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Posts posted by lojoco49

  1. 46 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

    Like if you manage to snag something decent from the dump you might get the avatar, but there isn't anything decent to nab, is there. BUT, maybe now there IS... ?<span>

    Gonna be interesting to see how this plays out, no matter what. Also, I'm amused by imagining the hoards of people swarming the dump now. ?

    I'm not going to waste any of my 10 r.90+ items from the Money Tree spaces on nasty guck from the dump until what you need to do is discovered and confirmed though, lol.

    I'm wondering that - since the avi seems to be called "Garbage Gem". Also I don't think Rubbish Dump items count toward your 10 limit from Money Tree?

  2. 1 hour ago, DragonPhoenix said:

    This happened a few months ago as well, I accidentally clicked the Soup Kitchen link from the dailies page and found that it was available. I checked it periodically and it was up for at least a week before returning to normal. It had the Festival notice up at that time too, even though it was not during Faerie Festival. My guess is that it is kind of a glitch - some setting is probably accidentally getting activated when they are updating other site content. As for whether people would get penalized for using it I don't know, since it doesn't award neopoints or items, but can award an avatar.

    Oh it's to do with the Faerie Festival? Oops, I thought it must be something to do with the Dragoyle event - my bad! :axehead:

  3. 4 hours ago, rntracy1 said:

    Hmmmm! Is anyone else experiencing severe lag today.  Then the site goes down completely.  It must be all those people practicing against the practice team putting too much strain on the site.?

    Ugh! Sooooo frustrating and it's been going on the entire day. Hope they fix it soon otherwise I'm gonna be extremely grumpy by the time hubby gets home from work, and then he'll bear the brunt of my mood lol. Poor man.

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