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Posts posted by lojoco49

  1. I decided, after much the same experience (and being told my pet had gained 1 Level only to find she'd actually lost one), to only complete the quest if I had the items needed in my SDB.

    I refuse to waste the NP on it :axehead:

  2. 20 hours ago, Scoobert_Doo said:

    I'll take your ending, just to be finished with this "plot". Or, Queen Fyora wakes up in bed and it was all a bad dream...


    19 hours ago, jellysundae said:

    You see, when I talked in another thread about them needing some Deus ex Machina thing to finally get those guys out of bed, I absolutely remembered them pulling the "the entire last season was all a bad dream" thing with whats-her-face on Dallas . . . whoever Victoria Principal played. So you saying this now amuses me greatly. xD

    "Well they got away with it in Dallas!" - That's exactly what I thought when reading @Scoobert_Doo's post lol

  3. 7 hours ago, jellysundae said:

    Oh well done with the coconut!

    I might have got that one by now if I could just remember to actually visit the Coconut Shy daily, lol. :rolleyes:

    Thanks! I was so shocked, I just sat there for a minute staring at the pole with the coconut missing and thinking "What's going on?" Haha, there was no avi notification and the screen didn't say anything about me having knocked one down so I really did sit there like a stunned mullet :bigeyed:


  4. 18 hours ago, Angeló said:

    they kept the voting up for a whole another week until i got to the top 25 then didn't count these votes and reverted to the previous week so i was bumped off the winners list .. 

    That is heinous! Shame on them for acting so appallingly :ohno01:

  5. 2 minutes ago, BlushedRose said:

    OMG, Me. I had a Magical Apple Chia Pop in my SDB for some reason and was half debating donating versus selling stuff since I got the SDB avatar. I chose to sell everything and THANK GOODNESS because I didn't realize the value of some items I had. The first realization was when I price checked the stuff and found out that the Magical Chia Pop wasn't just an average pop, nor could it be sold in my shop. PHEW. Lesson learned :whaa:

    Yep, it really pays to check EVERYTHING! Especially if it has 'magical' in the name.

  6. Something Has Happened!
    meowclops_close.gif You are now eligible to use 'Meowclops' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    Something Has Happened!
    snicklebeasty.gif You are now eligible to use 'Snicklebeast' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



    Edit March 4th:

    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Gadgadsbogen!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    Today's the day to get this one if you don't have it already!

  7. 3 hours ago, yasha said:

    I was making a bid in the auctions for 6 million, so I had about 6 mil and 5k on me, and when I clicked make the bid, it accepted my offer but at that same time, I had a random event happening where dr sloth took 20% of my neopoints that I had on hand... at this page I still had the 6mil so I go to the next page to see what exactly ended up happening.... and I see -1,195,392 NP

    I never knew I could actually go into negative on neopets xD 

    Even though it's kinda funny, I'm a bit bummed out about losing a mil for nothing though lol 

    Wow, that sucks

    5 minutes ago, yasha said:

    lol omg i'm actually ranked 6

    I been hunting trophies a little bit but I never even know these existed, even if i did i don't think it was one that i wanted xD

    It's a lot to pay for a silver trophy, but you can feel good about the fact that you didn't get stung for as much as the 5 people above you! There's always a bright side lol

  8. 1 hour ago, samid11 said:

    Oh, definitely. It especially stinks since my non-plot Neofriends have been stuck with laggy/undoable dailies since they can't make/use potions. :(

    Welcome and just a headsup for your non-plot friends (although I know it would have been far more helpful nearer the beginning of the plot lol) -  my son recently discovered that IE seems resistant to the fog so was able to not be driven crazy while doing his dailies!

  9. 3 hours ago, jellysundae said:

    I'm still feeling salty about this change. Which is NUTS as I already have this avatar, lol. But it seems such a redundant change to me.

    I think that I'm affronted on behalf of Lupes everywhere. They are a noble beast, and it seems demeaning to have to fight such a foolish and easy to defeat creature as the Chia Clown, makes the avatar seem kind of worthless. : /

    I kinda thought something along those same lines myself. Chia Clown is such a weakling! Still, there's nothing we mere mortals can do about it since TNT is 'The Boss' so I suggest we snack on your salty nuts :wink: and ....

    200w_d (2).gif

  10. 3 hours ago, Balletlatte said:

    After several attempts to get this avatar with the TDN & JellyNeo strats, I found out the following from avatar chat on Neopets:  The strategy has been changed.  To get this avatar fight and win a battle against Clown Chia.  

    Can confirm this works I got it this morning

    I realize this is also an avatar topic, however if people come here looking for the strat I thought this would be a good place to post also (=

    Thank you!! I have tried SOOOOOOO many times to get this avatar! 

    In other news that @jellysundaewill appreciate, I tried to like your post and even though I have not liked ANY other posts so far today, was told I could not leave any more reactions *sigh*

  11. 8 hours ago, Aquamentis12 said:

    LOL Well, we try to do our best for our fellow fans of Neopets. :D I even went back after Tekkitu and Plumbeard after we got most everyone squared away, after a few more months, STILL no Zed. I kind of wondered if the Mystery Island Arena gives any Zeds at all. LOL I only battled those two from that arena so I don't know about it's other occupants. lol

    Hmm, I didn't work on him when we were gathering prize data, but I can certainly look into adding those in later. I did just look at Harry's 1p profile, and you're right, those items don't appear with the other prizes. They must be exclusive items to him, and therefore probably more rare than other prizes you can win by beating him. No telling when they were added to his prizes in-game. Thanks for the heads up on those items/prizes!

    Seems really odd though! They're not even the most valuable red at the moment - but perhaps they once were.

    I'm fairly sure those Harry prizes are new and I can even give you the date they started appearing because the subject was part of my very first post on TDN forums! It was January 28 I got both for the first time after consistently battling Harry for 2 to 3 months. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Aquamentis12 said:

    @lojoco49 As for the prize data, the TDN staff spent quite a long time, many months, battling each 1p opponent to collect prize data. Oddly enough, after many months of fighting Tekkitu and Plumbeard, I never once got either of them to drop a Zed Codestone. lol I still have my notepad files from those days and the opponents I battled. Different arenas and different opponents usually seem to have some exclusive items. Anyway, if you wondered about where the prize data came from, that's the story. lol Short version of course. ;)

    Wow, that's dedication! And I'm very grateful for it :biggrin:

    The only reason I made mention of correctness is that Harry has regularly been dropping 2 items that are not listed for him - Moehog Mud Bomb and Moehog News

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