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Posts posted by lojoco49

  1. 2 hours ago, rntracy1 said:

    Um, I think there are SOME kadders who have feeding programs, but most of those annoying overfeeders, who you see on the board and time keeping, do not have an auto program. They ARE really that good and that fast.  Why they would spend that much time doing that, is beyond me.  I went to 100 just so I could say I am an official OF'er.  I could have stopped at 76 and been an over feeder.

    If the same names are coming up over and over in the same spot, that is not a program.  If they are all over the board, it could be, but most likely not if they are on the chat boards.

    Aah, right. Why on earth do people want to feed them so much?! I'd rather spend my hard earned NP on other things.

    I tried following the board once but quickly started losing the will to live, my God, I have better things to do lol. And what's this about spots? Do people seriously think a certain spot 'belongs' to them? As far as I'm concerned it's first in, first served and they can kiss my a** if I take their spot ?

  2. 1 minute ago, jellysundae said:

    It definitely becomes an obsession, lol. But overfeeders do tend to do the time-keeping on the kad board, don't they, so they do a worthwhile job!

    I'll get that darned avatar some day! Then I'll happily never visit the Kadoatery again :arrowhead:

  3. I'm saving up for a Golden Shell, but I like having plenty of NP in the bank too so it'll be quite some time before I feel semi-comfortable (because, lets face it, I'll NEVER feel comfortable spending 42 million on an item) buying one. They'll probably be up to 50 mill before I make it lol.

  4. 8 hours ago, jellysundae said:

    It took me a LONG time to turn pink because of pwnage by faster kadders, go to say. In the end I did what is disapproved of mightily, I had an inventory full of hundreds of different kad foods. There was no way I could feed otherwise, my MS issues combine to make the fast thinking and reacting, hopping between tabs etc. needed completely impossible. I strongly suspect a LOT of the over-feeders have extremely full inventories, too, despite what they say about how they feed, because I don't see how they can possibly feed so quickly otherwise.

    I know, right? I suspect quite a few are breaking the rules by having some kind of auto feeding programme. I see the same names come up in there over and over. Some of them have over 6000 feeds!

  5. On 8/7/2017 at 5:22 AM, jellysundae said:

    I see you there @lojoco49!


    Every now and again I check in on The Brats, just to be able to enjoy that warm fuzzy feeling of knowing I no longer have to live my Neolife in 7 minutes increments. :happydance:

    Haha, one of my very few and far between successful attempts at getting the timing right. Seriously, I have an inventory half full of items purchased to feed a Kad but then I've JUST been beaten to it by a few seconds *sigh*

  6. 12 hours ago, jellysundae said:

    My love of Terry Pratchett has just increased! See the Discworld city he's written most about - Ankh-Morpork.

    In the book Feet of Clay the creation of the city's coat of arms is featured (WHY is it called a coat?!) Being Discworld the shields are created life-size using live animals because hey, why not? lol. This is the relevant excerpt . . .


    Vimes turned and found himself looking at a small owl. "My gods," he said. "That's a Morpork, isn't it?"

    The old man's face broke into a happy smile. "Ah, I can see thee knows thy heraldry," he cackled. "Daphne's ancestors came all the way from some islands on the other side of the Hub, so they did." Vimes took out his City Watch badge and stared at the coat of arms embossed thereon.

    The old man looked over his shoulder. "That's not her, o'course," he said, indicating the owl perched on the Ankh. "That was her great-grandma, Olive."

    And now, thanks to @lojoco49 I know all this is a lovely nod to New Zealand. :D 

    Oh that is GOLDEN! Haha, I've never gotten around to reading Discworld - now I think I definitely must.


    10 hours ago, charelan said:

    @lojoco49: I would LOVE to see birds in your part of the world! If I am not mistaken, New Zealand has very few predators so the birds are plentiful. And I think much more colourful than what I am used to. I also read about a really interesting NZ bird called a kakapo, who is super super rare, but sounds so amazing. I love Douglas Adams books, and the kakapo was one of the creatures he wrote about in Last Chance to See. 

    Yes, we are lucky that there aren't TOO many predators here and have managed to save a few of our natives (particularly the flightless ones like Kiwi and Kakapo) from extinction with careful breeding programmes. Hopefully "Last Chance to See" won't be the case, they are adorable :D


    Now that some budgie tales have been written, it reminds me of an event when my son was 3 or 4yrs old. It was our turn to look after the kindergarten budgie over the weekend (Bruce). He was very tame and we had him out of the cage. Jason was on the lounge floor colouring in and Bruce was hopping about on the colouring book. It was a warm day so we had the door open. Next minute a stray cat SHOT in the door, grabbed Bruce and darted outside again. It was all so quick!! After a few tears and the shock wearing off, we desperately started the search to buy a look-a-like. Found one that was quite similar and bowled up to kindy on the Monday with him, guiltily whispered to the head teacher that he was a replacement (and the associated events) only to be told - "That's okay, he's about the fifth 'Bruce' we've had." ?

    Found a photo! This was taken just minutes before poor Bruce's demise...



  7. What lovely bird stories!  :D Especially yours @rntracy1
    At our house, even though we're quite central to the middle of the city, we're lucky to have a nice big yard which is surrounded by hedges and trees so I get to see lots of birds. 
    I'm not sure what all the species are but there are many sparrows and also tuis, fantails, blackbirds, waxeyes, chaffinches and greenfinches and the odd pigeon. We even get the occasional rosella, which is a real treat with its beautiful colouring. 

    I often hear a morepork (New Zealand's only native owl) at night but have never spotted one. That's an odd name, you might think, but when they hoot it sounds like they're calling out "more pork"!  :thumbsup:

  8. 11 hours ago, jellysundae said:

    Maybe they used the perks to create this. I suppose they MUST have as there's no other way it could have happened.

    *checks on JN*

    Yep, it's been confirmed on there now that this is what happens.


    Aaaah, thank you! Such a pity they can't sort out some OOAK image for them.

  9. On 5/17/2018 at 7:25 AM, Nielo said:

    Poor Zilacea, just showing up as a cog, because Grape Lutaris don't exist...

    Am I missing something here? The pet lookup *says* it's a Grape Lutari, so how did that even happen?! It's things like this that keep me awake at night lol

  10. 6 hours ago, GillyTook said:

    Well rats.  I still can't click on the one of every kind reward that is under the Malum rises one =/  Guess I'm just missing a prize from the plot for good?

    @GillyTook, the One Of Every Kind reward was the Infirmary Avatar.

    As @Nielo has said, it is glitched for all, just check your avatar list to see if you have it. You probably do.

    7 hours ago, Scoobert_Doo said:

    The "fog" is gone and, now, I don't believe anyone can try to complete this plot.

    The challengers have all been removed from the battledome as well.

  11. Something Has Happened!
    fireblumaroo.gif You are now eligible to use 'Blumaroo - Fire!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    One more I would never have gotten by myself. Cheers ALP! ?

    Something Has Happened!
    meepvsfeep.gif You are now eligible to use 'Meepit Vs Feepit' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    Also got this one after a few frustrating tries where I accidentally won too quickly and wasn't able to maximise points :dance:

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