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This is a subject that has always been discussed, but it seems that people have been talking about this more often since the Wraith Resurgence plot started. I have to admit thinking about this gives me anxiety (probably a lot more than it should, lol), but I can't help feeling that people are probably right when they say Neopets is dying and can't be saved (at least if it continues to be managed the way it currently is). I'd like to know what your thoughts are on this... especially if it's optimistic (but also based on facts), because Fyora knows I need to hear it, lol. 

What I've heard from the pessimists: Neopets is too outdated, and the current staff probably can't handle making the necessary changes (either because of lack of resources, lack of competence, or both); users are unhappy because of all the mistakes, glitches, poor quality content, poor customer service, amongst other things, and will eventually stop supporting the site with real money. 

What I've heard from the optimists: even though the current staff's work hasn't been the best we've seen, they're definitely dedicated to making things better; Neopets still makes a lot of money, otherwise JS wouldn't have invested in it. And as long as Neopets makes money, it will live.

I tend to agree with the optimists, but at the same time I wonder: Neopets will always make some kind of money, but it might come to a point where the money made from it won't be worth the trouble of fixing and maintaining the site, right? Then again, I have no idea how much money Neopets makes and I don't really know anything about businesses. So, this is when you guys come in and explain things to me and hopefully make me feel better :laugh: (jk, please feel free to be brutally honest).


I'd love to think that Neopets will be around forever but realistically at *some* point it has to come to an end. I had a quick Google about the worth of Neo and it's come back as $45,630,000! So hopefully that won't be happening for a very long time :)

Despite the glitches and the shoddy ticket system, I personally still love Neo. JS seem to be addressing some concerns of the players (petitions for the return of the Random Contest and Lenny Conundrum being taken seriously, for example), so I have faith they'll put the work in to improving the parts of the site that need attention eventually. That being said, I love the nostalgia of the site, and I imagine they'll probably have plans to update the really old content in the near future. I just hope we don't lose a lot of the stuff that's been around for donkeys that I used to play when I was a kid - that's a lot of the reason I still play, reminds me of a simpler time! Haha.


Optimist here! *waves hand*

Nah, Neo's not dying, far from it, some people just like to be dramatic and say things like that, but it seems to be not at all the case for me.

People are doing what people always do - which is assume that because they can't see anything being done, nothing's being done - but we KNOW that work is going on in the background to bring Neo up to date. Yes it's outdated right now (so are a LOT of websites) but it's not going to stay that way. The thing is, while all this background work that needs doing is being done (and wow there must be SO much to do! All these soon to be defunct games! D:<) it's understandable that there's less quality front end stuff, funding is going on BIG back end stuff.

But despite that . . . look how great the advent calendar's been this year!!! And this isn't an NC thing, but it's top-notch animation, and a lot of very nice items (no copy/pasta books!). Well thought out (and often quite long!) stories, using actual NPCs and Neopets lore not just generic pets, nothing poor quality about it, unless you want to nitpick about them calling the jinjah a gingerbread figure.

So while some stuff is most definitely poor quality, not EVERYTHING is. I'm really impressed with the advent calendar this year, and the plot's not bad all things considered. I'm happy to say that I think Neo's not going anywhere any time soon, and I'm quietly confident that the improvements that we've seen this year will continue. :D Me actually buying some NC says it all I suppose!


Optimist here too!

And I agree with @jellysundae BECAUSE the fact that we don't see all that much happening, often means a lot is happening in the background. The stuff that does come out often is pretty good. (Okay, there are glitches and things take longer than you would expect)

I'm sure that there will be games that will get replaced once they get the games up to date. Happened in the past too, just look at the game graveyard. There used to be games I LOVED. Some of them, the newer version is better, others I preferred the older ones. The thing is, there is SO MUCH the site brings that people keep on playing, keep returning and keep finding things they like, even when growing up and your tastes change.

And about TNT's speed on tickets, I haven't send a lot of them yet, but the few times I did, they replied and solved it pretty quick! Even when my account was stolen, after providing plenty of proof, I got it back within weeks! There are thousands of players and thousands of tickets. If you ever had to address tickets yourself you'll realize how much work it is and how time consuming!

They won't die, not any time soon. Don't forget, neopets existed before the NC mall existed. They also make money with advertising. People grow up and get a family, the kids see the parents play and start playing too, they tell their friends and get those hooked up. A lot of them will eventually stop playing but some will keep coming back or might never stop.


