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Sciurus carolinensis

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Posts posted by Sciurus carolinensis

  1. My food collection is a bit out of hand. I have very few neopoints at the moment. But hey, I have Spooky Jelly Brains and that's what matters! Ever since saving then spending about 6 million np on it I've been back to the cycle of buying everything that catches my eye that I can afford. Which isn't much now. My gallery has 1167 items and buying more space costs 46,800. I wonder if there's a set limit on gallery size besides what I'm willing to spend. Anyone know? I'm really tired and barely know what I'm typing. Goodnight.


  2. Was too excited to screenshot before checking my inventory. But here's what it said and a screenshot of it now. 

    Nothing seems to happen. Oh wait, check the floor! You might want to catch that Snailien before it crawls away.



  3. My dreams tend to be vivid and have several predictable patterns from dream to dream. For example, If I'm flying I use my feet to steer. Every time. And more often than not I wake up and tell someone about my dream, but I'm still asleep and dreaming. And thirdly, any nightmares involve visual images and a lack of physical control (throat chokes up when trying to talk, seeing through my closed eyes, etc). My strangest recent dream was actually so horrific that I've been refusing to tell anyone hoping that I'll forget it faster. I made that decision as soon as I woke up. Oddly (and irritatingly) enough, two nights later I dreamed that I met up with a friend and told her about the dream I want to forget. I actually added to the scenario. Which turned my nightmare into a composite of two different dreams and made it harder to forget. 

  4. I liked the new Charity petpet so much that I switched out my vullard for it. But my attempt to auction my my vullard didn't go as planned. Last night when I went to bed, it had 2 hours of bidding time left. No one bid, but it has not been returned to me. It's just stuck as "closed." Will submitting a ticket help? Or is this happening to everyone?

    help me im trapped.PNG

  5. Looks like my strategy of spending the points as I went worked out for me. I made a little over 3 million neopoints thus far because I obtained then sold the prizes before they deflated. I'm down to my 1 point items, and expect to be able to afford one or two more prizes. The petpet was so cute that I swapped out a petpet I'd spent many neopoints on to attach it to my acara. Now I have a maractite vullard to sell 🙂 

  6. The discard options from last year are showing up again when i click on items from my inventory. They don't seem to work right, but they are there.

    Edit- Now they are gone. looks like that was a mistake, but it gives me hope that it will start very soon.

  7. I think I'm set. I've been collecting everything since the last event. I'm going through my safety deposit box section by section using JellyNeo's price checker. But I haven't even started counting my 27 pages of food and I'm at 22,289 points. I don't think I'll bother counting further. My limiting factor isn't how many points I have collected, it's how quickly I can donate them before the event ends. Maybe I should sell a few. instead of hoarding more than I can handle.

  8. 37 minutes ago, Secre said:

    Whoot! I now get to put my new Snowbunny on that pet and paint it Maraquan! Excitement!

    EDIT: Well, that was a faff. I was about to get really cross that my pet wouldn't accept his bleeding expensive new petpet - and even changing the language wasn't working! I then had the idea to attach it to a different pet, paint it and try to re-attach to my pet. Thankfully the 'Maraquan' in front of the name seems to mean that he now likes it! 

    My Origami Kacheek also has a cute little sea slug (maraquan snowbunny). They really are cute, aren't they. But it attached no problem. Thank goodness you were able to attach it finally!

  9. Been doing some construction on my account 🙂 While I never really could get into the new Neohomes, I recently became interested in the classic ones. Might be a temporary interest, if they don't carry over when Neopets leaves flash behind. But for now I'm enjoying decorating. Heres something interesting I noticed today. The screenshot is from one of the gardens. The Purple Poppies are on the left. To their right are Large Purple Poppies. See what I find odd?


  10. On 8/7/2020 at 4:32 AM, Secre said:

    What are your current plans for customisation or is it just going to be a see how it goes thing?

    I'll see how it goes for now. I suppose I could try out a few outfits while waiting for the scheduled time to arrive.


    Update- the screen keeps refreshing, so I'm going to give it a bit. If it doesn't work soon I'll submit a ticket. In the meantime, Here's Cute_Pyukumuku the white grarrl in a np item only outfit.

    My what big teeth!.PNG

    Aaaaand done!


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