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Sciurus carolinensis

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Posts posted by Sciurus carolinensis

  1. I have a Christmas Schnelly for sale. The lowest price on the SSW is about 240,000 np, but there's no point in trying to sell it for that much because the price for buying a regular Schnelly (~80,000) plus a Christmas petpet Paint brush (~20,000) is less than half that. I'm offering her for 90,000 or a speckled negg to anyone on here who's interested. She's a very sweet cat, not at all spooky despite being classified as such.


  2. On 12/1/2019 at 3:12 AM, teprometo said:

    One good thing about having to work an overnight due to unfortunate snow timing:

    Due to my sleep cycle being messed up, I've been awake at the right time enough times to get that avatar and then find out you can lose it ? But thankfully I got it back later.

    I am very pleased to say that I got the Draik - Escape from Meridell Castle last night. I can't seem to get past level 3 no matter how hard I try, so I've been trying to get on the high score table on the first of the last few months. Each month I've been bumped off, but I made it with a score of 250 at last.




  3. 9 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

    Did it too!!!


    Congrats to both of us then :) What avatar will you try for next? I'm saving up for a meowclops. I want one to keep, as I think a ghost painted one would be perfect for one of my pets. In the meantime, I've got a placeholder petpet that I've been waking the turmaculus with. So I'm going for two avatars at once, and feeling slightly guilty at the same time.

  4. 22 hours ago, Yuiina said:

    How cool :D How many times did you try? 

    I actually wasn't counting, but I can tell you it took a lot less time this time around than I expected to click correctly 4 times. I tried last month and was at it for over an hour, and it was too late in the month anyways to expect to get on the high score table with a score of less than 35000 (5 correct clicks). That's why I did it day one this month.

  5. On 10/3/2019 at 3:21 PM, aleu1986 said:

    Finally we enter the month of Eyrie Day! :D  I am sooo hoping for Chocolate, Wraith, Steampunk or Candy! I`ve submitted a request through the Editorial for Chocolate and Wraith (been hoping for them for years!) and I have two FFQs ready to go...
    Also excited about Halloween on Neopets, that`s always fun. I`ve entered my Peophin Peolinn in Jellyneos annual costume contest, dressed up as a mermaid.

    When my pets picked their food, I felt so sorry for Ragaruff, my Pirate Eyrie picking a cup of water... but come to think of it, that does make sense! Sailing the oceans of Neopia, he needs freshwater. ?


    Congrats on your wish for a wraith eyrie coming true :) 

  6. American here, Halloween is my favorite holiday. When I was younger, our parents would take my sisters and I trick-or-treating at our old apartment complex in Davis, California. There were no cars to worry about there. The only thing that ever went wrong was some guy dressed up as a bear to terrify us. He used a bowl of candy with a "take one please" sign as bait, then came around the corner roaring at us. That was mean, and gave me nightmares about bears for a while. Besides that, it's always been about fun for me. And sweets, that's important too. I definitely don't condone demanding candy or destructive behavior. People who don't respect the "no porch light on means this family isn't handing out candy" rule ruin it for everyone, and it's awful that a parent would encourage such behavior.

     I'm too old to trick or treat now, but I still dress up and take a walk to look at decorations. In the past I've helped take my friend's little sisters around the neighborhood. Don't know if I'll do that this year. I'm hoping I'll have time to make a new costume, as I've been a white mouse for about 4 years in a row due to school taking up time. Need ideas though. 

  7. 2 hours ago, hrtbrk said:

    Ive got Doll Eyes and Jars if anyone is in need of a lend.

    Jars will need a GBC (it's on a side) but I'd be willing to lend the eyes for a dyepot. 

    I'd be interested in borrowing the doll eyes, if that's allowed. Really want to try for green, but I traded my own pair a year ago.

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