hrtbrk Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 It's time to vote for the next new paint brushes in Neopia! Vote for Steampunk, Toy, Origami or Burlap Doll. Voting closes on the 26th. Steam Punk | Origami Toy | Burlap Doll Quote
kayahtik Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 Wait, is this real? Like, are TNT actually going to implement the results of this poll? I've never heard of that before I think Steampunk is probably my favorite. Origami is a cool idea, but doesn't seem very practical to me in a customizing sense. Toy is fine, I guess, but...idk, lackluster in some way. And Burlap Doll...why? Quote
GillyTook Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 I'm wondering if toy would have different looks for each species. I lean towards steampunk as well, though. Quote
Scoobert_Doo Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 Not really liking any of these. Why did they have to use Gelerts to model Steampunk and Origami?! Feel like it's going to be another disappointing Gelert Day, this year. Anyhow, Steampunk looks more like Robot, to me. I like origami and Gelerts, but the Origami Gelert just doesn't seem to work. Toy looks alright. I like the springy tail, but that is all that makes it look like a toy. Sure, the Lenny looks shiny, but it looks like a "new and improved" Yellow Lenny. The Burlap Doll is creepy, in a Haunted Woods, Halloween way. I like the Haunted Woods and Halloween, so it is a good creepy. Zombie Ghosterchief might be a good petpet for it. The details on all are fairly good, but I guess it is the concepts of them. Seems they could have come up with better ideas. Well, that is my 2¢. hpb63094, Mouseykins and GillyTook 3 Quote
rntracy1 Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 29 minutes ago, Scoobert_Doo said: Not really liking any of these. Why did they have to use Gelerts to model Steampunk and Origami?! Feel like it's going to be another disappointing Gelert Day, this year. Anyhow, Steampunk looks more like Robot, to me. I like origami and Gelerts, but the Origami Gelert just doesn't seem to work. Toy looks alright. I like the springy tail, but that is all that makes it look like a toy. Sure, the Lenny looks shiny, but it looks like a "new and improved" Yellow Lenny. The Burlap Doll is creepy, in a Haunted Woods, Halloween way. I like the Haunted Woods and Halloween, so it is a good creepy. Zombie Ghosterchief might be a good petpet for it. The details on all are fairly good, but I guess it is the concepts of them. Seems they could have come up with better ideas. Well, that is my 2¢. We are on the same page scoobs because that is what I was going to say. Steampunk does INDEED look like Robot, very much so. Toy does not look like toy to me, it looks like gold, or like you said Scoobs, a very bright, yellow Lenny. The origami is ok. The burlap could be cute but I am not liking the legs/knees on that Lenny AT ALL! I guess if I HAD to vote for one of them, it would be origami only because it is the least uh, weird, and the most like it is supposed to look. Scoobert_Doo 1 Quote
babayaga67 Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 I agree with @Scoobert_Doo and @rntracy1 on the Gelert Steampunk looking like a robot. I think that they were going for a toy duck look with the Lenny, in which case I like that it would be a paintbrush with more variety and creativity (at least that is what I'm hoping). I'll say toy, then steapunk, then burlap and origami last. Quote
queen_hatshepset Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 Oh man I am having a hard time deciding between Steampunk or Burlap! How cool is this. I can't wait to see what the results are at the end! Quote
ashleagh Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 I wonder if the top two will wind up with PBs. Isn't that what happened last time with the Marble and Candy PBs? I would be fine with any of them expect the burlap...way too creepy for me! On a side note, does anyone else wish they would focus on releasing all pets in the PB colours they already have, rather than introducing more colours? Quote
Angeló Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 Awesome! You have voted for Steampunk. Thanks for voting! i think its going t win by a landslide The Burlap is cute but i need more machines kayahtik 1 Quote
pulpfreeoj Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 Probably the only person in the world who voted for Burlap Doll. It looks so creepy and handmade, I can't resist! I predict steampunk's probably going to win. We get to look forward to pets with gears and monocles pasted on random body parts wearing top hats and corsets on the outside of their clothes. Also, I think the Toy is supposed to be a shiny new action figure? You can see the pins where the "joints" are and the springy tail reminds me of some of the actual action figure and other springy toy items in Neopia. The resemblance to a rubber duck is probably just because it happens to be a Lenny in a yellow color, lol. casperiscaptain 1 Quote
casperiscaptain Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 46 minutes ago, pulpfreeoj said: Probably the only person in the world who voted for Burlap Doll. It looks so creepy and handmade, I can't resist! I predict steampunk's probably going to win. We get to look forward to pets with gears and monocles pasted on random body parts wearing top hats and corsets on the outside of their clothes. Also, I think the Toy is supposed to be a shiny new action figure? You can see the pins where the "joints" are and the springy tail reminds me of some of the actual action figure and other springy toy items in Neopia. The resemblance to a rubber duck is probably just because it happens to be a Lenny in a yellow color, lol. Yeah I voted for burlap too. I think its quite cute actually.. in an old rugged, endearing way. Quote