Just thinking on this year's improvements, the Daily Question . . . I remember that terrible response in the NT to someone asking why it was hardly ever updated - it's just SO BORING . . .

Seriously? xD Was it CQ who said that?

Regardless, while it's broken a couple of times this year it's not been left for weeks on end like it regularly was previously.


I created an account just so I can respond to this.

One thing I notice about neopets is they use .phtml for all their file extensions which is a common practice for php2 programs. But then php3 came out, php4, etc... and that file extension is way less common to see nowadays. It's not to say you can't use it, but it makes me wonder if they're still running some php2 and if so it will take some time to update because we're now on php7. With new programming language updates, functions get outdated. Functions you may be using...so if you update the version of php on your server, you have to make sure you update your code too because you could be using a function that no longer works so it breaks your program.

I did notice a couple of months back that JS was hiring an HTML5 game developer because flash is dying so they have to go through the process of eventually converting their flash games into HTML5 games. That process alone will take a long time. Although there was nothing in the job description that said it would be specific for neopets, there's a chance it could be?

So from a programmer's perspective, it takes a LOT of effort and time to update sites as large as neopets. Hopefully they're not just doing patch work and crossing their fingers it doesn't break because that will cause even more issues in the long run. 

For example, the infirmary doesn't work in firefox. What?!? If they told me the infirmary didn't work in internet explorer 8 I'd be less critical, but firefox? I understand a developers job to get programs working in all browsers can be difficult, but firefox is up to date and is nearly on the same level as chrome whereas internet explorer 8 is unfortunately still used by people but is outdated and cannot handle some of the leading technologies. So are they patching up holes, or actually taking the time to make sure things are right so they work for the long run?

Who knows, really. Only they know. Only they can invest the time to either fix those holes, or decide if they want to do more of a major overhaul, which will probably take years to complete unless they have a killer team of programmers. But, fewer updates could possibly mean they are taking the time to really update things so that stuff does work well and loads quickly!

Random thought...I think if they offered more incentive for premium they'd get more people to sign up for it. It's the same incentive it has been since they made premium an option for anybody a long time ago. I was gone for 3 years and just came back a couple of months ago and it hasn't changed.

18 minutes ago, Duma said:

Optimist here too!

And I agree with @jellysundae BECAUSE the fact that we don't see all that much happening, often means a lot is happening in the background. The stuff that does come out often are pretty good. (Okay, there are glitches and things take longer than you would expect)

I'm sure that there will be games that will get replaced once they get the games up to date. Happened in the past too, just look at the game graveyard. There used to be games I LOVED. Some of them, the newer version is better, others I preferred the older ones. The thing is, there is SO MUCH the site brings that people keep on playing, keep returning and keep finding things they like, even when growing up and your tastes change.

And about TNT's speed on tickets, I haven't send a lot of them yet, but the few times I did, they replied and solved it pretty quick! Even when my account was stolen, after providing plenty of proof, I got it back within weeks! There are thousands of players and thousands of tickets. If you ever had to address tickets yourself you'll realize how much work it is and how time consuming!

They won't die, not any time soon. Don't forget, neopets existed before the NC mall existed. They also make money with advertising. People grow up and get a family, the kids see the parents play and start playing too, they tell their friends and get those hooked up. A lot of them will eventually stop playing but some will keep coming back or might never stop.

I have to agree with @jellysundae and @Duma. I'm an Optimist here and I love the Advent Calendar and stories they played were very good, plus the gifts were awesome!

Even though there are a few glitches, I am enjoying neopets just as much as I have 12+ years ago. 

Each ticket I submitted to TNT was resolved relatively quick. Especially when my account was Frozen due to someone trying to attempt to steal it. I couldn't remember my original email (I made it in high school and forgot what it was). But after providing them with details from the items in my safety deposit box, characters I had and what they morphed/paintbrushed into, to bank account transactions showing NC purchases I was able to get my account back. 


I'm a pessimist at heart (and as a developer, agree with @dinoterror's concerns), but I've also actually played a game that died, and I can assure you that Neopets is nowhere near that point yet.

<rambling story about the other game>

The game I used to play was called Rings of Orbis (I'd tell you to look it up, but you can't, cause it's gone) and it was nowhere near as big as Neopets, but in its heyday it did have a solid userbase and plenty of exciting updates. Gameplay was similar to Neopets (you could make points by playing games, selling stuff in your store or at auctions and working your, eh, enslaved aliens; there was a forum, there were missions similar to faerie quests, you could collect items in an album, etc.) and while it was aimed at kids, the users were mostly adults.

