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GlitchtaleLover last won the day on March 6

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  1. I like challenging themes like this, I can't wait to see what colors everyone chooses!
  2. The Coconut one is so precious! I like when they do more creative things with pretty simple Colors, instead of just painting the Kiko like a real coconut, it actually has leaves and drink decorations! Kinda morbid to have a straw in it's head... But it does look cute. The two Outfits are pretty similar, so I'll just sum up how I feel about them both - They're cool! At first, I thought they were a bit too chaotic with all the decorations, but it's really adorable seeing the Kiko's eyes peering out between all the plants! Plus, the flowers do look really pretty, I could see the headpieces being good in customization! A pretty cool day, Kikos!
  3. Usually, I'm not super excited for Burlap Pets, they tend to feel a little too "off-putting" for me. But this one is just plain adorable! The swirly cotton for hair, the two-toned button eyes, and the big stitched-on mouth are all really great! Happy to have found a Burlap Pet I do find pure cuteness. The Barista Outfit is lovely, I like that the apron is separated from the shirt, I get a little upset when good sets have stuff combined - makes it harder to use it for customization! Honestly, I'm upset this is a species-restricted Outfit... That Sea Witch dress is pure elegance! The hair and the crown are stunning, and the staff is beautiful. What's not to love here?! A perfect Outfit, I wish I had a Tuskaninny, gah! A truly amazing day, Tuskaninnies!
  4. Ice isn't exactly a bad Color for me, so this choice isn't too upsetting. They'd have to get through the okay Colors to give us the better ones someday, right? I do like the polished look of this one, though. I really like this Roadside Bandit Outfit! The hood on the cape having little cut-outs for the ears and horn is adorable, the colors feel very gloomy and go together well, plus the sword is a neat touch! Pretty cool day for the Ixis!
  5. (So sad I was late to this!! Flotsams are my favorite Neopet ahhh!!) The Marble is BEAUTIFUL! The colors aren't too much on the eyes, and the blue and sandy yellow pair so well together! Definitely a great idea for this Color! And the Outfit... I'm going to try and get my hands on it as quick as I can lol, I love the water theme! It looks truly gorgeous, just what the Flotsam deserves A delightful day for the delightful Flotsams!
  6. The Mosaic Acara... isn't really for me. I think the multi-color part could do well if the pieces were bigger, here, they look too chaotic for me to really appreciate it. It'd also be a lot easier to see the other features, as I think the amethyst-looking ears, nose, and paws are great! But when paired with that big collection of colors... It's just not a good combo. The Casual Kawaii Outfit is really cute, though! I REALLY wish the skirt was separated from the hoodie, because both pieces look great, but it'd be fun to pair them with other wearables! The Doglefox purse is adorable, and it may just be my love of Petpets, but they should've added some kinda Doglefox decal on one of the other pieces of clothing! And is that Falkor, now in Neopet form?! I loved Neverending Story when I was younger, and I think a mystical dragon would fit right in for Neopia! I couldn't see myself buying or using this set, but it's an adorable piece of nostalgia for me anyways. A pretty fun day for the Acaras!
  7. Haha, understandable! The ocean definitely has some freaky animals. Glad they're not up here.
  8. Here's my link as well. https://gleam.io/t6BuI-91l0Defkeh-4l2ni
  9. I ADORE this Maraquan Nimmo! It's the Japanese Spider Crab!! I have such a fascination with these huge crustaceans haha, so I have a big bias. But it looks really cool here too! And the Outfit looks to be inspired by Princess and The Frog! The huge dress is adorable, and the crown + Greeble only tie it all together. Really neat idea! I'm a big fan of Nimmos already, so this day is perfect for me!
  10. I really like the Candy Quiggle, I'm surprised they haven't done something like it before! Looks like a delicious sour gummy frog, and equally as adorable! The Dapper Outfit is quite nice, the sepia color tones make each piece really set the aesthetic! The Quirky Outfit is adorable, I love the eyes and the blush together, plus the fun t-shirt. The eyes are all a nice bonus too, they're all pretty basic so I don't have much to say, but I can totally see them being useful in many customizations! A very delightful day, Quiggles!
  11. The Toy Jubjub is so fun! I'm guessing it's meant to be those stretchy rubber balls with the stringy "noodles"? I could be completely off, that's just my best guess lol! Whatever it is, it's very colorful and delightful, which is perfect for any toy! And a little Soot Sprite!! How cute! I love the big eyes with the fuzzy background, and the stars and coal only add to the fun. I love themed Outfits that reference other media, this one is especially adorable! A lovely day for the Jubjubs!
  12. Cute Strawberry Peophin! Love the leafy mane The Fyora dress is incredible!! I adore the colors, and each piece looks amazing on its own!! And the Iridescent one is amazing too! Each part looks fresh and delightful! Happy Fyora Day everyone!!
  13. Despite only being the insides of a Yurble, the Transparent Color is surprisingly still cute! Not much else I can say about this pile of bones The koala is adorable! I love the texture of the fur, plus the eucalyptus leaves is a nice touch! I love the little expression on the Yurble's face too, slightly mischievous! An adorable day, Yurbles!
  14. The Origami Koi is really neat! I love the color choice, and the swirls on the fin paper add that nice ocean charm I do wish the expression was a little more defined, it's so cute, but the folds of the paper mask it a little bit... Still a nice design, though! A beta fish Koi! I adore the colors on this one, and it looks so cute and elegant! Beta fish are an animal I've loved, so that certainly helps! Still, I wish they blended the body color in a little more with the fins. The sea-green does look nice, however, it stands out a little too much compared to the well-blended pink, blue, and purple. Those eyes work really well, though, wish I could have those alone. A magnificent day for the Kois!
  15. Unfortunately, scratchcards only let you scratch off 6 out of the 9 spots available. I'm not sure why they do this, but it just makes it harder to win. You have to get a 3 of a kind, so getting half of the 6 to match is much harder than out of 9. It is unfair to put all 9 up there and limit you, though, so I get the feeling.
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