark Faerie is the better option especially since it also reflects light and heals 25% when your HP are below 25%. I don't know how they will turn up price wise by the end of the event.
    1 point
  31. I've seen it with someone else happening too. Hasn't happened to me yet though and if it did, I would cancel one of them and have another pet join the shift. But if you do get all 40 points, please let us know. Don't abuse the glitch though, so if you see it, change your pet, otherwise TNT might consider it cheating.
    1 point
  32. Okay, so I've been slacking (oops.) So replace the soup with the leaded vial, and the pingrenade (if I get the points to spread around) with grapes of wrath? Then the tear in place of the parasol that I still haven't replaced with downsize? Then perhaps the wand for my staff? Or should I ditch the sword and have both items instead? And leave the tablet for now since there's no real need to give it up for anything else, right? Or should I grab the sticks in place of the tablet (or something else?) I'd sort of like to have ONE set since I only really do the single player dome, just so I don't need to bother with swapping stuff around, since as you can see I tend to not do that on a regular basis
    1 point
  33. @Duma On another forum (not going to link it here), someone said TNT confirmed that particular purchase 15 unique prizes award is available through the entire plot. I can't confirm if it's true or not though.
    1 point
  34. I don't know if Act 1 will end when "Time is of the Essence (3/3)" is complete or not, but if it does, there will have been 25 days of collecting on, and including, Sunday. June 27, 2024 was the first day that we could collect the essences. So 250 void essences, with 10 per day is 25 days of collecting for the achievement. That's why I want to make sure to finish the "Rift Rewarder" latest on that day. And I don't want to spend too many points on stuff that I don't want, so I'm waiting to get as many items that I like with these first points. Chances are Act 2 won't start yet, seeing as there are 21 chapters in the story. If it's divided evenly you would expect Act 2 to start around chapter 7. Unless All 21 chapters are for Act 1. I really don't know, but it's not a risk I'm willing to take. Better safe than sorry.
    1 point
  35. nice!! I'm planning to wait with buying stuff until i have the points to spend on everything i want xD but i'm sure getting battledome items now helps with the battle portion of the plot. i might cave earlier aswell depending on how strong the act 2 and 3 challengers are
    1 point
  36. Eh! The event's continuing for a while! You should have plenty of time to grab more cool stuff
    1 point
  37. hrtbrk

    Happy Kiko Day!

    Coconut Food
    1 point
  38. Ok, I'll sent them a ticket! Thanks for answering me!
    1 point
  39. The NC Mall's birthday celebration is coming to an end - but not without a final piece of cake. Head to the NC Mall to claim yours for free now. CLAIM NOW
    1 point
  40. iloveeevee

    Altador Cup Soon!!

    Darigan!! i picked them as a kid and am now sticking with them every year
    1 point
  41. Moltara as usual. My magma usul is all ready to go
    1 point
  42. Duma

    Altador Cup Soon!!

    I've joined team Dacardia, just because they're new. Each year I pick a team I haven't supported before so instead of figuring out which team I still needed to join I picked the team I knew for sure I never picked.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. I DID get my parasol! I guess I'll look into pricing, and if it's gone down a ton I'll wait until it goes back up a bit before selling it off. I'm also guessing that none of the pool prizes from fighting off the little guys in the battledome at the moment are worth anything, correct?
    1 point
  45. Hi I am new here and very excited, to join this community.. It's my first time joining an online community like this and I can't wait to dive in. I am hoping to connect with fellow fans who share my interests and passions. I am particularly interested in any beginner tips you might have. Also, if there are any threads or topics you recommend for a newbie like me, please let me know. Thanks for having me here. I’m looking forward to contributing and learning from everyone. With Regards, Steve
    1 point
  46. Yeah, same, though I feel for those without the Lens Flare ability, being at risk of getting hit with halitosis from the Voidlings and having to pay the inflated price for Onion Balm to cure the Watery Eyes it causes. Nice stats btw. You've got strength and defence maxed out, very cool.
    1 point
  47. GlitchtaleLover

    Happy Ixi Day!

    Ice isn't exactly a bad Color for me, so this choice isn't too upsetting. They'd have to get through the okay Colors to give us the better ones someday, right? I do like the polished look of this one, though. I really like this Roadside Bandit Outfit! The hood on the cape having little cut-outs for the ears and horn is adorable, the colors feel very gloomy and go together well, plus the sword is a neat touch! Pretty cool day for the Ixis!
    1 point
  48. July 12th, 2024 Haunted Woods (3) Moltara Caves (3) Lutari Island (4)
    1 point
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