Anyway, its creator kind of lost interest, the code wasn't well maintained (at all) and many people left because of glitches (that affected all aspectes of the game; near the end, there wasn't really anything you could do anymore, including making an new account, so there were no new players coming in, only veteran players leaving). Complaints (mostly framed as nice requests to please fix some glitches, since the creator used to be an active member of the game and used to be well-liked) were ignored. The entire game was ignored. It was very depressing; only a handful of people would log on near the end, and mostly just to talk on the forums about whether or not the game could be saved. It couldn't.

</rambling story about the other game>

Trust me, Neopets still has thousands of active members and new things are still happening. Sure, they're glitched, and I can't say I'm impressed with how they're handling everything, but it's still very much alive. :smile:

3 hours ago, jellysundae said:

Just thinking on this year's improvements, the Daily Question . . . I remember that terrible response in the NT to someone asking why it was hardly ever updated - it's just SO BORING . . .

Seriously? xD Was it CQ who said that?

Regardless, while it's broken a couple of times this year it's not been left for weeks on end like it regularly was previously.

You are right on every point you brought up.  The daily question was constantly the same day after day after day after day after.............. I remember there was one time where it was quite appropriate.  I think it was regarding the wheel of monotony.  It was actually quite funny.  But other than that, not so much.  The advent calendar, this year, AWESOME.  I actually commented on it.  Many books, and I won't even get started about today's pirate themed prizes...............:dance::happydance:Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  They have finally, as someone has stated, brought back the caption contest and while the plot was slow going at first, has recently picked up speed.  

I too have bought quite a bit of NC this year.  I NEVER EVER bought NC in the past.  NEVER!!  I have always used the NC given to us and the NC I've won on Expellibox.  This year I bought backgrounds from the NC mall and I bought a 10pk for the stocking stufftacular.  And I must say, so far, I am pretty impressed with the prizes I've received.  Of course there are ones I like better than the ones I got, but for the most part, no.  I like the ones I got.  I researched back over the years to strategize where to place my stockings, lol, and it has worked out well so far.  

All things considering, I think Neopets will be around for some time yet to come.  I have to say though, I am a bit worried about, as Duma said, Nostalgia.  I don't want them to take away all of the old and bring in all new.  But I don't think they would do that.  That wouldn't be very smart.  They do seem somewhat smart.  Time will tell.  

Tickets are another issue altogether.  I have had some answered fairly quickly and others that were NEVER answered at all!  I will say, the ones that were answered quickly had to do with NC items.  If you have any issues and you can SOMEHOW tie it into NC, that would be your best bet on getting it answered quickly IMO.

Happy New Year to all my fellow Neopets counterparts!!!!!!


I think what it's always going to come down to is that we don't actually KNOW what's being done.  There's the stuff that we see, and probably quite a significant amount of people genuinely thinks that's all that's being done, add that to things breaking and people can get negative.

Me, any time something breaks I like to hope that's because something else has been fixed. You guys with coding knowledge will know ALL about how fixing one thing breaks at least six other things, lol, and as has already been mentioned, Neopets has got some pretty Neolithic code, and considering the size of the site, the amount of code  must be monumental, but I'm sure they're beavering away at bringing stuff up to date, all the while trying to keep us very demanding players some level of happy, lol.


This topic is turning out to be exactly what I was hoping for! I'm glad most of you guys are optimistic about the site's future - in a genuine way, not by sugarcoating it. It's a bit frustrating to go on the neoboards (I could stop there, lol), and see people being either dramatically pessimistic or obnoxiously optimistic. I saw people suggesting everyone started taking screenshots of their favourite things on the site to preserve those memories (!), and others are like, "what are you talking about, everything is great, ILY TNT". 

@Err I also think Neopets will have to die at some point (at least the site as we know it today; the intellectual property might live on in some other form), but as long as it doesn't happen in the near future, I'll be alright :D By the way, I never heard that expression before, "been around for donkeys" LOL I love it!

@jellysundae "People are doing what people always do - which is assume that because they can't see anything being done, nothing's being done" - I think you hit the nail on the head! 
And you're right, the calendar has been pretty neat... But at the same time I'm also guilty of nitpicking. When they drew those generic bees instead of Springabees or Buzzers, I wanted to scream :arrowhead: I can't agree with you on the plot though, I think it's bad, and it's the main reason some people have been feeling hopeless.

