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Sciurus carolinensis

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Posts posted by Sciurus carolinensis

  1. Are you talking about the counters? You need to be signed into TDN, not just the forums. Then it's under My TDN services. JellyNeo has one too, which I actually prefer because I can enter draws in yooyuball as well as wins. But I don't know how to insert the code into my signature for these forums properly,. I tried last year. I haven't updated my scores yet, which is why they all say zero.


  2. Just got 150 NC for only the second time in my history of playing neopets. Technically I've landed of the blinking tube one other time, but it glitched out and I didn't get the neocash because it froze before the animation had fully completed. I was so mad that day. But today I am happy. Now to decide what to buy. Might save it for whatever Altador Cup NC event they decide on this year.

  3. I have a friend whose family raised foster children for years, and adopted two sisters who they love not as if they were their own but because they are their own. The younger one had a number of developmental disabilities due to their birth mom drinking (and worse) while pregnant. She is currently getting treatment at a facility for children with her condition, and from what I hear the placement is permanent. It was not a matter of giving up on her- I swear to you, they tried everything and will never stop loving her. I will never stop loving her either, and regret deeply that I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. Ultimately, she needed more care than they could provide. I have not read the article you shared yet. Will do so now. 

    edit- Read it. My feelings are that we do not and should not know his placement, so I do not know if such outrage is warranted. I will save my outrage for cases where I know it is deserved.

  4. This happened yesterday, and I screenshotted but forgot to post here. Funny thing is, Chaos520_4_4 had a ghostkerchief for a long time. It was Maraquan for a while, then red, then I sold it and attached a petpet for Turmy to eat. So it's an interesting random event. 

    I see.PNG

  5. One issue I'm having is that, when not on beta, the option to switch to beta shifts the links at the top of the page. This means the logout link is where the link to my inventory used to be, so I keep logging out accidentally. I can get used to it, it will just take time.

    top of page.PNG

  6. 18 hours ago, vialose said:

    Hi everyone! So I received an email about the Beta launch which, needless to say, is very exciting!! Sadly I'm not in the first wave of premium users to have access and I'm so curious about what people think so far- does anyone have opinions yet? 

    I got an e-mail, but don't have access yet. So I think I'm in the same boat as you.

    Edit- Literally got access while in the middle of refreshing at the money tree. Here's the neomail that came with it. 



  7. I play pick your own every day, and while I agree it's mostly not worth the neopoints, I have gotten lucky in the past. Today I may not have gotten any valuable berries, but I think this was still the first time I've clicked on all nine squares and all were edible berries of some kind. No piles of dung to be found! Besides the six that I screenshot in my inventory (because I didn't think about it when the basket was on screen) I discarded three half eaten berries. Might have been a waste technically, but still a first. Also, I notice this thread was last posted in many years ago. Does anyone else play this daily?


  8. 14 minutes ago, 616.1314 said:

    For the catfish, we were talking about Wocky, not Lutari. //

    I see. But Mara Kacheek is a goldfish, which will also die in seawater, which also doesn't make sense.

    Oops. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I think I'll look at the list of maraquan neopets now to see if there are any others that could not live in maraqua if we were to go by their real life inspirations. Are there any saltwater catfish? I'm thinking the list is Kacheek, Wocky, and Lutari. But a lot of them are based on fish I don't recognize so there may be others.

  9. Not a catfish, it's an axolotl. Which means it would shrivel up and die if placed in seawater, so it being maraquan makes little sense.

    edit- Hanso beat me to it. Thanks!

    edit- They are salamanders that never "grow up". The reach reproductive maturity, but never lose their gills and move to land. We discussed them in my herpetology class, and they are fascinating.




  10. Thank you Illusen for the lovely gift of 10,000 np. I will spend it wisely. Probably not actually.


    4/23- Given that I got Jelly from Jelly World just this morning, I think my newest random event is a bit unfair. I don't know how much intelligence was lost. Too bad. The image glitched, which is why there's a blank square instead of my kacheek. Edit- She's never read a book, since I spin the wheel of misfortune with her. I'm going to read her something, because it's not fair that her intelligence now says "dull."insulting.PNG.8c61e6557a487b7ec8e769f8084cf186.PNG

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