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  2. Negg Latte x1 Starry Biscuit Jar x2 Pale Elixir x3 woo hoo finally
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  6. The ray is fired at RuinedChildhood... ... and he changes colour to Sketch!!
  7. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 3. bite 4. fortune 5. toy 6. nova 8. ylana 10. dua 11. dice 12. drenched 13. shed Down: 1. blue 2. arnold 3. benny 4. fyora 7. acres 9. nine Emperor Yun was very upset about which Princess being kidnapped? Answer: Princess Lunara Prize: 500 NP and Candy Gelert Plushie
  8. The Relic Uni might be one of my personal favorites for this Color!! I love the green gem additions to the hoofs, horn, and eyes, it goes so well with the vines and moss, and the texture of it all is just fantastic! The Fabled Uni Outfit is super cool too! The beak and horn make it look so menacing, and not to mention the wings!! I adore spooky stuff like this, so I'd definitely look for this if I had an Uni! The Dappled Markings are neat! I enjoy when they add little customizations like this to make the Pets feel more like the animals they're based off of, it's very fun! Real great day, Unis!
  9. Last week
  10. Neopets Colouring Book is set to launch later this month on th 18th and comes with a special code: COLOURBOOK. You can head to Grundo's Warehouse to submit it and earn a new stamp for the Other V page! Colouring Book Stamp
  11. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 3. blue 4. bbq 5. nova 8. undo 9. tag 10. bite 12. sink 13. ixi Down: 1. alton 2. bib 4. brothers 6. one 7. armin 8. ugga 11. skirt What day is Symol Day? Answer: 23rd of Collecting Prize: 480 NP
  12. i didn't even realize these games still existed .. i don't think i ever played them before i hope no one is seriously affected
  13. The ray is fired at randomsilliness... ... and she changes colour to Cloud!! Blue Slorgclops Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
  14. honestly I find myself less and less likely to sell off my prizes after all this. Too much of my gallery has been devalued at this point to sell the higher value prizes while they're being re-released.
  15. Hi, thanks for the reply I wanted to know too.
  16. you could always try to negotiate with this user if you want this pet.
  17. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 5. altalaphus 7. bow 8. gabar 9. ant 11. ruki 12. nova 14. advent 15. rock Down: 1. dua 2. glubgar 3. alton 4. tag 6. pawprint 10. bite 13. art Where can you buy the Sky Full of Stars background? Answer: Ugga Shinies Prize: 458 NP
  18. A serious security issue has been discovered involving the games Kacheekers, Geos, and Armada on Neopets. These games are currently unsafe to play, as they may expose your account to malicious attacks. TNT has been alerted by the ambassadors team, but until the problem is resolved, it's best to avoid visiting any pages related to these games. If you've played them recently, we encourage everyone to update their passwords as soon as possible. NeoPass users can change their password here while non-NeoPass holders can do so here.
  19. I love the Relic Uni the Fabled Uni outfit is brillant and the Spots are amazing Great Uni Day !!!
  20. Tarla is in! The Lucky Paw
  21. glad to hear you are back and virtual hugs on the life changes
  22. Relic Exotic Foods
  23. Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of communication, per my last post the Runway had to be put on hold due to a lot of life circumstances that I was dealing with, you can view that post here. Believe the last time I was able to post an update was back in November. Due to the instability of our situation I was not sure when would be a good time to start the contest back up again as I didn't want to have to start it and then stop it again should we not have a stable internet connection for me to be able to continue to run it. We were able to get put up in a hotel until the end of January (but during the whole process it was unknown just how long we'd be there.) with some help, luckily around the end of our stay and beginning of Feb we purchased a home on a land contract. We are currently there and will be staying here indefinitely. It's unfortunate that the home needs a lot of repairs (such as HVAC can't be ran due to asbestos, the hot water heater is rusted and in bad condition which meant it had to be removed and the kitchen is gutted), however we got a great deal on it, it's a work in progress, but it's shelter. I don't believe I mentioned this before because we did not know when I first posted about the hold of the contest back in September, but we are also expecting our first child this May. So there may be a period of time during that month where the contest will not be ran, but will start back up again after I've recovered from that adjusted to that new part of our life haha It's been a very hard few months for us and we're currently just trying to re-build, we had to give up a lot of our possessions when we lost our home but are slowly getting things back, like furniture and appliances, so we're getting there VERY slowly, but surely! I appreciate the patience from everyone! I will officially be starting it back up come the 9th of this month and it will be going sometime up until I've had our baby in May which will bring another pause, but shorter this time! Hope everyone is doing well! Excited to have it going again!
  24. The Daily and Weekly Quest Log prize pool got a complete refresh today, featuring some new and returning prizes. Visit our guide to see what's new! This new batch is expected to stick around until sometime in May 2025. Got a prize not on our list? Contact us! VIEW OUR GUIDE
  25. Which faction are you joining for this round? So, vote! Good luck! You must win in minimal 10 battles each round in order to win the boons. Oxbridge Prediction:
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