Duma Posted May 10, 2020 Posted May 10, 2020 Best before dates are sometimes crazy. I've seen sugar and salt with best before dates. They're preservatives! They do not go bad... I'll look at the dates to have a general idea when I should be looking/smelling/tasting more carefully but I'll still make my judgement based on my senses, with the exception of meat and fish. Thing is, everything fresh that goes into the freezer doesn't have a "Best by" date anymore. Usually I'll write down when I stored it in the freezer since I buy a large packaging and divide it at home. @jellysundae For larger blocks of cheese I do the same, cut of the mouldy part and continue. With grinded or sliced cheese that's not really possible though so I'll throw that away if it's moulded. I just really dislike throwing away food with so many people on earth starving. jellysundae 1 Quote
jellysundae Posted May 10, 2020 Posted May 10, 2020 2 hours ago, Duma said: Best before dates are sometimes crazy. I've seen sugar and salt with best before dates. They're preservatives! They do not go bad... Exactly! Honey being the #1 culprit with that silliness. That 3000 year old stuff that was found in a pyramid and still good, but we slap a best before date on it... 2 hours ago, Duma said: I just really dislike throwing away food with so many people on earth starving. Same! I'm contemplating saving my veg scraps for stock once again. I used to do that before but I forgot all about it. I admittedly don't generate much veg waste as I don't peel anything so it'd just be the stalk-end of things, but I tuck it away in a bag in the freezer and there's enough to get stock from before too long. ... There's some fancy French name for doing this, but I can't remember what it is! It's not actually fancy at all, it's just French so it automatically sounds fancy. A-ha! Mirepoix, fanceh! Quote
Mouseykins Posted May 10, 2020 Posted May 10, 2020 @Duma I'll send you Kai! He'll help you clean out your freezers lol! Though that much people food probably won't be good for him. He's still very much a kibble pup and usually he gets whatever the kids don't eat instead of throwing it in the trash. We were getting him wet dog food but he stopped eating it for some reason. He would have that as his supper while we had ours. @Ennoshima I'm glad you're keeping up with your doctors and it could very well be related to changing medications. Hopefully in a couple weeks, I know that sounds so long, you'll feel better. We're here if you need to vent. Quote
Ennoshima Posted May 13, 2020 Posted May 13, 2020 @Mouseykins Thank you so much. ♥ I'm still struggling -- but just trying to keep as positive as I can during it all. My anxiety has been off the rails again as well. I distracted myself a bit yesterday by making my own Rose Water, so that's something. Quote
Mouseykins Posted May 13, 2020 Posted May 13, 2020 @Ennoshima You're very welcome! Small distractions are lovely! Today my daughter got a huge surprise! Her kindergarten teacher emailed me last week. She had a gift to drop off for all the kiddos. So instead of their weekly phone calls, my daughter got to visit outside with her teacher while still keeping a safe distance. My daughter saw her teacher at the gate and her face just lit up! I didn't tell her about her teacher's visit. I wanted her to be surprised so she could enjoy it more. Her teacher came into our yard and chatted with us for a few minutes. My husband kind of took over, he always does lol. But A was just so thrilled to see her teacher she didn't really have much to say. Often she's a quiet girl anyways. She got to show her teacher their bouncy horse and what's starting to become our flower garden this year now that things are growing. In her email she mentioned asking the kids about how they know it's spring. So I had A tell us how she knows it's spring by the grass being green and leaves coming out. My daughter was over the moon happy and seeing her teacher brightened her day so much! Last night in preparation for her teacher's visit we made a beaded dragonfly keychain and a braided keychain with her teacher's name in beads. I also printed off a couple of pictures of my kiddo. I have an online store where I sell teaching resources, so I burned a disc with a few of my products for her teacher. We put everything in an envelope for her. I'm sure she'll like what we put together for her. I just read online tonight that testing for antibodies tot he Covid-19 has become available in Canada so I'm calling tomorrow to see if we can be put on the list. We're almost 100% positive we had the virus already in early March. So it would be nice to know for sure. A friend of mine was sick in January and it sounds a lot like what the COVID is, so I have to remember to text her tomorrow so she can inquire about getting tested. Our area is currently showing no cases and while we were talking we feel that it's here in our area and none of our cases have been tested or reported so there's no data for the geospatial map. Because of the lack of data people are getting complacent in my area. I'm being whined at to get a drink for my kiddos so I'd better go do that before they have a fit. Quote