@Duma "there is SO MUCH the site brings that people keep on playing, keep returning and keep finding things they like, even when growing up and your tastes change." - This is true! I also hadn't thought about the money they make with advertising. I actually never had to send in a ticket (if I recall correctly), so I don't have strong feelings about that aspect. I just know a lot of people complain about it.

@dinoterror Thanks for your answer! It's great to see a programmers perspective, because I don't quite understand this stuff. Sometimes I do get the impression they're just patching holes, but like you said, who knows. Hopefully that's not the case! If I'm not mistaken, Scrappy has confirmed that they will be working on converting flash to HTML5. As for the Infirmary not working in Firefox, do you think it has something to do with Firefox being slightly more strict about safety? I say this because I use FF to log into my side accounts, and I always get warnings about Neopets not being safe.
I also agree about Premium... Not only should there be more incentive, they should sort out all those billing issues people seem to get. I'd personally be happy to purchase premium even with what they offer now, but I'm hesitant to get it because of billing issues. And also because I can't afford to pay in american dollars anyway. But that's neither here nor there. lol

@Nielo That's pretty sad about that other game, but I'm glad to hear Neopets isn't anywhere near having the same fate. That's what I was afraid of. I think that because Neopets used to be huge back in the day, some of us feel like it's very small and weak right now, but in reality it's still bigger than we think.


I agree with pretty much everything other people have said here. Personally, I like the site as it is and I'm not hugely concerned with new features being added all the time. If they have a new plot every year, cool, but if it's only every 2-3 years, that's fine too. I like the usual annual events like Altador Cup, Daily Dare, Festival of Neggs, etc. and that's enough to keep me interested year-round. I mainly just want the site to stay up-to-date in the sense that it remains functioning in common browsers and on mobile. As far as the glitches and bugs, I have a lot more patience when they're related to the plot, which is new content and bound to have a few issues, than when they're not i.e. the battledome not awarding prizes a couple of days ago, horrendous site lag, the closet freezing, etc. But I'm optimistic that work is going on behind the scenes, as others have mentioned. 

As far as actual user activity on Neo...

Not only are people 'doing what people always do,' as Jelly said, but Neo in particular has that tendency for one person to grab a specific conclusion out of thin air, and then suddenly the entire community treats it as gospel truth. A few ultra-negative people have a really disproportionate representation on the boards because of that, imo. 

Duma is super right in that players are continually finding new areas of the site to enjoy. My activities now as an adult are VASTLY different to when I played as a child, even though the core site is pretty much the same. That being said, I know that the nostalgia factor is a big reason some people keep playing. That's totally fair for them, if they enjoy reliving 'a simpler time,' like Err said, but I also think that the site is going to need to change and update if it is going to remain alive for a long time. I don't mean that they should scrap all the old classics and completely change everything, but I don't think there's any harm in retiring old content that isn't relevant anymore and introducing newer, fresher content to keep the site modern and exciting. 

And finally, I would keep in mind that, like Nielo pointed out, there are way more users around than most of us realize. I think of them as 'silent players,' because they may not necessarily participate in the social aspect of the site--the boards, guilds, fansite forums, etc. That doesn't mean that they aren't there and active! They just have a different playing style than those of us here. Sometimes it's hard to see outside of your own little bubble, so that may be why some people are acting like it's doomsday. 

On 12/30/2017 at 7:33 PM, deboratibi said:

By the way, I never heard that expression before, "been around for donkeys" LOL I love it!

Great big response from Deb, and I pick THIS out! lol.gif

@Err saying this made me smile so much though because it's SUCH a Brit thing so something possibly only a Brit (and maybe an Aussie, all those UK convicts that got transported over there took the slang along with 'em!) would understand. Especially as she's said a contracted version it it. It's donkey's years, meaning ages. Do NOT as me why donkey's years means a long time, is just does, ok! xD

I wonder if they do make any money from advertising, considering just about all of us use ad-blockers. But I suppose they must get something or they'd not bother with them any more.

Yeah the neoboards are frustrating aren't they . . . positive vibes only! :rolleyes: I read them occasionally, then have to slap myself around some and go do something more sensible. xD

I got the impression from Scrappy's comments that works already well underway with switching to HTML5, but then her JOB is to put a positive spin on things, so read into that what you will, I suppose. Yeah those Firefox's warnings about the log in being insecure bother me a lot, but JS aren't going to be unaware of it so I'm hopeful that this is another thing that will be fixed in the fullness of time.

On 12/30/2017 at 7:33 PM, deboratibi said:

I think that because Neopets used to be huge back in the day, some of us feel like it's very small and weak right now, but in reality it's still bigger than we think.


