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  1. Today
  2. Tarla is in! Your Semidemiquaver & You
  3. Yesterday
  4. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 3. fyora 4. art 5. two 7. bouncing 8. bib 9. benny 12. advent Down: 1. toy 2. ham 3. fortune 5. tag 6. bite 7. bbq 10. nova 11. ant What trophy features a Cybunny holding a star? Answer: Pet Spotlight Prize: 590 NP
  5. Which faction are you joining for this round? So, vote! Good luck! You must win in minimal 10 battles each round in order to win the boons. Oxbridge Prediction:
  6. Ah, the Annual Chocolate Ball. While not as grand as a pet day, it's become one of my favorite site updates; if only because Chocolate and Candy pets are amongst my favorite, design wise! Low-key sad that my hopes that they'd upgrade a current Chocolate pet's design that's more lackluster nowadays, like Ruki or Korbat, but I'll also happily take this day as an update with candy designs! Especially with how charming this Chia came out! Mike and Ike, what a fun candy to bring in, design-wise! Even if personally I do dislike those candies, if only because their taste just doesn't please me. I also like the clothes! The hat, not so much, but the dress is so charming, and the ice cream certainly a tasty customization addition! And goodness, what a quaint background to go wonderfully with the more edible pet designs! Finally, how could I not mention the charming petpets! The Geb is by far the runaway winner, in my honest opinion; it's a Toblerone! What's not to love! Though, the Walking Carpet design has a certain nostalgic feel to it! What a spectacular day!
  7. Last week
  8. Reminder that the NC Mall will be down for maintenance starting September 17th until September 18th to upgrade payment servers.
  9. Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
  10. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 3. tag 4. gabar 7. pink 8. lamp 9. bite 10. bib 11. quarry Down: 1. nova 2. battle 5. ruki 6. apple 9. bbq 10. ball 12. uni 13. red Which is NOT a flavour of smoothie? Answer: Dirt Prize: 502 NP
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