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GillyTook last won the day on July 24

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  1. We're all only human! At least the title was close to what it was supposed to be!
  2. Voting before the entries are even in? Is this contest fixed? Oh, this one sounds difficult, and not just because your example is my favourite colour!
  3. Hm. My computer is so slow, though, it's weird that that's the cause. Maybe it's because it is, haha. Also, interestingly enough, I had it happen last night. I cancelled the duplicate and assigned a different pet to it, but when I logged in this morning, the same pet was doing both shifts. **shrugs**
  4. Looks like I got all 40 points, and both items. I didn't even consider the cheating angle. I have no idea how it selected the same pet twice (didn't give me the option TO select one, and Cutey was way down in the list, so she should not have been first up if I somehow managed to click and not notice it) so definitely won't be abusing it.
  5. Okay, so I've been slacking (oops.) So replace the soup with the leaded vial, and the pingrenade (if I get the points to spread around) with grapes of wrath? Then the tear in place of the parasol that I still haven't replaced with downsize? Then perhaps the wand for my staff? Or should I ditch the sword and have both items instead? And leave the tablet for now since there's no real need to give it up for anything else, right? Or should I grab the sticks in place of the tablet (or something else?) I'd sort of like to have ONE set since I only really do the single player dome, just so I don't need to bother with swapping stuff around, since as you can see I tend to not do that on a regular basis
  6. I tried to set up a couple of my pets to volunteer earlier today, and somehow, though I didn't click on any of them for the second volunteer shift, it put Cutey for both? Huh. Have refreshed a few times and now waited a couple hours and it's still like that. Oh well, as long as it doesn't say I missed one of the two because the same pet can't be in two places at once I'm fine with it!
  7. Eh! The event's continuing for a while! You should have plenty of time to grab more cool stuff
  8. I am NOT a kiko fan (sorry kiko lovers!) but I kinda laughed at these. Won't be getting one any time soon, but these are really kinda funny.
  9. Boo. I would have loved the chance to get more codestones! Do you happen to know of any easy-ish to beat enemies that give a fair bit of NP? If I switch to the Giant Spectral Mutant Walein since I can still 1 round kill it, and it's in the dome that gives a fair few codestones, I'm only getting 300 np per battle, and my usual little fishy friend only gives me 209. The extra NP I'd be losing daily if I just went to the prize limit wouldn't be the end of the world, but it'd still be kinda nice to be able to collect some more.
  10. Oohhh, I love their theme, too! But I'm just such a huge freaking nerd that Brightvale just barely ekes out ahead of them
  11. Brightvale, as usual! I like the bookish learning side of the land, so I figure I should support them. (edited because I forgot there's a word count, oops.)
  12. Not anymore. Looked it up and saw it was only worth 100 np, so I grabbed one. Not that I'm really collecting stamps as the top tier are soooo expensive, but just as a side hobby. Sort of like books, hahaha. Edit: Oh! It seems we're getting more prizes (even though most are junk) from the battledome in this. I know I've seen that we'll permanently be getting more NP (which means I need to find a money maker. . .) but are the prize limits also going to go up?
  13. I have zero idea if it's against the rules or not, but perhaps say "she also greatly admires the Nightsteed" or something along those lines to sidestep it?
  14. I've gotten a couple of the vials (should I replace the soup with one?) and stilllll haven't gotten the stamp!
  15. I DID get my parasol! I guess I'll look into pricing, and if it's gone down a ton I'll wait until it goes back up a bit before selling it off. I'm also guessing that none of the pool prizes from fighting off the little guys in the battledome at the moment are worth anything, correct?
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