I wish we DID know how many were active. Another annoying thing about the Neoboards is the people bemoaning how "dead" they are. Because they're comparing the lightning speed they had when Neo was basically the biggest thing on the internet . . .



Seems I jinxed things by talking about the Daily Question being updated every day, didn't I! :blush02:

  • 4 weeks later...

From what I understand, they no longer make Neopets merch like plushies and whatnot. Once JS has found their footing it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to get into making some sort of merch again and perhaps even spin off games for PC and consoles. Obviously that would cost money but they have a pretty large fanbase of adults that would have the nostalgia and interest while still being able to market to younger audiences. Theres just a lot of potential due to the wide range of places, items, and characters they have. That would definitely help them make money and bring more people to or back into the site. Of course a game would need to be something with a lot more depth than the Puzzle Adventures game for Wii/DS.

  • 2 weeks later...

This made me so happy to read. Sometimes I get really sad and think that there is no hope for it, but then reading stuff like this completely calms me. I know it's still far from perfect, but I can't wait until the day that things are fixed for the most part. :biggrin:

On 1/26/2018 at 4:58 PM, Dojorkan said:

From what I understand, they no longer make Neopets merch like plushies and whatnot. Once JS has found their footing it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to get into making some sort of merch again and perhaps even spin off games for PC and consoles. Obviously that would cost money but they have a pretty large fanbase of adults that would have the nostalgia and interest while still being able to market to younger audiences. Theres just a lot of potential due to the wide range of places, items, and characters they have. That would definitely help them make money and bring more people to or back into the site. Of course a game would need to be something with a lot more depth than the Puzzle Adventures game for Wii/DS.

Scrappy answered an editorial question about merch recently, didn't she? One of those not-really-an-answer answers she gives so often, lol. But I think it was something along the lines of how she'd LOVE to see merch happening again, which is more positive than saying it's never going to happen at least.

9 hours ago, jellysundae said:

Scrappy answered an editorial question about merch recently, didn't she? One of those not-really-an-answer answers she gives so often, lol. But I think it was something along the lines of how she'd LOVE to see merch happening again, which is more positive than saying it's never going to happen at least.

So, in Neopian Times Editorial, Issue #806, 17th day of Storing, Y19 (17 November 2017), Question #1, is what you may be remembering:

ref: http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&week=806


Hiya, Scrappy! I really appreciate all of the care you put into answering the big questions people ask her at The Neopian Times. Most of the questions recently have been about site content. So, here's a curveball: will TNT ever bring back real life merchandise? I'd love to start collecting plushies/figures/cards again!
Nice, I love original questions like this!! Great question and I hope so!!! I am a HUGE fan of swag and would love to be decked out in Neopets stuff! There aren't massive plans for it right now but hopefully in the future we can!!

It could happen. You never know.

17 hours ago, Scoobert_Doo said:

So, in Neopian Times Editorial, Issue #806, 17th day of Storing, Y19 (17 November 2017), Question #1, is what you may be remembering:

ref: http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&week=806

It could happen. You never know.

Yep, that's the one! Thanks Scoobs :D And while that WAS a patented non-answer, it definitely wasn't a categorical NO, was it, so I'd say there is hope . . . you might be able to measure it in millimeters, but I think it's there.


Every time the lag gets really bad or the site goes down I get really anxious :P

But realistically, the community is definitely big enough to continue thriving. Though I feel the game could have been bigger than ever if some crucial changes were made and neopets was updated to fit in with the times. borovan said in an ama that they wanted neopets to keep up to date but new management doesn't really feel that way I guess.

It did brighten me up seeing these replies though! I hope neopets lasts much longer, and we all should enjoy it while it does!

20 hours ago, shoobopper said:

Every time the lag gets really bad or the site goes down I get really anxious :P

But realistically, the community is definitely big enough to continue thriving. Though I feel the game could have been bigger than ever if some crucial changes were made and neopets was updated to fit in with the times. borovan said in an ama that they wanted neopets to keep up to date but new management doesn't really feel that way I guess.

It did brighten me up seeing these replies though! I hope neopets lasts much longer, and we all should enjoy it while it does!

Yeah, it's definitely far from dying off thankfully. I feel like there are still way too many devoted users to let it get to that unsavable point. As long as progress keeps getting made I'll be happy! I do miss years ago as a kid when it felt like EVERYONE had a Neopets account lol. I think I'm the only one in RL that still plays Neopets out of everyone I know. I feel the same way, it had potential to be so much more but I guess it's just one of those things. 

