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Aquamentis12 last won the day on June 23

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About Aquamentis12

  • Birthday 05/30/1981

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  1. Hey @GillyTook, sorry, I was out of town visiting family over the weekend, I'm back home now. So to answer your questions.... pretty much, yes. XD Let's see, Yes, the Leaded Vial is a full heal, so Equip it, make sure you don't USE it when you are equipping it, or it WILL be used up and vanish forever. The Pinegrenade can be replaced with Grapes of Wrath, indeed, or you can replace Varia is the Bomb eventually too. Varia only does 1 icon more than GoW and it's once per battle. So you might want to replace it someday. Actually, with Seasonal Attack Pea, you don't NEED Grapes of Wrath. Seasonal Attack Pea does 28 icons. Combining that with the WoDF should average you between 25-26 icons, even those WoDF's icon range is 21-29. Yeah, The Tear can Replace the Parasol. I believe you can still Equip a Downsize! if you wanted as well. lol I don't know for sure, I haven't had both to try that, yet. lol Since Wand of the Dark Faerie is basically a direct Upgrade to Illusens Staff, yes, replace the staff with the wand. You can leave the Tablet. Getting Thunder Sticks WOULD be a good idea. Thunder Sticks has a 16 icon attack, defends all physical icons on the turn it's used, and is a 100% freezer. Freezing items work on the following turn. So if you use Thunder sticks on the same turn as Lens Flare, that will be 2 turns in a row that the opponent cannot attack you. So, you set might look something like this. Thunder Sticks Sword of Malum/Grapes of Wrath Wand of the Dark Faerie Seasonal Attack Pea The Mystical Tablet Leaded Elemental Vial Varia is the Bomb/Grapes of Wrath/Downsize! Thyoras Tear I'm not saying get 2 Grapes of Wrath, I'm saying it could be used in either of those 2 slots. If TNT ever fixes Stealing you might consider getting your agility to 201 and trying out a Heavy Robe of Thievery, for fun. But get one when the prices are really low. I hope that helps.
  2. I would suggest you keep both if you get both. Wand of the Dark Faerie is powerful, true. But if there's an opponent that can block dark, it would take a chunk out of the Wand's attack, as Duma pointed out. However, Grapes of Wrath as a back up with several different types of icons makes for a good secondary constant. In this plot, we don't know what TNT will think of. They may give a future opponent a The Mystical Tablet, like you have, that would demolish the attack of WoDF. Making it only good for healing and reflecting Light. In which case, GoW would be your best Attacker. Or in the case of your current set, your 2x Fan of Swords once you tossed your Varia is the Bomb. Once you have GoW, you could sell your Varia is the Bomb. While it boasts 1 icon better than GoW, it's only good for one use per battle, giving GoW more viability in a longer battle being multiple use.
  3. That's why it's easiest to just buy the first lowest priced 15 items, that's what I did, it will cost you 872 points to do that. The last item you will buy is the King Roo collectable Card which is 100 points. Also, CONGRATS @sunny098 on getting one of the top tier weapons in the game!
  4. That's what I'm getting on the hardest setting for the regular battledome enemies too. About 300np. I wonder if TNT expects us to get those increments to 50,000np? Or if they plan on tweaking it for the regular challengers? If you battle on mighty/extreme for your 15 regular battledome prizes per day before doing your void battles. That'll help. I usually do 5 waves of the 2nd wave (5 battles) of Void enemies on Extreme. You get 50 points per completed wave, so I only get points for 4 of the waves because of the max 200 plot point limit, but I do a 5th to make sure I didn't lose count. LOL If I do a 6th wave, that gets me to the max of 50,000np because I'd have less than 8k np to go to reach the 50k limit.
  5. Cool, I was gonna say, they should be fairly cheap now. XD I believe the prize limits, 30, are JUST for the plot, and afterward it will return to 15. However the NP limit, 50,000, will apparently remain in place from what I've heard.
  6. Sure! Just remember to Equip it and not Use it. Using it will use it up and it'll be gone forever. Equip it and you can use it in the battledome once per battle. You probably know this, but I ALWAYS type up that warning because it'd be tragic to lose an LEV to an accidental slip of the finger. Feel better Soup is super cheap now, so you could put it in a gallery, or your SDB until it gains some value, or you could give or sell it to someone who could use it but they can't afford a LEV yet. There several things you could do with it. Just some ideas. XD You're looking for the hospital stamp? The one with the green gelert on it?
