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Posts posted by lojoco49

  1. 6 hours ago, emily_speck_15 said:

    Hiya!  I started battling recently an have just a few questions...

    Do you get better prizes based off of who you are fighting/how hard you are fighting?  If so who do you recommend fighting?

    Does one battledome location give better prizes? (Or is just better to fight in?)

    I have gone ahead and bought some equipment, any thoughts?  I tried to have a bit of all types, except a freezer due to price.

    If you look here you can click on each opponent to see what prizes they give (I don't think it's 100% correct but it's pretty close). Players prize preferences vary, depending on what they want them for e.g. selling for profit, filling up their SDB with allsorts until they can do a big donation to get the avatar, @jellysundae's Charity Corner collecting etc. My favourite (easy to fight) opponent Harry The Mutant Moehog. I think he gives great prizes (for onselling) and doesn't use Throw Pillows or Lens Flare against you.

    I'm a relative beginner in the battledome myself, but this is what I've learned - that Thistleberry Pingrenade is awesome, shame it's only one use per battle but if you use that + another decent weapon + Lens Flare on your first turn, you should be able to take out most of the low level opponents. I'm also a fan of Scorchstones for in battle healing, but having said that, I'm not hugely familiar with weapons and healers available :happystrange:

  2. 1 hour ago, rntracy1 said:

    Uh YEAH, especially after I got jipped out of my avatar for the fiendish formations.  I am quite sure I did day one ON DAY ONE, but apparently not. If not, I did it the next day.  I finished the rest of them on the day they were added, and finished them ALL.  I'll tell you this too.  When I finished the first fiendish formation, the second one wasn't unlocked yet!! So I feel I finished it on time.  I am so peeved about it.  A trophy for my look up, yeah, that would DEFINITELY take the sting out of things a bit.  lol

    Well that would really grind my gears. Submit a ticket, I say!! You might just have that avatar within 12 hours :wink:

  3. On 2/21/2018 at 4:32 PM, jellysundae said:

    I wonder what level of disappointment we're going to feel about however the plot ends . . . kind of sad that I'm not expecting anything especially good to wrap things up. But while I've stated before that I'm ever the optimist, I'm not an idiot. xD

    I am here and now going to vow to not complain about the ending (*spoiler alert* this might be a lie) because I'll just be THAT happy that it'll all be over!


    On 2/21/2018 at 4:56 PM, queen_hatshepset said:

    I hope that I'll be able to get a trophy for my user page after this plot :blush:

    Well it's the LEAST they could do, right?!

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  4. 48 minutes ago, BEE. said:

    That's been on there for a while now. Around the time that map game step started, if I remember correctly. I thought the end arrived then, but we're still waiting, lol

    Oops, really? Haha I don't actually get to see that page very often, silly me :arrowhead:

    33 minutes ago, kayahtik said:

    I've never really done one of these things either, but what I'm guessing will happen, based on what others have said of previous plots, is that there will be one final big bad villain, and we will all have to contribute to beating them. Probably another BD opponent, and we will have to work as a community to defeat them a certain number of times (similar to how the potions worked). 

    Oh wow, I hope we don't have to unlock another chest to get the weapon to defeat him - I just barely managed the last spinning wheel :sick02:

    25 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

    I'm hoping it will be something different to wrap things up. I was pleasantly surprised by the Fiendish Formations as I wasn't expected anything different, but now I AM, so they'd better provide it. :ph34r:

    Different but not fiendishly difficult lets hope :ohno01:


    13 minutes ago, GillyTook said:

    So long as it isn't another variant of Fiendish Formations, or anything so difficult XD  Of course this is my first plot, too (unless you count that Altador could be done at any time) so I've no idea what to expect either.


  5. Congratulation! Aww cats are wonderful, loving, low maintenance creatures.

    I lost my beautiful Kitty last year after 18 years of love and joy. She was very happy to be the only cat in the house, thank you very much, and never liked it when we ended up with a second to invade her home - as we regularly did, with picking up the odd waif and stray (total softies lol). She outlived them all though so she had the last laugh.

    I hope you enjoy many many years with Josie :heart: 


    15 minutes ago, rntracy1 said:

    It all depends upon what the issue is.  They can and have fixed issues very quickly, and other issues, people still have tickets open years later.  I finally closed mine out after 1-1/2 yrs.  I could tell by the way they had responded to my other issues, that they felt it was a "nonsense" issue. Other issues have been responded to and fixed within hours.  But don't ever let the worry of them possibly not answering your ticket in a timely manner, determine whether or not you send a ticket in.  I would bet that if you are having an issue, chances are, others may be having that very same issue as well.  The more tickets they receive about a particular issue, the more likely they are to address it quickly.  The worst that happens, you have an open ticket for a year. lol.  If you don't send a ticket AT ALL, your issue can't ever get solved.

    It was actually to try to retrieve a long lost neopet account for my son. Couldn't get a password reset link because the email address attached to the account no longer existed.

    I really didn't think they would treat it with any urgency at all :biggrin:

  7. Holy moley @Granny63020, yours are alphabetized!! The OCD person inside me is so jealous lol.

    I too am a total pleb in regards to coding and have been looking, with awe, at all these amazing galleries AND backgrounds :blush:

    EDIT: I just found TDN Graphics 'readymades' and the easy to follow instructions and now I have a pretty (albeit plainish, but hey I'm not complaining!) backdrop for my gallery and a lovely big rainbow header. Ooh now to go look through the User and Pet lookups they have - I might become addicted to this...:dance:

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