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Posts posted by lojoco49

  1. 2 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

    So a big question comes to mind . . . what happened to the wife? Was she was sold off, like the hamster? :laugh:

    Haha, the Old Sheila? I have no idea! If memory serves, she was only ever mentioned and never appeared - like Maris Crane in Frasier.

  2. 27 minutes ago, Scoobert_Doo said:

    Happy to get this one. The very last Faerie Quest I received from this year's Faerie Quest Event was from the Fountain Faerie. My first one ever! Decided to use it to get this:

    Something Has Happened!
    buzzin.gif You are now eligible to use 'Buzzin'' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

    Lucky! I've never received a Fountain Faerie Quest but I'm stocked up on fortune cookies and hoping for one soon ??

    Meanwhile, today ...

    Something Has Happened!
    huggy.gif You are now eligible to use 'Huggy' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    Something Has Happened!
    islandkacheek.gif You are now eligible to use 'Must... Keep... Smiling...' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
  3. In the 70's Fred Dagg appeared on New Zealand tv screens. He was an hilarious spoof of Kiwi farmers and farming. 

    He had 6 sons who helped him on the farm - they were all named Trevor :thumbsup:


  4. 10 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

    I really wish I could give this both the laughing AND the crying "like"! I'm impressed that the shops are coded to not rob you blind though, that's a very cool thing to learn. I guess the question here is, how would you have reacted if the store keeper had snatched your hand off when you offered them a 5 figure sum for their smoothie. I'd have been feeling pretty salty right now if I'd just paid nearly 50k for a drink, not even your swankiest coffee shop's managed to hit those dizzy heights (yet!).

    Considering the store keeper refused the 46760, I kind of suspect that if you'd actually offered the 46770 they demanded you'd have got the message about it being too much again, though I'm not intending to try it out to verify, lol.  I figure it's coded to not over-charge but it doesn't go any further than that, so it carried on as normal when you tried again with the 4676, so because you offered 46760, and then 4676 it treated it like if you'd offered 467 for something priced at 4676, which is why the come back was an increase in price. I've noticed the store keepers do that if you get cheeky with 'em!

    Basically, you just confused the heck out of the store's coding, congrats!  lol.gif

    Hopefully the Rainbow Smoothie shows up again soon though so you can stop stalking the Smoothie Store. :heart:


    Haha yeah I know. I actually wouldn't have minded TOO much if they'd taken the 46760 since the cheapest in shops when I last looked was 300K, but true, it would've stung just a teeny bit lol.

  5. So, I REALLY want the new Rainbow Smoothie and finally saw it in the Smoothie Store. I quickly went to buy, happy to pay the 4676 asked for but in my haste I put in 46760 without realising until the next page where I got the message "I don't think you want to pay that much". Of course not lol! So tried again with the 4676 and got the message "I won't accept anything less than 46770 !?!? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, needless to say I missed out because someone had already snaffled it by the time I was able to reset ?:crying_anim:?

  6. 3 hours ago, kayahtik said:

    I felt similarly. I went into Level 9 with about 2700 points, and didn't see how I was going to get almost 2000 more within the last two levels. But lo and behold, I ended with 5100 somehow. The scoring in this game is really weird, but I think if you can just follow the guide (although the rotations are REALLY confusing!) you'll be ok. 

    The scoring is very odd, I had the same experience.

    Have to say - JN's guide is far clearer, especially in showing the places where you need to double back n yourself.

  7. 1 hour ago, Scoobert_Doo said:

    If you are going for AAA's score, TDN's Moon Rock Rampage is great! Expect to clear level 15 to match/beat his score, though. It did take me a few tries, but on the last one, I was able to complete all 20 levels. This day was kinda fun (for me)!

    I found that guide extremely helpful too, although I could only ever hope to beat Abi's score.

    I'm pretty useless at any game which involves the use of the arrow keys because there's just something between my brain and hands that doesn't connect very well ( the reason I STILL can't touch type after 40-mumble years of trying lol). So, anyway, I'm eternally grateful to you @Scoobert_Doo for the spoiler list of games you posted at the beginning of this event as it's enabled me to get in a little practice on some of those games!! :biggrin:

  8. 3 minutes ago, Yuiina said:

    Nice! I wasn't the only one going for X-MEN then! 
    The problem is indeed how can we find cloths/acessories in neopets that are alike them. Will still give Storm a few tries when I have time ;)
    Did you gather anything for Rogue? 

    Nope, the hair was my first consideration, so quickly gave up on that lol.

  9. 20 hours ago, Yuiina said:

    Good luck everyone!

    Wanted to enter this round as well but had no time unfortunately, time is my only problem. That's why my only entry at this contest was with my real pet.
    I had an idea for this round but simply had no time :crying_anim: Wanted to do Storm from X-MEN. 
    This was all I had, when I finish it (someday :whistle:) I'll post it on Backstage thread.




    Oh *SNAP*, I originally wanted to do Rogue but was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to find a suitably coloured wig (and couldn't be bothered trawling through the wigs to look for one :wink2: ) Your Storm looks great so far.

  10. 11 minutes ago, hrtbrk said:

    I'm sure zooming in your browser would work just as well too!

    Let us know how it works out! You can do it!!!

    Thanks! After about 50 (well it felt like that many anyway) frustrating games, I managed to hit a score of exactly 20 so submitted that and now I hope I never have to play that awful game again :axehead:

  11. 1 minute ago, Duma said:

    before you start the game you'll see a little yellow gear thingy for settings, usually in the right bottom corner. Click it, pick large and a quality (I picked "best").

    Thank you! Learn something new everyday on here! :smile:

  12. 16 minutes ago, hrtbrk said:
    • Slowly start inching the ball closer to the bottom to get at least one grounder. Once you get one Grounder (if you're good with getting more than one, awesome) start making you way up to bank your points. This should land you at least 35+ points for the first ball as you'll likely hit a wall or two on the way up.

    EDIT: Duma is right. Playing on large worked for me because the ball is bigger and so is the hitbox!

    Lol, I can barely keep it aloft, never mind inching it closer to the bottom.

    How do you get the game to go large? I looked everywhere for a full screen button or option but couldn't find one - or do you just mean to increase by using computer zoom function?

  13. 1 hour ago, Angeló said:

    WHAT are they kidding ?

    my HS is 11

    not even close to Abi's 20

    when did she become so good with this game ?!!

    Same here!

    57 minutes ago, Vlagopus said:

    @Angeló Same here. I thought yesterday's Super Hasee Bounce was bad, but this? This game makes no sense to me. I just keep dropping them and game over

    Me too, I've read the game guides and they say to use the Grundo ball if you're a beginner, but I can't even get a decent go with that :P

  14. 6 hours ago, jellysundae said:

    I was SWing for the cheapest option for today's quest when I spotted a name I knew, so I bought from them instead, so thank you @lojoco49 for helping my pet get stronger. :D

    You're welcome! :biggrin: Thank YOU for shopping with me.

    Aren't the prices ridiculous right now? I paid 20,000 NP for a Warf last night... a WARF!! :bigeyed:

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