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Posts posted by lojoco49

  1. 11 hours ago, Aquamentis12 said:

    God, I hope they don't add a 2nd assassin, that would royally STINK!

    16 hours ago, sunny098 said:

    Although I just had this idea, what if TNT decides to put moving pieces into the game in the next few days. That would really make it hard. I hope they don't. 


    EEK, don't give them any more fiendish ideas haha! 

    Just completed day 7 - 1 assassin, 2 decoys and 12-16 units to place. As I said on a previous day, don't be afraid to restart levels as you often end up with an easier board :D

  2. 59 minutes ago, acorah said:

    Ok, thanks for your help. Funny I couldn`t find info, must not happen very often, lol. Cheers!

    Happens to me sporadically, just withdraw and start over - not a huge deal.


    1 hour ago, Hanso said:

    Yup, it will. But the good news is your win/loss count doesn't really have an impact on... well, anything :P


     So true lol

  3. 7 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

    Haha, thanks for the vote of confidence, but no I really can't. >_< Because of my MS my brain's processing speeds are about on par with an old computer running on Windows 95. To be honest, everything about this game is things that my brain struggles mightily with, so I'm just happy that I got gold on Days 1 and 3. I'll try all the days, but I'll know quickly each time when to give up, lol.

    Oh sorry, I didn't know about your MS! Keep up the good work :D

  4. If not for Malum I'd be Brute Squad all the way this time, because I'd want to try for the only avatar I need out of the 3 factions... BUT Strength of Mind boon is the only chance I'd ever have of defeating that @#$% on hard so I'll be choosing Seekers and praying for a win.

    Here's hoping he's still in battledome when the skirmish is over - and that Seekers win of course! :competitive:

  5. 2 minutes ago, Musical_Shoyru said:

    So I was sick and missed day two (although I could of sword I did it)... I'm guessing I'm not going to get the prize for clearing all the areas the day they were attacked, which is going to really bum me out if it's a stamp or something. They really need to give people some slack on these things. Things happen :(

    Fairly sure you can still complete it. A friend of mine did days 1, 2 and 3 all today and received all achievement prizes.

  6. 9 minutes ago, the_lady_j said:

    I just finished NQII yesterday in normal mode. I used the JN guide the whole way through, and it WILL tell you if there is someone you need to specifically talk to. On occasion, there will also be whole areas you can skip. None of this will effect you earning the trophy. The thing to be aware of, however, that wasn't made particularly clear in the guide - are the rest stops. If your characters are not in need of a rest to top off their health meters, or if you're just trying to save money, think again. Those rest stops are also save points of a sort. If you were to 'die', you'll start again at the last rest stop you visited. Thankfully this never happened to me, but I didn't even realize it until I was over two-thirds of the way through the game. Good luck!

    Oh, ok thank you! I must not be reading thoroughly enough :blink:

  7. Thanks @kayahtik yes I'm following the jellyneo guide. It doesn't seem to specifically say I NEED to talk to a certain person so do I just ascertain that myself by scanning the conversations to see? For instance picking up Mipsy and visiting the guy who gives a password etc? Sorry I'm such a noob in this area of neopets, previously only played the flashgames.

    Haha, I'm glad it's not just me @jellysundae, I already feel like I'm going insane with the sheer length of this thing! :axehead:

  8. Hi there, I have a question for all you seasoned NQII players ( @rntracy1 @kayahtik maybe?) - is it necessary at each stop to visit every person?

    Will I still get the trophy at the end if I skip a lot of them? I have just arrived at Lakeside and there are soooooo many people. I find visiting each one very tedious. Life is short and I am old...

  9. 17 hours ago, etrnldarkness said:

    Joining the rest of you! I always seem to miss day specific ones. :D

    @lojoco49 If you copy the text starting with the word "something" then just come paste it here you should be good :)

    copy - ctrl+c
    paste - ctrl+v

    Just in case you don't know the shortcut keys

    Something Has Happened!
    jhudoraohyeah.gif You are now eligible to use 'Evil Jhudora' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

    Oh good grief it's that easy?! Haha, I didn't realise that would work with something that included an animated image and was fiddling about trying to 'insert other media' with the url o_O

    Thank you @etrnldarkness


    EDIT FEB 5th:

    And today this one!

    Something Has Happened!
    awakened_aagh7l.gif You are now eligible to use 'Battleground: Awakened' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
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