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Sciurus carolinensis

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Posts posted by Sciurus carolinensis

  1. Just got an Autumnberry from Pick your Own. image.gif.47ad1afd3033a9411c0872b8b178c07c.gif

    It's quite pretty and only the second time I've gotten a berry worth more than a handful of neopoints. Into my gallery it goes! On another Fall related note, I hope Haunted Hijinks or an equivalent will be announced soon. Halloween is my favorite holiday. I've been known to dress my neopets in spooky attire at any time of year, so it'll be nice to be in season. 



    Edit- Well that's odd. Its image doesn't have a white background like every other item in my gallery.Odd.PNG.e33ad44bd44fbffada7368ae8044cf9e.PNG


  2. 3 minutes ago, jaydeed said:

    I have been on the site all day and refreshed a page and suddenly got blocked from the site:


    Sorry, you have been blocked.

    This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. You performed an action that triggered the service and blocked your request.

    Looks like something is going on. I can access the site for the most part, but get this when I click on an item in my inventory. Also, the news page is completely blank.


  3. Looks like it will paint your pet a random color, according to Jellyneo. I'd personally sell it but maybe you feel like a bit of a gamble. It's going for 1.2 million on the trading post. Not sure what it does if your pet's species doesn't come in the color it picks.

  4. 27 minutes ago, splitting said:

    It's still happening for me, can someone who fixed it tell me what they did?

    I just waited, it lasted less than half an hour. By the time I'd completed the quest on my phone, I was able to get back in. Good luck. I hope it works for you soon.

  5. My account isn't frozen, as I can still log in on my phone. I was trying to switch to my side account after accepting a faerie quest. As soon as I hit the log in button, I got this notice. Tried to log back to my main account and got it again, so I'm stuck. Is this happening to anyone else?

    Edit: I'm back in. No idea what happened. But it's all fine now.


  6. I've decided to include it. On the subject of my gallery, I got the rarest berry I've ever gotten from Pick Your Own just now. It's called a Benyeroberry. I was so afraid of accidentally deleting it that I didn't discard the piles of dung in my basket. SSW says it's going for 259,000 np at the cheapest. Into my gallery it goes.


  7. I have a food themed gallery that I've been working on for a while. It currently has 602 edible items, and the only restriction I've placed on myself so far is banning Gross Food. On the second day of Daily Dare, AAA's team challenge prize was Ugga Loaf of Meat.


    Since it was listed as food, I bought it from someone who'd done the team challenge. However, it is not possible to feed it to my pets, and apparently behaves as a battledome item rather than food. I've added it to my gallery and removed it twice now. Should it be disqualified based on not being edible, or included due to being officially classified as food? Input would be nice. Also, visit My Gallery if you have the time :) 

  8. I hadn't played mjb in a while, but my high score is well past 1400 so I immediately challenged AAA. I had to beat it twice today, as an error occurred the first time I tried to send my score. Second time worked though. Going for a silver trophy, as I've had to challenge Abigail a few times. Oh well. 

  9. I was just able to get on Neopets using my laptop for the first time since the end of the Altador Cup. Oddly enough, the whole time I was able to use my phone. Unfortunately, it had no flash. But whatever was going on is over and I am very glad. Every time I tried to use it, I got an error saying the connection had timed out. Like you, every ther site worked for me. I could get to the NC Mall, but since I couldn't log in that was pointless. I've goptten really sick of using my phone to do my dailies, glad its back to normal. Too bad I missed the two days we had to increase our rank at the Altador Cup. I never made it past rank 3.


    It wasn't just my laptop. I tried the desktop computer in our house, and got the same results.

  10. Thanks everyone. It's been a rough day. Josephine's much more skittish than usual, and is avoiding the living room completely (where he died, and where we stored the cat carrier with his body until dad could take him to be cremated). I'm sure she's grieving too. When I feel up to it, I'm going to make a memorial for him. Not sure what it will look like, but it will involve all the pictures of him I can find.


  11. Both of our cats were sick, but while Josephine responded well to the medicine, Napoleon never got better. He died at 10:52 PM with me and my parents right by his side.  We really weren't expecting this. Both our cats are littermates that we got as kittens in October 2015. He had a good life, and I'm glad to have known him. Today's my birthday, but I don't feel happy.

    62222726_10216955299668048_3324725185877114880_o (800x799).jpg

  12. After 60 games of Shootout Showdown, I remembered that you don't have to score all 5 goals for it to count. No wonder it was taking so much longer than I remembered :) Good luck everyone. Last year was the first time I left the beginner rank (reached rank 4 overall), and I'd like to get farther this year.

  13. This is my battle pet, so grrrrr. Thankfully, shes still got 764 strength, so no idea how she feels weak. 



    I've never seen this event before. That's unlikely, unfortunately. Every time i get neopoints, I spend them.

    I didn't mean to double post. Can someone fix this?



    This post has been edited (as requested) by a member of staff (Duma).

  14. 8 hours ago, BEE. said:

    Keep trying! I managed to get there in the end. Just need to beat it in 25 seconds now, although I'm not sure it will happen. I keep losing time when the doors decide they want to take years to actually move ?

    I finally made it in 25 seconds. I don't know if it was an illusion or not, but it felt like I went faster when I walked in the middle of the paths without hugging the walls. Those scarabs became the true pain once I figured out the doors.


    edit- looks like that was already mentioned by Kute

  15. I had a plushie gallery at one point, but got tired of collecting plushies one day (I felt like there were already so many plushie galleries). I sold all my plushies, and changed the focus to food as I'd already been storing interesting foods in my SDB as an unofficial collection. Here it is now. http://www.neopets.com/gallery/?gu=squirrely520

    I can't code worth anything, so I spent a long time following guides very carefully in order to get it looking the way it does. Only one category exists, but that's so I can keep it in alphabetical order. I've got several items worth quite a bit, but most were foods that caught my interest regardless of cheapness.

  16. 58 minutes ago, Angeló said:

    i can't get the Timer achievement no matter how much i try

    i did everything possible !


    Same. My best time is 26 seconds, and that's as long as no scarab blocks are in my path. I've tried over and over but can't get below 26 seconds. I think I need to find a faster computer--my laptop is ancient.

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