  7. Sounds like a plan! I somehow managed to RS one some time ago, and was trying to sell it just before it got into the prize pool. Went from 2 mil in value, now down to about 600k the last time I looked. So yeah, not worth a lot. XD Yeah, not really. You're right. Your weapons way out-class what you get as items after clearing the waves. Some of them might be a little interesting, but yeah, too weak for you. That being said, the prize of healers coming down has been AMAZING with the influx of LEVs, Leaded Elemental Vials from the hospital shifts! I just got another one a couple minutes ago when I finished a hospital shift. Crazy! LOL Anyway, but if TNT changes the prize pools in act 2, that might be another story. Who knows? I don't know what they'll do for act 2, but I keep seeing rumors on the plot neoboards that they'll change or add prizes to the hospital prize pool. I haven't heard anything to that officially, so I don't know if it will happen or not. BUT, if it did, who is to say that the next wave might not be in a different dome, with different prizes? That would be pretty cool and keep things interesting! But that's only wishful thinking and theory, based upon rumor. Not to be taken seriously.
  8. Nice, it's a Light reflector. It will reflect 75% of Light icons and NEVER break. The BEST straight light reflector you can buy from a shop! Light is easy to block though, so it's not very valuable, less so since it entered the prize pool. But it might be useful depending on the opponent. Now, if you get a Wand of the Dark Faerie from the plot Prize Shop, (5000 points), it has the same light reflection for it's defense, while having a 21-29 icon offense. Plus it's healing factor, 25% heal when you're below 25% of max HP, and it doesn't count as a healing item. So honestly, I'd say you could sell the Combo Battle Mirror. If you needed Light Defense, The super cheap Parasol of Unfortunate Demise blocks ALL light and then some.
  9. Yeah, same, though I feel for those without the Lens Flare ability, being at risk of getting hit with halitosis from the Voidlings and having to pay the inflated price for Onion Balm to cure the Watery Eyes it causes. Nice stats btw. You've got strength and defence maxed out, very cool.
  10. Sure, that would probably be the LEV, just because it IS a full heal. There are other pieces of equipment that can block some or more Air. I think there are one or two that block Full Air besides Feel Better Soup. But one that blocks a decent amount of air and is in the current prize shop for example, the Extra Loud Techo Fanatic Megaphone that was also offered at last year's AC prize shop, has a 15 icon attack but ALSO blocks 75% of air icons set your way. This combined with Roxtons Trusty Bowie Knife which also has a 15 icon attack but blocks 75% of Earth, makes it a devastating combo against a Super Attack Pea, though since you aren't doing 2p battling, you may or may not see a Super Attack Pea. I'm just saying for reference. IF you ever do come across a 1p opponent that uses a SuAP, that combo will severely weaken the SuAP's attack.
  11. First off, Congrats on getting a LEV! You helped beat/break the system! The difference is interesting. Feel Better Soup heals 50% of your Max HP and also blocks full air when it is used. LEV simply gives you a FULL HP recovery in battle. But that's all. Though if you use it outside of the dome, it's used up and vanishes forever. Poof! So if you decide to equip the LEV, make sure you Equip it, and not Use it when doing so. Both of these healers can be used Once Per Battle. I hope that helps!
  12. LOL That's FINE! That's just the fastest you could get there via regular training, if you really really wanted to! Just go at whatever pace works for you. If you want to work on other stats instead of level, go for that. If you decide to work on level there are always Terror Trove and Faerie Fortune Scratchcards too that can yield levels. Though, those can go to ANY pet, not just your active one. My vandagyre I think is at level 42, ALL "stolen" levels from scratching scratchcards when my peophin was active. lol Kitchen Quests can also sometimes yield levels, but those, like when stat points are awarded, go to your active pet. So you've got some options to up your level without doing the regular training. Just in the way of playing the game regularly.
  13. You're very welcome! I'm glad I could offer some good advice. Typically I tend to think on a lower budget system, but if you really want to splurge. lol I can come up with some EXPENSIVE gear for you too. Happy battling!
