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Sciurus carolinensis

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Posts posted by Sciurus carolinensis

  1. It's my first one ever!!! I very rarely check the Kadoatery, given how rarely it is that they want anything I can afford. I was checking someone's user lookup out of interest (She bought something from my shop and her username caught my eye as I was clearing my sales history), and it said she had fed 2 kadoaties in her list of trophies. She inspired me to try my luck, and one wanted a fig. It was in a shop for between 70,000 and 80,000 neopoints, was expensive but still manageable for me! From what I'm reading on the guide, I was lucky to have time to go to the shop wizard and buy the item. Now that I've done iot once, maybe I can do it again! I know the avatar is 75, and that's a long ways off. 


    If the person who's Neopets username is Mastermom is a member of this forum, thanks for inspiring me!

  2. Hi Sciurus carolinensis ! Welcome to TDN Forums. You will find us to be a diverse group of friends that have different interests but all love playing Neopets. I sent you a Welcome package based on your awesome pets : green jubjub, wraith aisha, eventide kacheek, & stealthy usul. Keep or sell the items, whatever helps you out and the snowflake frame is from my snowball fight (I had over the weekend).


    As for help in gaining neopoints, check this thread : http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/47668-shalom/ where many TDN members gave Oliver, another new TDN member, advice on earning neopoints. 


    I hope this helps you start out on your adventure! Good Luck & Happy Gaming!  :santa:

    Thank you! Now I wish I hadn't just morphed my kacheek! I'd been waiting to do that for a while. I had been having difficulty finding him outfits that I liked. Want me to return the kackeek clothes, since he can no longer wear them? Sorry to trouble you.


    Edit- your generosity is overwhelming.

  3. I've been playing neopets for a long time, but only recently started interacting with other users online. I was on JellyNeo's forums, but it isn't very active. I look forward to interacting here. I'm the only one of my offline friends and family who still plays Neopets. My account is 9 years old (plus a few months), but I missed about two years when I got temporarily bored during high school. I'm 23, and studying for a B.S. in Biology at the moment. As you can guess if you know what my username means, I love squirrels. Due to floundering, I've been in college for about 5 1/2 years. At least that's the  term I use. I finally know what I want to study, so that's good. Speaking of studying, I really should get back to work. Finals are next week.


    My favorite Neopets are usuls. I could use some tips on saving neopoints, as I'm always running low. Too many interests, I guess. 


    I eagerly await any responses I may get.

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