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GillyTook last won the day on December 4 2024

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  1. I also submitted a ticket, and they said they don't see anything like a warning-that it might be a glitch related to my signature (it's not changed since I set up the account, and is a quote from Pippin Took) but thanks to all of you. Ugh, this is why I never stray to the boards, lol.
  2. Went to the neoboards (I am very rarely on them) to see if anyone else was wondering about the daily quests being out. Commented on two posts, one asking why my username is that (I was obsessed with the show JAG when I was in high school, so I named myself and my main pet after one of the main characters) and one asking what we'd advertise if we had a 30 second superbowl ad (I'm begging for donations to the "send me to live in Europe because I want to escape this place" fund ;P" I noticed after I posted the second that it says both are blocked. Um, okay, so I rarely go to them because of how wonky the rules can be on them, but it didn't even say "this isn't postable," it just said both posts were blocked. What exactly did I do there?
  3. Today I got an arctic aurora borealis background And tossed a coin between the shoyru plushie and the golden koi.
  4. I love how they force us to vote if we want the prizes, yet they screw up their own market research fun results because not all of us participate in the NC events. I don't even look at the prizes, so I just picked the one I thought had the coolest theme. Is it the one I'd have picked if I'd participated? WHO KNOWS! That said, I've gotten a blue grey filter and a rainbow pride heart marking so far.
  5. It's JUST the scarf, right? Because the badly shorn gnorbu looks hilarious, but is also something I'd cringe at pretty quickly, lol. And is that petpet a tuft of his fur come to life? **giggles** That's really cute.
  6. I can sell them. Think I'm only getting about 300 NP/battle, too, and the item drops were maddening before I got spoilt on the tons from the plot.
  7. Boo. I would have loved the chance to get more codestones! Do you happen to know of any easy-ish to beat enemies that give a fair bit of NP? If I switch to the Giant Spectral Mutant Walein since I can still 1 round kill it, and it's in the dome that gives a fair few codestones, I'm only getting 300 np per battle, and my usual little fishy friend only gives me 209. The extra NP I'd be losing daily if I just went to the prize limit wouldn't be the end of the world, but it'd still be kinda nice to be able to collect some more. OH. IT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE TO HAVE SENT THIS WHEN I WROTE IT INSTEAD OF LEAVING IT ON MY BROWSER FOR MONTHS LIKE AN IDIOT. No wonder I never saw a reply. Alsoooo, for what I was coming here to post, is the Shield of Revenge any good? Just got one .
  8. I really need to remember to check here in the evenings too Totally missed a day of spinning. The ad isn't working for me either. Oh well, I got the stamp, so could be worse.
  9. Oh good grief, I can't get anywhere in AC. I've tried, but the point requirements are so high...
  10. I'm really kinda sad about this. I have loved the pacing so far. The only big issues I've had are some of the mini-games. Tavi's items got SO pricey so quickly (haven't really checked back since day 1) and that the campfire collection one often piles stuff over itself so it's ridiculously difficult to get that gold trophy that I want. Still haven't gotten either of those, haha. I do agree the battledome bit is a bit tedious, but I've just taken to skipping it when I need to.
  11. The hammerhead One of these days I've gotta get extra pet slots for one of my sides.
  12. Oh, so this is why we aren't friends? If I adopt some food for him, can we be friends then?
  13. Grabbing items from the shop wiz before the prices are inflated. How many days is this again, just to make sure I grab enough?
  14. A few minutes ago I realised that I forgot to actually choose last night, and it's showing me the pick a faction in 260 hours sign now. Erm, did I miss it and it's showing me next signup, or is it a glitch?
  15. Might just be a glitch! Oh well, she's read it now, so one less to worry about. It does show up in the item checklist, but it just never popped up in the books unread/read list.
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