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Sciurus carolinensis

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Posts posted by Sciurus carolinensis

  1. Here she is. I customized her clothes a bit differently than when she was painted wraith. I can tell you now that the blocky edges are slightly harder to work with than normal. They stick out a bit with certain dresses and hats. Not as bad as chocolate painted pets though. Showing off her snowbunny at the same time because why not. 


    edit- Further experimentation revealed something interesting. I used the stealthy kacheek wrap, which on a smooth bodied kacheek wraps around the tip of the tail. On the origami kacheek, it sits inside the tail, suggesting that the origami texture is a "shell" that can't be removed. Had to really zoom in to stay within the size limit of attachments.



  2. As of tonight I have an origami kacheek. It was sort of an impulsive decision, so I hope I don't regret it. My wraith kacheek was very hard to customize, so I would have painted her something else eventually. I'll share a screenshot tomorrow, as I'm going to bed. Goodnight!

  3. Just got my highest score ever (53) on Test your Strength, as well as a spooky food (Coffee of the Dead) that's selling for a little over 65,000 NP at the lowest. I already have it in my gallery, so it's going into my shop. I've been doing more of the dailies that tend to be less profitable just for fun. Today it paid off. Here's a screenshot as proof.


  4. There's an extra 500 NC on my account that I don't think I bought. It just appeared in the last few hours. I'm not sure if it's a mistake, or if whoever was in charge of reimbursing people who bought stuff from Overpowered finally came through. I would expect a note if that were the case though- either by e-mail, neomail, or twitter. I'm not using it just yet to be safe.

  5. On 1/5/2020 at 4:46 PM, hrtbrk said:

    Looks great and must have felt even better finally getting one.

    What's your next goal?

    Getting some sleep so I have the energy to reply on time! Joking aside, after I've gotten the paint brush to make it rainbow I'll go back to what's on my gallery wishlist. Got some pretty expensive foods that I paused saving for in order to complete this goal. None as expensive as the meowclops though.

  6. I've been saving up for a meowclops for over a month. I wanted to keep the petpet as well as get the avatar, so the ALP wasn't an option. Yesterday, I spotted one while browsing the auctions that was just a tiny bit more than I had. Thankfully it was still available once I sold a nerkmid and played a bit of Ghoul Catchers. I was so excited that i was refreshing the auction page over and over, but finally it was in my inventory. I attached it for the avatar, then immediately unattached it and went to the cooking pot because at some point I had decided that what I really wanted was a slorgclops. Eventually it will be painted rainbow, but it will be a few weeks before I can afford to do that.

    Everyone, meet Mayhem_5_5_5's new squishy one-eyed friend. Name changes may occur.!





    Finally got the number six avatar! Now to continue saving for my meowclops. Almost there!

    According to current market trends, this asparagus should cost 5,023,641 NP per kilogram.



    Edit- 1/5/2020 this is a good month so far. Got the Meowclops avatar yesterday. Also yesterday, I obtained a score of 3360 in Korbat's Lab which meant I woke up to the Freaked Korbat avatar. Yay me!



    Edit 3/2/2020 Got the Babaa - Math's Nightmare avatar with a score of 5760 last night. Beat my previous high score from who knows how long ago by 60 points. I picked the division setting on potato counter mode because it's the highest scoring setting that I don't have to think on. The only limit is clicking and typing speed. Hopefully someone else gets a new avatar soon so I can post a new post next time. 


  8. 2 hours ago, Yuiina said:

    Does it change gender often or? 


    I'm not sure of the odds. I'll do some testing now. He has six equipped items, one of which has that effect. Two can be used at once, and I don't know if it's random or not for the first turn. If so, wouldn't the odds be 1 out of 3? I have had him change my pet's gender twice in one battle before though. That was irritating.

    edit- I lost 16 times against him. Forgot to record one battle though, and I should have counted turns as well as overall results, but I'd rather not waste more healing potions. So out of 15 recorded battles my pet changed gender overall 8 times. One of those had three gender changes in one battle. 7 battles resulted in no change, but one of those had the strange potion used twice (which cancels out the change). See why I should have counted turns? 

  9. 38 minutes ago, Yuiina said:

    I'm aware of that but I don't do BD. My pets are not equipped... 

    I'd rather ask someone else to have my pet for a while and change it for me (I think that's allowed, right?) 

    My lab pets are never equipped, but I can still fight with them. There's a fist option for weaponless pets. They don't have to win, they just have to have the right weapon used on them. Might take several losses, but just use the cheapest healing potion and repeat. Only one health point is needed minimum to enter a fight.

  10. The time tables that were linked to on this very very old thread are no longer accessible due to the demise of TinyPic. I quickly created one on Excel, and in case other people want to use it I'm sharing a blank copy. Not sure if the formatting will make sense to anyone else, but I'm just marking the document using the fill option. Hours (in 24 hour time) are along the top. One minute increments count down vertically from each hour. Please let me know if this works.

    Magma Pool Times Copy.xlsx

  11. 3 hours ago, jaydeed said:

    You were a bit unlucky with only 5 r90s but even so, yes, you swap one r80 toy for so much more! I open a few at a time or it gets tedious but there's a trick to it, hard to describe; in the little pop up box, try rapid clicking on 'submit' and f5in a sort of rhythm .

    I alternate between f5 and enter, no clicking needed. Does that work for you? Not sure if it depends on your browser.

    I just went from 24 CC points (12 Pawkeet Pinatas) to a total of 88 points. Got 6 items in the 90s. So buying them every once in a while is a good strategy. Not too often though, otherwise the price inflates.

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