  14. Hi @Wildbreeze! For a beginner set, it's not bad! Well, for starters, to replace Scroll of the Scholar, if you've got 800 plot points already, you could get a Void Blade from the prize shop. It's 16 constant icons and the voidlings have one! lol They're still not buyable on the shop wiz, so that's just a suggestion. if you want to save some NP, you can buy one from a user if you want to save your prize points though. A CHEAPER though potentially stronger option would be to buy a Turned Tooth, 13-22 icons with an average of between 15-16 icons. Since it has variable offense. It can be pretty powerful and even at it's weakest it would be stronger than you other multi-use weapons. Price has SKYROCKETED though, about 800k for ONE now. So I recommend buying one soon if you're going to! Replace Gilded War Hammer for Hanso Charisma Charm. The charm has 10 icon attack and defends ALL darkness. For your healer. It would actually get you a bit of profit if you sold your Rejuvenating Jar of Brains and bought a Feel Better Soup. the RJoB heals 60hp, Feel Better Soup heals 50% and defends all Air on the turn it's used. Also, it's cheaper. But it's up to you, just a suggestion. Leaf shield is ok, but not too useful right now with the voidlings, still save it since it might be more useful later. Keep Downsize! Obviously keep Varia is the Bomb! XD Hmm... Bow of the Hegelob can be replaced... If you're truly willing to spend upwards of 10 mil, maybe a 2nd Turned Tooth? You may not need it for the first wave(s) but perhaps further down the line it will come in handy? Snowager Sword.. It's weak, but it gives you some fire protection, which is not an easy element to block. Still, I'd almost want to recommend downgrading the attack to a Scarab Ring to increase the Defense a little. 6attack instead of 7, but 3 fire but also 3 physical for defense. Hmm.... Well, I'm thinking budget again. You could probably use something for protection. Let's see, Fire protection, and something that can block some physical. How about a Solar Flare Shield? Blocks 3 each of Air, Fire, Physical and Water. For about 80,000np. Ooo I REMEMBER now! The Water Powered Pistol! 13 Icon attack and 5 icon Fire defense! About 300,000 right now on the Shop Wiz! Let's see, I trust you have the ability Lens Flare, right? So against the Voidlings you should be using Lens Flare, plus Varia is the Bomb, plus, Scroll of the Scholar since it's your 2nd strongest weapon right now at 10 icons. The only reason to use Lens Flare at your level against Voidlings is to stop them from using Halitosis, which can make your pet sick and have to withdraw from the waves of fights. My pet had to and then had to heal from Water Eyes before he could fight again. Quite annoying, but he was still able to earn the max 200 prize points for the day despite being interrupted. As far as training goes, you're close to the 250 boosts, so get your strength there first, and focus on either HP or Defense. However fits your style of play. There's no boost for getting your HP to 250, it just keeps you fighting longer, but the boost for defense is the same as it is for Strength, so you'll cut damage down 5.5 damage with your defense at 250, just like at 250 your strength will inflict 5.5 damage per icon dealt to your enemy! I hope this helps! If you have any questions feel free to ask. I try to check the forum a couple of times a day.
  15. Well, if my math is right, and it might be SLIGHTLY off. But if you trained non-stop. You could be at level 250 in 94.75 days. Or, 94 Days, 18 hours, about. It's up to you if you want to go for it. You could get a lot of Red Stones during that time too, plus the plot would probably still be running. Also, the first level of Red Stone training takes 4 hours. So you can take the number of red stones you have and count each on as 4 hours of training until you get your stats caught up. So, it's up to you, whatever you think is more viable for you to do. it's completely up to you. I've never been a major fan of the power leveling strategy, but with the price of Eo's, and the training time during an actual plot with massive inflation. I can see it being a more viable option than during peacetime. So yeah, totally your call. Whatever you do is fine! You'll still do fine in the plot! Though I will say, it might be useful getting to level 200 so you have access to the Warlocks Rage ability. For future waves. It's the same as Lens Flare, so you'd get 2 free turns to attack instead of 1! After battling this first wave, since the Voidlings have Halitosis, Lens flare and going for a 1-round knock-out is a good strategy to avoid getting sick in battle and having your string of battles cut-short. Happened to me once and I had to heal my peophin from Watery Eyes before he could fight again. LOL
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