I'm probably going to be that person that ends up being 75 still playing as long as its around ^_^ That's like 50 years off for me though so let me settle down haha. Can you imagine 50+ year profile trophies? :king:

  • 3 weeks later...

As long as there are enough players, Neopets will continue on. But I am sad that it's too outdated now. I don't know people who play Neopets anymore. Even I myself only go on there once in a while to destress. I hope Neopets intergrates itself with todays generation too.


I've been playing Neopets for ages ever since I was in elementary school. Now as someone who is nearly 25 I really don't have the time or patience anymore. I'm not saying that Neopets has an age limit. What I am saying is that I'm too busy thinking about and doing more "grown up" things like fashion, working out at the gym (I have high cholesterol) and going out into the community. I have matured over the past fourteen years and I'm busy doing other things like I mentioned, which is why I hardly log on to this forum or Neopets anymore. I have discovered new hobbies like coloring and reading. I have naturally stopped being super into Neopets. I'm also planning out my book series and that's taking up a lot of my creativity. 


I'm cautiously optimistic. Everyone's raised good points, including @dinoterror, (welcome to the forum BTW!) points on some of the stuff that IS surprising, (like the Infirmary having issues with Firefox).

Since I focus mostly on battle. I think TNT should add some new Boost levels to Strength and Defense. I know, they're releasing, practically GIVING AWAY really decent battle items. In the last year we've seen a number of really good weapons as part of site events, including the current Wraith-plot. But these weapons are getting closer and closer to outclassing some in the Hidden Tower, which of course are often times the best weapons Neopians have access to. Unless they have tens or hundreds of millions of NP to spend on retired and sold-out items that originated in Smuggler's Cove. So, if they added more boosts, I think that would give a longer longevity to the equipment that currently exists in Neopia for us. People could do more with lower priced equipment, but if they did want to splurge they could get more out of their higher priced equipment.

Presently, the top boost is reached for Strength and/or Defense at 750. At that point the boost/multiplier is 16. Maybe add boosts up to perhaps 20 or 24. It would give people training some more room to grow, and give those who continue to train Strength and Defense above 750, a bit of a reward for continuing to train. I mean, technically, you could train your stats to 750, and then focus on JUST HP from there on because having strength at 750, is no different than strength at 1500 right now. There are lots of players who continue to increase their pets stats beyond the current limit, and have been since probably before the legendary Majal Kita from days of old. So I think it's time for more boost levels. :)

13 hours ago, Aquamentis12 said:

I'm cautiously optimistic. Everyone's raised good points, including @dinoterror, (welcome to the forum BTW!) points on some of the stuff that IS surprising, (like the Infirmary having issues with Firefox).

Since I focus mostly on battle. I think TNT should add some new Boost levels to Strength and Defense. I know, they're releasing, practically GIVING AWAY really decent battle items. In the last year we've seen a number of really good weapons as part of site events, including the current Wraith-plot. But these weapons are getting closer and closer to outclassing some in the Hidden Tower, which of course are often times the best weapons Neopians have access to. Unless they have tens or hundreds of millions of NP to spend on retired and sold-out items that originated in Smuggler's Cove. So, if they added more boosts, I think that would give a longer longevity to the equipment that currently exists in Neopia for us. People could do more with lower priced equipment, but if they did want to splurge they could get more out of their higher priced equipment.

Presently, the top boost is reached for Strength and/or Defense at 750. At that point the boost/multiplier is 16. Maybe add boosts up to perhaps 20 or 24. It would give people training some more room to grow, and give those who continue to train Strength and Defense above 750, a bit of a reward for continuing to train. I mean, technically, you could train your stats to 750, and then focus on JUST HP from there on because having strength at 750, is no different than strength at 1500 right now. There are lots of players who continue to increase their pets stats beyond the current limit, and have been since probably before the legendary Majal Kita from days of old. So I think it's time for more boost levels. :)

Did you mention this stuff in the recent BD survey?

3 hours ago, jellysundae said:

Did you mention this stuff in the recent BD survey?

Yep! As much as I could think of at the time. I also thought they should work on getting things like Stealing and a few other equipment-glitches fixed sooner. Simply because they limit the fun we can have in the BD. And if stealing were to make a comeback before the final battle against the evil mastermind behind the wraiths begins, well, it would be neat to try and steal some of that opponent's equipment. ;) ESPECIALLY if it has some equipment that is not available to us players. It'd be a lot easier to test that way too. ;)

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