Picklesuprize Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 I love the idea of Origami, however it would look much nicer if the "paper" was of brighter colour variety and also had cool patterns on it just like real origami paper! ranga_muffin and hpb63094 2 Quote
BEE. Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 I love both Steam Punk and Origami, but I think Steam Punk will be easier to work with when customising pets Quote
Musical_Shoyru Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 I'm pretty sure Steampunk will win by a HUGE landslide. I don't think it looks robotic at all, however I've been to alot of anime conventions and have cosplayed A LOT including Steampunk outfits and have seen a lot of Steampunk cosplay's so I guess I've just been around it alot to see it looks great? The toy one is pretty cute, but I didn't see anything about it that reminded me of "Toy" just looks shiny. I wonder if a wind up screw on it's back would of been better, or more of a Rubber Ducky look? As far as Origami and Burlap Sac, simply hideous! Gross! I do not like them at all. I'm really hoping Toy and Steampunk win cause I am not looking forward to seeing a bunch of Burlap Sac and Origami pets xD All I can think about is the movie Nine when I see the Burlap color and that movie was just creepy and ended bad IMO, so seeing that just gives me bad vibes. xD Fun Fact; I'm actually allergic to Burlap in real life xD @kayahtik they did do this once before with the Marble and Candy PB, except for they both ended up getting a PB, I'm wondering if this will be like that too? Err 1 Quote
ranga_muffin Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 unpopular opinion, but i quite like the origami and toy options. i've never been a fan of steampunk and so far the burlap doesn't work for me as a colour. @ashleaghi agree that it'd be good if they'd finish off the older colours, but at the same time I am excited by the prospect of new colours! Quote
charelan Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 10 hours ago, kayahtik said: Wait, is this real? Like, are TNT actually going to implement the results of this poll? I've never heard of that before I think Steampunk is probably my favorite. Origami is a cool idea, but doesn't seem very practical to me in a customizing sense. Toy is fine, I guess, but...idk, lackluster in some way. And Burlap Doll...why? lol I totally chose burlap doll... I don't know why! I like customizing with a neutral base and I think these could look pretty cute! Musical_Shoyru 1 Quote
lakecat Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 I'll be voting for Steampunk. If I had a 2nd choice, it would be Toy. I think they are trying for shiny plastic cuteness. On any design, it would be nice to see a wider range of pets to sample before choosing. Maybe the artists have already done that, but no one will bother to post all of the potential new looks for all the pets. EDIT: I changed my mind. I voted Toy in hopes it will get enough votes to be the next new brush after Steampunk. I also think it will look good on many pets. Let's remember, this is basically a toy based imaginary world, so I'm trusting the artists will have fun playing with this theme. I'm also curious if "toy" will always mean plastic, or if it could have features such as fake hair and other non-smooth surfaces and textures. Maybe there could even be a mix of materials, including thin pieces of metal, as many toys have in addition to just plastic. Quote
Nielo Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 2 hours ago, Musical_Shoyru said: I'm pretty sure Steampunk will win by a HUGE landslide. I don't think it looks robotic at all, however I've been to alot of anime conventions and have cosplayed A LOT including Steampunk outfits and have seen a lot of Steampunk cosplay's so I guess I've just been around it alot to see it looks great? The toy one is pretty cute, but I didn't see anything about it that reminded me of "Toy" just looks shiny. I wonder if a wind up screw on it's back would of been better, or more of a Rubber Ducky look? As far as Origami and Burlap Sac, simply hideous! Gross! I do not like them at all. I'm really hoping Toy and Steampunk win cause I am not looking forward to seeing a bunch of Burlap Sac and Origami pets xD All I can think about is the movie Nine when I see the Burlap color and that movie was just creepy and ended bad IMO, so seeing that just gives me bad vibes. xD Fun Fact; I'm actually allergic to Burlap in real life xD @kayahtik they did do this once before with the Marble and Candy PB, except for they both ended up getting a PB, I'm wondering if this will be like that too? I loved that film! This almost makes me consider voting for Burlap. (Almost.) It'd be nice if 2 of the options would end up actually becoming a paint brush. Last time only Floral didn't get its own brush. I'm not sure which one I'll be voting for yet; probably Steampunk or Toy, I could see both having some really nice looking pets. Quote
Angeló Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 4 hours ago, Musical_Shoyru said: All I can think about is the movie Nine when I see the Burlap color and that movie was just creepy and ended bad IMO, so seeing that just gives me bad vibes. xD this is exactly what i saw too ..... and that movie was very depressing Musical_Shoyru 1 Quote
acmerasta Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 I think all have their own charm but I voted for steampunk because I'm definitely into that lol. Hopefully all 4 get PBs though. Angeló 1 Quote
