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Sciurus carolinensis

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Posts posted by Sciurus carolinensis

  1. Now that I finally have the Turmaculus avatar, I gave Chaos520_4_4 a Gulper to replace her devoured Uniocto. Today I painted it white to match its owner. I randomly named it Teacup when I first attached it and it goes well with the Inside a Tea Cup item I got the other day. I've never found a use for Ragged Spectres Cape until now that I've used it to look like there's actually liquid in the cup. I like how her customization turned out, but this has to be one of more surreal outfits I've attempted. Too bad Dress to Impress doesn't show the Swirling Lightmite Shower at all.



  2. Attempting to get the Meerca Chase avatar. Just tied my old score, which is 152 points short. I figure if I get to the point where I can consistently hit 350 points with low scoring neggs, I'll be ready for whenever a fish negg appears. It appeared too early though. Playing superextrahypergravitymode, of course. More practice is needed, but I need a break.


  3. I used a fountain faerie quest to paint a darigan tonu. His name is Scuridae__36. He normally lives on my side account, but is for the time being on my main account. He's not very strong, but I gave him the Blazing Embers weapon that's usually on my battle pet. It should be a quick battle if he faces a pet that's never been trained, especially if I give him a muffin to go with it. I need to win the battle for the avatar. I really don't like his looks at the moment, so I'd love to paint him something cuter. I'm going to bed soon, so it will have to be tomorrow. Please?

  4. 2 hours ago, Nielo said:

    In a weird twist, my lost quest has just resurfaced. I'd already done my two quests for today, but I was doing my dailies on auto-pilot, and I always check the faerie quest link, just in case. And there it was: the Fire Faerie that disappeared yesterday was (somewhat) patiently waiting for me. (And then it disappeared again when I refreshed the page after retrieving the item, but it returned once I'd closed all Neopets tabs and then clicked on the faerie quest link again.) 😁

    I never refresh the quest page after getting a quest- I always close it and click the link again because I've lost quests in the past the same way you did. In my case, they never returned. I don't know why it happens, but it does. Congrats for your quest coming back :) 

  5. I used my second fountain faerie quest of the event to paint a pet I transferred from my side account into a darigan tonu. Now to find someone to battle for the avatar. Needs to be a weak pet, as it's a lab rat that hasn't had enough stat boosting zaps to be of much use. Jellyneo says you have to complete the daily quest for the reward at the end this year. I hope I don't get a really expensive request then, as that doesn't seem fair.

  6. @Yuiina

    Thank you! I've sent someone a trade request that had the Dyeworks Blue: Holiday Light Contacts on a trade list on JellyNeo. Asked for the green version of the same item while I was at it because green is my favorite color. I hope to get a response soon. I'll wait on the pillows because I prefer to have one trade request open at a time. Wouldn't do to send the wrong person an item due to a mix up. Even if they were honest enough to return it, it would be a waste of a gift box and embarrassing. This is the guide I use for NC trading values ever since someone linked me to it a while back. Don't know if there's a better one. Pretty Flowers Foreground was easy to buy and I'm about to try it on now. After the last gallery item I bought the Faerie Wing Flowers will be out of my reach for a while, however. 

    Edit- Trade completed! That was fast! Also realized I already owned the flowers I bought. I didn't see it in my closet because it was on another pet. Oh well. It didn't cost too much.

  7. I bought the Vibrant Nursery Background and decided to design an outfit around it immediately using Anarchy_3_3 my sponge kacheek. The Lanie and Lillie Collectors Contacts give it a slightly creepier vibe than intended, but they go with the Adorably Pink Lollypop that I took out of my gallery temporarily. I might replace them, but I really don't have many non-creepy contacts and the orange eyes of the sponge kacheek don't work at all with the design. Another option is the Premium Collectible: Starry Eye Contacts, but the blue doesn't match as well in my opinion. The pillows block some blocks from view that otherwise off-balance the curtains. Any opinions? Including the outfit page on Dress to Impress in case someone wants to try the other contacts I mentioned for comparison. https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2024790


  8. My jelly kacheek (fishing level 260) just fished up Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water. Seems to have gone down in price since Angeló got it two posts above mine. The lowest SSW price is about 950,000 np. Still selling it. This is the most expensive item I've ever fished up, and i find it amusing that the pet who got it was the one with the rainbow slorgclops as a petpet.

  9. I'm going to miss out on the prize at the end because I missed the second day of voting. The day and a half thing was supposed to help, but it actually contributed to my missing it. That and I forgot exactly how it worked and thought that the next category would appear when the voting countdown reached it's end. But I checked both days of the day and a half, so had the second category appeared on the second day I would have figured it out before it was too late. Blah.

  10. Google Chrome just offered to translate the neopets Games page. It's definitely in English already, but the translate option thought the page (or part of it) was in Luxembourgish. I have zero idea how that happened. Might try translating the page to that language from English and see what's the same, because all I can think of is one of the games titles or usernames happens to be a word that exists in Luxembourgish. I tried to screenshot the option, but I couldn't keep it open and click my screenshot program at the same time.


    edit- Might be the game Gwyl's escape. "Gwyl" means "while" apparently in Luxembourgish. But it also means "festival" in Welsh, which is what google translate preferred to translate it to when the "detect language" option was clicked. And I don't think Chrome has ever tried to translate the neopets games page into anything before, Welsh, Luxembourgish, or any other language.

  11. Our cat Josephine collapsed around noon today. My parents took her in, but she was in liver failure and nothing could be done. I had a friend over all day, so it took a while for her death to hit me. She never completely recovered from the same ailment that her brother Napoleon died of last June. Mom took all our cat stuff (litter box, etc.) down to the basement because she's too upset to look at it. I get that. I had to stop her from giving the toys away because we will eventually get more cats, but none of us are ready for that to be any time soon. Here's a picture of her from October 2016. I resized it too much. Oops.

    20161008_140700_1475950021229 (300x208).jpg

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