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Duma last won the day on July 26

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    My Own Little World
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  1. I have a good feeling about this round though. I'm sure Thieves will win.
  2. Which faction are you joining for this round? So, vote! Good luck! You must win in minimal 10 battles each round in order to win the boons. Oxbridge Prediction:
  3. Duma


    Bryce777777's problems have nothing to do with TDN, ads on TDN or adds of Neopass in general. It is a problem with Neopass itself, which is not in our (TDN's) hands. Other than contacting Neopets' staff (through tickets, social media) there is nothing that can be done. There have been some updates with Neopass, and according to update logs it should be possible to remove an account from Neopass but I have not tried it myself so I don't know how that would work. I myself have not had any problems with Neopass and to me it's actually more convenient to use it than the old system.
  4. They're both pretty great so it will come to whatever your opponent blocks. Since you only play 1P you know what they might block. If they don't block too much or any Dark (and physical) then Wand of the Dark Faerie is the better option especially since it also reflects light and heals 25% when your HP are below 25%. I don't know how they will turn up price wise by the end of the event.
  5. I've seen it with someone else happening too. Hasn't happened to me yet though and if it did, I would cancel one of them and have another pet join the shift. But if you do get all 40 points, please let us know. Don't abuse the glitch though, so if you see it, change your pet, otherwise TNT might consider it cheating.
  6. Okay, I haven't heard or read that so let's hope it's true! I'm not saying it will end on Sunday, I'm just saying it might since we can get all the achievements of Act 1 on Sunday if we wanted and did everything every single day since the start of the plot. Also, unless you bought anything that has a limiter, like the Void Blade or the Thundersticks, you will have to keep track of it yourself. All you know is, as said above, how many points you've already spent.
  7. I don't know if Act 1 will end when "Time is of the Essence (3/3)" is complete or not, but if it does, there will have been 25 days of collecting on, and including, Sunday. June 27, 2024 was the first day that we could collect the essences. So 250 void essences, with 10 per day is 25 days of collecting for the achievement. That's why I want to make sure to finish the "Rift Rewarder" latest on that day. And I don't want to spend too many points on stuff that I don't want, so I'm waiting to get as many items that I like with these first points. Chances are Act 2 won't start yet, seeing as there are 21 chapters in the story. If it's divided evenly you would expect Act 2 to start around chapter 7. Unless All 21 chapters are for Act 1. I really don't know, but it's not a risk I'm willing to take. Better safe than sorry.
  8. Yes, and the achievement gives you 10 points. I'll be spending my points on Sunday so I'm sure I get to get the 15 prizes achievement before Act 1 end. Just in case you get less points if you don't get all the achievements in the active act. I don't know when it Act 1 will end but I know it won't be before Monday because of the Time is of the Essence (3/3) achievement. I just don't want to risk anything. I'll mostly get the books and collectables now and a few 1 and 10 point prizes to get to 15.
  9. I've joined team Dacardia, just because they're new. Each year I pick a team I haven't supported before so instead of figuring out which team I still needed to join I picked the team I knew for sure I never picked.
  10. That's really awful. If only you would have gone with the Sway, you would have gotten both the avatar and a boon.
  11. Which faction are you joining for this round? So, vote! Good luck! You must win in minimal 10 battles each round in order to win the boons. Oxbridge Prediction:
  12. Day "two"(?) is still locked so my guess is it will be at least a day and a half to collect the void essence. One of the achievements is also to collect 50 void essence so we might even have more than one day in between locations. There's also a timer on 7 days (for weekly bonus rewards?) and 5 visible locks (but there are arrows, pointing to more to come).
  13. I just checked and I have 1 Expert Lens in my SDB too. Thanks for the offer though! That's very kind of you. Maybe when the actual battles have begone I'll come back to see how to build my set. Others can do the same and we can all get ideas from each other!
  14. Which faction are you joining for this round? So, vote! Good luck! You must win in minimal 10 battles each round in order to win the boons. Oxbridge Prediction:
  15. Right. So far I've only been battling 1P, mostly for Obelisk war's so I only needed 1 turn anyway, but for harder opponents I at least have 3 "free" turns. I have about 285 different battledome items in my SDB, I do have Hanso Charisma Charm, Parasol of Unfortunate Demise, Roxtons Trusty Bowie Knife, Flaming Oven Gloves, Leaf Shield, Earthen Scorchstone and Bubble Wands. So I have at least some decent defense items I can add to my set, but I'll decide when I know what damage they do and whether or not the stealing is fixed. If I can't use the Heave Robe of Thievery, I might as well add a defense item. At least that's the idea. Altadorian Swordbreaker might be a good option if they do a lot of physical damage. I'll keep that one in mind for sure! Along with the Parchment Cloak. Thanks!
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