jellysundae Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 Hmm! I like all of them, I totally agree that Steampunk will likely win by a landslide, also that Origami's cool but not easy to work with. I think I share @lakecat's view on wanting Toy to be the second winner (assuming they do the same as last time, and surely with 4 to choose from there won't just be one winner?) because that SHOULD have a chance at variety even if they are all plastic toys, which the Burlap option's not likely to have. Having said that I do like Burlap, the creepy without being limited to Hallowe'en look appeals to me a lot, though I don't think I'd want a pet of mine to have that look long term. Steampunk's going to be the best option, I'd imagine, as there will be cool items that you can use for cross-painting. I can't see any of the other options ever having clothes or accessories. So yep, voted for Steampunk, and Toy and my second account, if I had 3 accounts I'd have voted for Burlap too, lol.. lakecat 1 Quote
hpb63094 Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 I for sure see steampunk winning by a landslide, which isn't a huge disappointment, but I'm not super excited about it either. It just reminds me a lot of existing paintbrush colors and available customizations. But hey, new neutral base colors? Maybe? The origami one is really cute, but it for sure would be difficult to dress, which probably isn't making it a frontrunner. Still, I like paintbrushes that can stand alone and look super interesting without heavy customization. It takes me back (like most of you, I'm sure) to when there was no other option but paintbrushes for customization. (*cue old person screaming "get off my lawn"*) Toy has potential to be good, but then again so did marble, and candy, and so many others that are now often lackluster and impossible to distinguish from one another. If they actually execute it well, I'd be excited to see where they take it. I heard someone mention maybe making the gelert or xweetok have a slinky body, which would be super cute! Burlap is cool and creepy, like a Halloween plushie or something! I'm not sure how many people will go for something like that, but I like it, and it seems super customizable. Hooray for (maybe) new spooky paintbrushes! It's a pretty good showing, all in all. I just hope the designs are good no matter what new paintbrush(es) is selected, because there's been disappointment in the past (I'm looking at you, marble!) jellysundae 1 Quote
Denko_Sekka Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 1 hour ago, hpb63094 said: I for sure see steampunk winning by a landslide, which isn't a huge disappointment, but I'm not super excited about it either. It just reminds me a lot of existing paintbrush colors and available customizations. But hey, new neutral base colors? Maybe? The origami one is really cute, but it for sure would be difficult to dress, which probably isn't making it a frontrunner. Still, I like paintbrushes that can stand alone and look super interesting without heavy customization. It takes me back (like most of you, I'm sure) to when there was no other option but paintbrushes for customization. (*cue old person screaming "get off my lawn"*) Toy has potential to be good, but then again so did marble, and candy, and so many others that are now often lackluster and impossible to distinguish from one another. If they actually execute it well, I'd be excited to see where they take it. I heard someone mention maybe making the gelert or xweetok have a slinky body, which would be super cute! Burlap is cool and creepy, like a Halloween plushie or something! I'm not sure how many people will go for something like that, but I like it, and it seems super customizable. Hooray for (maybe) new spooky paintbrushes! It's a pretty good showing, all in all. I just hope the designs are good no matter what new paintbrush(es) is selected, because there's been disappointment in the past (I'm looking at you, marble!) Marble a disappointment? All the designs have literally been stylized after marbles. The Marble Shoyru, Bori, and Ixi have all been a stellar example of how the idea can look if properly dedicated to. On topic though I voted Burlap because Toy and Origami felt lackluster (origami could be nice idea but needs more work). Steampunk is ok, but feels like a brush people will paint for the clothes and then paint over it again. Burlap just makes the most sense to me. Quote
hrtbrk Posted January 20, 2018 Author Posted January 20, 2018 Hoping Steampunk and Burlap win. Steam punk is a colour players have wanted for YEARS and i think it will be the next Stealthy but with an easier to customize base. I hope the clothes are drawn better in the future because the art style does not match the rest (imo). Burlap is nice. It's so different and I love the variety it brings. Not everything needs to be bright and "girly". Toy might be cool if they used a different example. Like what is it? A plastic looking pet with a spring tail? PASS. That said, I think it's the only 'authentic' Neopets looking pet that they drew out of the 4. hpb63094 1 Quote
maypls Posted January 21, 2018 Posted January 21, 2018 On 1/19/2018 at 10:23 PM, ashleagh said: On a side note, does anyone else wish they would focus on releasing all pets in the PB colours they already have, rather than introducing more colours? I agree! I noticed someone on the Help chat neoboard thread about this say that some pets are almost out of colors though, like the Aisha. Still, I feel like we used to get new pet colors not just on pet days...just another thing I miss from the well-staffed Viacom and prior days. I voted for Toy, it's the one I can most likely see myself actually painting. I'm personally disinterested in the other three designs, and I also think they chose boring pets to model the colors on; the only one I really get a feel for is the origami Gelert but I still don't like the color. But that's of course just a personal opinion. Quote
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