Ennoshima Posted May 14, 2020 Posted May 14, 2020 Aww, reading that made me smile! I'm really happy your daughter had such a great surprise! My boyfriend usually takes over too, sometimes I'll be able to just chat freely, but it just really depends. I also really love the lil gifts you had ready for her teacher -- if I was a teacher myself, I would of totally been happy to receive those! (I know my replies have been extremely short lately -- I'm still not back to my "normal" self -- eventually though)! Mouseykins 1 Quote
Mouseykins Posted May 15, 2020 Posted May 15, 2020 I'm glad that made you smile! This is the first teacher at this school that I actually adore. We even got her a little clipboard message thingy for her classroom for Valentine's Day. I got an email this morning from her teacher and she was so happy to see all the smiles from her kiddos that she's missing. She was tempted to just leave the present on everyone's door, but she needed to see their faces and see their smiles so she opted for the outdoor visit while maintaining social and physical distancing. Kai was not too thrilled to be on the leash. He kept yanking my husband to my daughter's teacher and hurting his hand so I took over Kai. I let my guard down and he pulled with all his might and I fell to the ground. All Kai wanted was pets and attention but we couldn't allow him to receive those out of safety for my daughter's teacher. So we ended up dragging Kai into the house. My experiences lately as being a homeschool teacher and being in the classroom on parent helper days, makes me want to be a teacher. I know that's something I can't do because of the cost for it and the amount of time it takes. So I'll probably settle for just being a teaching assistant. I hope your "normal" is right around the corner! Ennoshima 1 Quote
Ennoshima Posted May 15, 2020 Posted May 15, 2020 I just love hearing happy lil things like that -- even more so during times like these! (What's going on in the world/my life to specify a bit more -- everyone has their issues, and I felt I needed to clarify cause my brain ticked into not wanting anyone to feel left out/invalidated)! ^.^ I also just love hearing positive relationships with teachers, there's so many people who don't with their teachers -- and parents don't always go out of their way to become acquainted even with their child's teachers, mostly only during parent-teacher conferences. I had a great relationship with a few of mine, and still even keep in contact with a few! They've been mentors for me, considering the life I led isn't the best, nor were the things I've been through, and currently going through. My parents (mostly my father, since my mom worked a lot for us, my father became disabled at a rather early working age) took great interest in wanting to know my teachers, and even doing the gifts like your family does! I know it can be hard to connect with teachers (both for parent or student), some teachers aren't the best, and the other half of the time is the teachers great, but trying to form a comfortable/appropriate bond can be tricky -- mostly just cause of social norms now, even if even is appropriate in said bond, they still look at it as wrong. (I'm not sure if I worded that correctly, but I hope it's clear enough -- sorry)! My boys are totally the same, and most I know are fine with them being a lil jumpy to greet/get attention -- but it's so hard to let them know that at the moment for everyone's health and safety -- we can't do that. (They're still learning, and boy trying to hold 3 big boys back is hard, we usually leave them in a cool (lots of fans and we got one AC unit just for that room for this reason) back room, they have plenty of water, treats, and toys too -- even though they rarely have accidents, sometimes they get so excited they do try to "mark" things to let their visitors know it's their stuff, but they'd love to share, we have some pads down for them. We check on them constantly while guests are visiting (social distancing, and confirmed "NO" for having the virus, being asymptomatic, or being in contact with someone who has it/someone they were close to had/had it) to make sure the room is still a good temperature, and they still have everything they need). We rarely have visitors anyway just because -- but some of our friends have mental illsues like me, and need some air and a person to see/talk to to keep sane -- so as long as social distancing and physical distancing/confirmed for not being a risk to others with COVID, I don't fully see a problem with it. They're also only a few minutes away, and will travel by car to make the trip a bit more safe/less exposure to anything. I got to be a sub teacher, and a helper in younger classes myself! It was in between times with my Mythology and Forensic Science studies. Sometimes things got overwhelming, and I put my name in as a contact if they needed someone. I was able to