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Posts posted by lojoco49

  1. 1 hour ago, Kute said:

    #3 is great. Love the colors. Good job!

    Sure is! Brings back wonderful memories of watching it with my son, we loved Captain Planet and the Planeteers. Haha, I even found a packet of cheap generic plastic rings at the toy shop and they matched all the colours of the Planeteer rings. He was over the moon with them. Good times.... :biggrin:

  2. 12 hours ago, Mouseykins said:

    Also, if you get your score reviewed, DO NOT PANIC!! Your score will qualify for your prizes. :D

    Oh, thank you! I WAS panicking lol. After much practice and sheer dumb luck hitting bombs and bonus gems I managed to get 1313 and got the dreaded score review message :P

    It is VERY rare for me to be able to beat AAA's score :happydance:

  3. 2 minutes ago, Duma said:

    rofl. I'm just awake and I misread Lojoco49 as Locojo49 in the like of Scoobert just now.

    Sorry @lojoco49


    And about my 667 likes, that's just because I'm on my way to 666666 :P

    No worries, I AM rather loco so it's quite fitting :arrowhead:

  4. 35 minutes ago, jellysundae said:


    I'm just thankful that people "got" my entry. Because it definitely needed the animation to be watched, and the UFO takes a long time to appear, so I was fully expecting to create a lot of :huh: faces, lol.

    Haha, apparently quite a few DIDN'T get mine. Helps to have an awesome gay son I guess :wink2:

  5. 11 hours ago, Yuiina said:

    Oh! Thank you very much :heart:

    Congrats on your entry :) 

    Thank you, and to you! Yours was simply gorgeous :D

    11 hours ago, jellysundae said:

    Ooh! I placed! Go me! Go all of us who won! *throws confetti*


    Yay! I'm honoured to be sharing 3rd with you :biggrin:

  6. 4 hours ago, mononoke__ said:

    Wow! I would love a Lutari - but that means I would have to pound one of my pets.... I really love all of them - always wanted a Poogle and Cybunny. My Shoyru has a stealth paint on it, and I know that is one expensive brush to get (got it from a fearie quest) and the Draik I hatched.... what's a girl to do! 

    I notice you've only mentioned 4 pets there. Do you realise ordinary accounts are now allowed 5 pets?

  7. Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Neoquest II - Devilpuss' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    Phew! Now I can go to bed happy :D Ready to hit the Bionic Cybunny areas next chance I get.

    Something Has Happened!
    bunninator.gif You are now eligible to use 'Neoquest II - Bionic Cybunny' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    And there he is :dance:

  8. 35 minutes ago, UMaxii said:

    Sorry for the dumb question but whats IE?


    29 minutes ago, Nielo said:

    It's short for Internet Explorer. :)

    (This plot has had people switching between browsers - as many things don't work in Firefox, for instance - but apparently things not working in Internet Explorer is a good thing in this case. :smile:)

    Yep good old Internet Explorer - you could just use it for your dailies, as those are the main pages with the haze, and then switch to your normal browser for other things :smile:

  9. 11 hours ago, Granny63020 said:

    They are all expensive. That's why I have to take my time and by just one or two at a time. I believe that it increases the amount of RE that I get.


    11 hours ago, jellysundae said:

    Interesting! Ok, I'm off to investigate now and see what guides say!

    I believe each bead, or set of beads has a different (but not guaranteed?) effect. 

  10. 39 minutes ago, Granny63020 said:

    Well, I went to search for Lutari Talisman Beads on the TP and the AH. I tried using several combinations of the words but I was unable to find anything. I'm sure I'm not searching correctly. I have bought beads in the past (quite a while ago) and don't remember how I searched them. Do you buy beads for your Talisman? Can you direct me as to what words I need to search for the beads? Thanks!

    Blue Matu Bead
    Blue Oranu Bead
    Blue Ranaka Bead
    Blue Tongi Bead
    Blue Urapa Bead
    Green Matu Bead
    Green Oranu Bead
    Green Ranaka Bead
    Green Tongi Bead
    Green Urapa Bead
    Red Matu Bead
    Red Oranu Bead
    Red Ranaka Bead
    Red Tongi Bead
    Red Urapa Bead
    Yellow Matu Bead
    Yellow Oranu Bead
    Yellow Ranaka Bead
    Yellow Tongi Bead
    Yellow Urapa Bead

    Here is the run down of them all 


  11. On 3/6/2018 at 9:41 AM, midnight_spell360 said:

    :sad01_anim: BUT you were supposed to EAT that Spiffy Candy-Wrapper-looking Petpet! :crying_anim::oink: Good Luck everyone else! I hope some TDN Buddy gets the AVATAR! :rambo:

    I've been wondering lately if I should give my pet that Custard Aroota I have in my SDB, in the hope that a food themed petpet might be more likely to get eaten by Turmy - the things I ponder when I should be working lol


    Moderator Edit:

    Please be advised that this topic is strictly for posting when Turmaculus is able to be woken up. If you wish to comment on prizes or theorise, please do that outside of this board, either in a PM or a separate board for theories. Commenting on this board when Turmy is not awake can cause confusion for other members. Thanks! ~Mouseykins

    Editing this post so I don't bump the topic.

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