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Sciurus carolinensis

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Posts posted by Sciurus carolinensis

  1. Got this Neomail along with the hat that was released on Kacheek day. Thank you to the wishing well! I'm putting it on one of my Kacheeks immediately.

    Congratulations! Your wish has really come true! That donation of 25 NeoPoints you made to the Neopian Wishing Well was worth it, because you have been granted the following item : Explorer Kacheek Hat . It will be in your inventory when you go to Neopets next.


    Edit- That's disappointing. I don't like how it looks at all. Sits a bit too far back for my taste. I'll sell it. It's going for a lot since it's a new item. But that won't last so I'd better sell it quick.



  2. This was the other day, but I still want to gripe about it. I was impulse buying for my food themed gallery, and due to lag I bought 2 of Radish Meringue for about 40,000 np each. I clicked, didn't think it registered, then clicked again. Oops. Now it's sitting in my shop along with the Butter Gears that I bought for about 14,000 but already had in my gallery. Even though I checked to see if it was there using ctrl-F. Must have had a space in the wrong place. Both are Gourmet foods, so Hopefully someone will want them if I keep them discounted.


  3. Has anyone else noticed that the game still works? I thought the servers would be shut down in December. But I made the usual amount of neopoints yesterday playing level one over and over. Don't know about the level awards though. I've gotten as far as I feel like trying for. 

  4. I think neohomes 2.0 are on the list of things that will be unavailable once flash support ends this month. I wouldn't spend any more neopoints on it. Classic neohomes too, which is too bad because I put a lot of effort into mine. I've been taking screenshots that I plan to turn into something soon. But right now I'm waiting for whatever neohome feature they come up with next.

  5. 11 hours ago, MysteryAF said:

    I'm trying for a Mosaic Grarrl again. Secre found one UFA like a month ago, but that was after I had left. Maybe luck will come through this time.

    I asked for a mosaic grarrl too. But I'm not overly fond of Grarrls so I don't know why I did that.. In the unlikely event that I win, maybe i'll think about adopting her out. 

  6. I'm glad to have been corrected. Thanks to both of you.  I find the game itself incredibly frustrating, so I haven't played in a while. There was I link I was refreshing that I saw shared on here at one point. I didn't know if that was allowed, so I no longer use it. But out of the tips I've seen, the one that gets me a hit the most often is going for the farthest right coconut by aiming for his left eye. Left from his perspective- on the right side of the screen. (It bugs me that Neopets swaps our neopets left and right sides when customizing- if they are facing you, their left arm is on our right)

  7. 58 minutes ago, mandi__23 said:

    I was playing coconut shy when I finally knocked down a coconut. But once I knocked it down, the site froze and no message cam up. I tried to refresh the page and it just restarted the game. Is there anything I should of done or can do to fix that?

    Check to see if you received the avatar, There isn't a pop-up that says if you did. But other than that, I don't know if you have other options. Sorry...

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