fit it in between my classes/school work, and was also granted a few extensions if I happened to be in helping for a longer than expected time. (Hey, things happen)! I was also just a home "teacher", I use that term a bit lightly because it was more so helping school all the younger ones in my family while babysitting! I don't think I'd ever be able to become a full teacher, just for the reasons you mentioned -- but being an assistant teacher is still very good! Depending on the route I decide to fully take -- if I get really good in my Mythology stuff, I could become a teacher easier for that subject -- right now it's mostly a big interest/for fun class/a just in case my Forensic Science dreams don't work out like I want. (Nothing negative btw, I just like having an alternative route, cause the future is never set)! I hope so too, and maybe just a bit because this reply was lengthier than my usual lately! (I know I'm not fully recovered in any way, so I know not to beat myself up if I revert back to short replies). Mouseykins 1 Quote
Mouseykins Posted May 15, 2020 Posted May 15, 2020 My oldest's Kindergarten teacher and even her two teachers from this year at school before we pulled her out seemed to show favoritism towards other kids over my daughter's needs. When we had a meeting in October about my daughter, they all pretty much ganged up on me and I felt like I had somehow failed my child because I took her out of public school. From the teachers in this school there are only two I really like. One is A's KG teacher and the other is the Grade 3 homeroom, math and LA teacher. She's also the vice principal of the school. If things worked out that my daughter was only being taught by this one teacher instead of 4 different teachers, I'm sure her future at this school would have worked out differently. As it stands she'll continue to be homeschooled until I feel she's ready to return and I'm going to place her in a different school where she can have a fresh start. The appropriate actions at school is something challenging for everyone because one small act could seem larger than intended. There's this one girl in KG with my daughter who adores my daughter. On Halloween I was the parent helper. My daughter asked me for a hug because she loves me and is always hugging me. Her friend came over and asked me for a hug. I told her that I'm not allowed to without her parents' permission, but I could give her a high-five instead. I brought my camera that day and was taking pictures of my kiddo. A couple kids asked if I'd take their picture. I told them I wasn't allowed to without their parents' permission. I don't post pictures on social media of my kids so it's not like the pictures would go anywhere, but still it's always best to have that permission so you don't get into hot water. Because the kinder-kids aren't in school and usually they do a year-end graduation video for them. We've been sending pictures of our kids to the teacher so she can see what they're up to and how they're learning. We had to provide consent for pictures we've sent and any pictures we will be sending to be included in the video. Otherwise the video would be really short as not too many school events had occurred before the closures. We bought Kai an elevated pet bed that has supports underneath that will support his weight. It even comes with a canopy so if he's outside he'll be shaded. We might put it in front of our front door at night where he likes to sleep with the window open. It'll be an extra obstacle for intruders to get by. Or we may put him in the living room by the window and make sure the vent is closed off so no hot air blows up onto him. Having a big dog is so different than a small one! In high school I helped in the special needs room everyday for a few months. It was such a nice break from the regular hustle and bustle of my day with all my classes. I enjoyed working with the kids and they seemed to like having me there. I took time to get to know them in between lessons and didn't treat them any differently. When I saw them in the halls I'd always stop and say hi or wave to them if they were busy. If and when I choose to go the route of Educational Assistant I can do the courses online from home and just have to do my practicum in person either at the college or a nearby school. I'm not sure if you usually get paid for such placements but I'd be sure to do it on a volunteer basis for schools in my area, just so I could stay close to home. This way even if it's not in their budget, I can still get the experience. But I have things holding me back on that. And as you said the future is unpredictable. Quote
mairead123 Posted May 25, 2020 Posted May 25, 2020 I've been watching TinyKittens.com. They also have a facebook page. I sit and watch them then realize it's 3 hours later. Quote
RihanaBB Posted June 4, 2020 Posted June 4, 2020 1. Drawing for my Calendar 2021 project. 2. Playing my video games. 3. Praying for heal the world. 4. Browsing this website and streaming sites. Quote
Naamah D. Posted June 9, 2020 Posted June 9, 2020 I’ve been playing video games and taking walks. About a year ago I moved out of my mom’s and we FaceTime a lot. We all gotta be an adult one day. Mouseykins 1 Quote
electrocutes Posted August 11, 2020 Posted August 11, 2020 I've been playing tons of LoL/TFT, doing a bit of reading, and also taking walks once in a while. Hopefully one of these days I'll also use some of the extra time to start studying for my GMAT. Quote
MysteryAF Posted August 28, 2020 Posted August 28, 2020 I was never under quarantine orders, surprisingly. I did have an opportunity to ask for a voluntary furlough, but I figured I could use the money. As much as I dread going to work sometimes, it gets very boring being stuck at my house for a few days, let alone weeks/months. Quote
Mouseykins Posted August 28, 2020 Posted August 28, 2020 10 hours ago, MysteryAF said: I was never under quarantine orders, surprisingly. I did have an opportunity to ask for a voluntary furlough, but I figured I could use the money. As much as I dread going to work sometimes, it gets very boring being stuck at my house for a few days, let alone weeks/months. We weren't necessary under quarantine orders, just isolate and only venture out for essentials. Now things are opening up more and more. I've taken the kids in to the grocery store with me a couple of times but they're wearing masks and under strict orders not to touch anything. If they do they have to sanitize their hands right away. Surprisingly they've been behaving better now than they were pre-pandemic in the stores. I agree, staying home all the time can get to you. All three of my kids have been stuck together all day, every day for months and they're arguing more. Hopefully, once school starts and they get into a routine things will calm down. It's helped them to go for a bike/scooter ride in the evenings. I'm most thankful for the dentists being open again. My kids go to a specialist in the city. They were late for their routine cleanings and exams and I wanted to get my youngest in. Her top molars looked weird to me and it turns out she has no cavities and just extra cusps on those molars for more chewing power I guess lol. Hang in there! Quote
Mirilu Posted November 24, 2020 Posted November 24, 2020 Well, I decided to make renovation in the house during quarantine. That was not a good idea, lol. If seriously, living room is almost ready and I am proud I did everything on my own. By the way guys, I came across a great website that provides review of various home gadgets and construction tools, I think it's useful for many https://cozyhousetoday.com/best-refrigerant-leak-detector-reviews/ Quote
midnight_spell360 Posted July 29, 2021 Posted July 29, 2021 I didn't know where to post this and while we are no longer being "locked down"-we still are NOT back to "normal" (and I guess there really will never be a way to "go back" and we must move forward to create our "new normal"). I would like to recommend a documentary (TDN doesn't ban this word, right?) movie found on Hulu that is based on a book by the same title: Far From the Tree. A man who found himself to be what society and his family deemed to be "not normal" and he wanted to look at other families with a child with different challenges (which also causes society/families to label these differences as "not normal") and it was very eye-opening for me to be able to see these different ppl and see their life experiences and I hope that I learned to accept ppl as they are, to respect them as they are and not try to hold them to society's standards to feel that these "differences" should be changed to make these ppl "fit in" or be "normal". I admired that the man who wrote this book and made this movie did not only focus on his "difference" but looked at many different families with a child not seen by society (and some times their families) as "normal". Anyway, if this is the wrong place - please move this to the right thread! Thanks! Quote
berriganify Posted September 12, 2021 Posted September 12, 2021 well, when our area went into quarantine, two of my friends decided to try out osrs, and i, as our group's resident runescape nerd, had no choice but to join them. because i've already maxed an account in rs3, i decided to try out an ironman account (a game mode where you have to obtain all your items and gear yourself, no trading other players!) it's been a lot of fun, definitely more challenging that rs3, but it's really scratched that same nostalgic itch that neopets does. my progress from around 1.5 years: one of the things i like about this particular game is that there's a fair amount of grinding that requires little attention (im typing this while chopping trees) and so i have also been doing a lot of writing. here's my total wordcount from my 2020-2021 scrivener document. about 90k of this is outlines, mostly imported from my 2018-2019 file, but the rest is actual writing: i still haven't, like, actually finished anything, but.... y'know... im workin on it..... On 8/28/2020 at 4:41 PM, Mouseykins said: I'm most thankful for the dentists being open again. oh yeah, that was a big thing i was waiting for, and of course the dentist that i go to was so backlogged on checkups/cleanings when the second round of shots started up that silly me forgot to think about, i finally got in to see him a few weeks ago. i honestly expected like, 9 cavities, but i only had 2 pre-cavities that just needed sealant, AND my enamel is also a lot thicker than it was during my last checkup in 2018, so i was so stoked about that. all that flossing, and lack of pop from no bar runs or D&D, has paid off! Quote
jellysundae Posted November 19, 2021 Posted November 19, 2021 I've been to the docs' today to get the 3-monthly bloods that I have to have done because of the medication I'm on, and they offered me my Covid booster while I was there as they had 10 doses left over. As my brain had so far not let me do anything about getting my booster sorted out, despite daily reminder text messages from the NHS, this was just awesome! Just waiting to see if I have any side-effects now. I had AZ for the jabs and had close to no problems, the booster's Moderna so don't know what to expect but I'm hopeful it'll be the same level of close to nothing. berriganify and Angeló 2 Quote
Angeló Posted November 19, 2021 Posted November 19, 2021 I had my 3rd dose (booster) on Monday Just felt some pain in my arm during night jellysundae 1 Quote
nirv120 Posted November 20, 2021 Posted November 20, 2021 Third doses are not a thing yet where I live, but I'm so eager to get one. Every time I got a dose, a significant part of my long covid symptoms went away. I still have some residual pain and letargy and I'd like to see if a third dose could help with that. berriganify and jellysundae 2 Quote
jellysundae Posted November 20, 2021 Posted November 20, 2021 3 hours ago, nirv120 said: Third doses are not a thing yet where I live, but I'm so eager to get one. Every time I got a dose, a significant part of my long covid symptoms went away. I still have some residual pain and lethargy and I'd like to see if a third dose could help with that. That's intriguing I wonder how many people this is happening for. Hope you do get to get a booster soon then, and it does help! Seems booster protocol is even more varied per country than original vaccinating was! a fellow ninja who is in the US has had her booster already - she's in her 20s and completely healthy, not a front line worker or anything. People in America can just wander in and get one. Though a lot aren't, ofc, because of rife anti-vax behaviour. 17 hours ago, Angeló said: I had my 3rd dose (booster) on Monday Just felt some pain in my arm during night Mine's kinda ouchie today, turning my bedside light off last night required me to turn over and use my right arm as the left one wasn't havin' any of me reaching out and back, heck no! It's still that level of soreness this morning. But unless I'm going to spend the day doing the chicken dance or something it's really not gonna be a problem. xD ....... Oh no... See, saying chicken dance, I now have the Birdie Song in my head... GO AWAY... please? It won't Sorry (not sorry), because misery shared and all that... I was 10 when this came out, I thought it was awesome. Angeló, berriganify and midnight_spell360 1 2 Quote
berriganify Posted November 21, 2021 Posted November 21, 2021 Dang, my age group isn't getting our 3rd doses until January, and tbh I would not surprised if they end up getting slightly delayed because of all the flooding. @jellysundae (Edit: nvm, I didn't read this next page lol) I'm glad your reaction hasn't been too bad! I got moderna for both of my first two, only a bit of arm pain from the first, but the second... hoo boy, I was out for like a week. For the first 3 days I would get dizzy and out of breath after sitting up for a minute, and forget about standing. I had to crawl to the bathroom lmao. My sister's bf and one of my friends also got moderna, and had similar reactions. Hopefully the 3rd dose isn't going to be like that (I'm expecting it'll be moderna because everyone I know has gotten the same type for all 2/3 shots, except the one friend who got AZ, which I don't think they're using anymore?) but I will be stocking up on granola bars and juice packs just in case.. jellysundae 1 Quote
jellysundae Posted November 22, 2021 Posted November 22, 2021 @berriganifythat strong reaction to the 2nd dose is good though, isn't it? Meaning your immune system was fighting it hard? Cold comfort at the time though! x__x Quote
berriganify Posted November 24, 2021 Posted November 24, 2021 On 11/22/2021 at 7:46 AM, jellysundae said: @berriganifythat strong reaction to the 2nd dose is good though, isn't it? Meaning your immune system was fighting it hard? Cold comfort at the time though! x__x Is that how it works? I have no idea, I mean I don't regret getting it cause it was that or no vaccine (we can't pick our vaccines, it's whatever our area gets), but oh boy it was awful. Quote
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