Popular Post Ian Posted August 19, 2007 Popular Post Posted August 19, 2007 Hi!My name is Ian and I'm the creator of The Daily Neopets. On behalf of all of The Daily Neopets and its members, welcome! We're glad you're here. b)In this topic, I'll outline the guidelines for The Daily Neopets Forums. At The Daily Neopets, we strive to be a friendly Neopets community that's focused on Neopets discussion and help. These guidelines have been put in place to ensure that The Daily Neopets Forums remain a friendly place with meaningful content. And if you're ever unsure about something, be sure to contact one of our Global Moderators; they're here to help and answer any questions you might have.1. Respect All MembersThe Golden Rule at The Daily Neopets is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Being respectful means being kind and courteous to one another and keeping your cool in tense situations. Harassing and/or trolling others is never the way to resolve conflict; always contact a Moderator if a situation gets out of hand.2. Don't Post S.P.A.M. (short, pointless, annoying messages)Here's how we would define spam: Posts that are less than 7 words. (Adding off-topic words to add to post word count is considered spam.) Excessive use of smilies without any meaningful post content. Posts that bump an irrelevant topic back up to the top. Posts that are irrelevant. Any posts that use chat speak or are virtually incomprehensible. Double posts (No two or more posts in a row by the same member. "Edit" your posts to add information or use "MultiQuote" for your initial reply when replying to multiple posts.) Duplicate topics (you can search for a topic to see if it already exists). 3. Duplicate Forum AccountsThere is no need for anyone to have more than one account at TDN Forums as they are all the same. Duplicate accounts will be removed.4. Neopets Guidelines Apply HereFor this reason do not post: (1) links to Neopets cheat programs or sites that sell Neopoints for real money, (2) messages asking for sensitive information like email addresses, Neopets PINs, and passwords, (3) messages asking for other personally identifiable information (respect other members' privacy), and (4) scam or chain messages.5. Prohibited ContentPosting the following kind of content is always prohibited. Links to harmful websites (cookie grabbers, trojans, viruses, worms) Links to any web site that could assist in circumventing Neopets' rules Any sites considered illegal by U.S. law Links to pornographic, suggestive, discriminatory, or obscene web sites Inappropriate profile pictures Swear words (allowed words: gosh, stupid, crap, heck, dang, sucks) For swear words/general language, if it's not allowed on the Neoboards, it's generally not allowed here either. Backseat moderating: click the "Report" button next to the post or topic instead Advertising/links to any real life items for sale 6. Signature Guidelines All signature images should fit within a 500x250 px area. Keep your adoptables (i.e. Egg Cave) on one line, with a maximum of 5 adoptables. Moderators can still remove signatures that follow all of these rules if deemed obnoxious or inappropriate. 7. Do Not Remove Moderator EditsAt TDN Forums, one way moderators will let you know that you've broken a rule is through editing one of your offending posts with a moderator notice. Please take time to review these edits so that you don't break the same rule twice. Removing these moderator edits from any of your posts is prohibited and will lead to additional infractions.Methods of Warning Verbal warnings: verbal warnings are reminders from your Moderators about a guideline that you've broken. You'll receive these via PM. When received, please take time to review this topic again so you don't repeat the same mistake. Warnings: warnings are official and are made a part of your warn level and record at TDN Forums. Warning levels range from 0-6 Warning Points. Members are banned at 6 Warning Points. To decrease your warning points, please see this topic. Suspensions: temporary suspension are sometimes used in conjunction with an official warning. Permanent Bans: permanent bans are issued to spam bots, trolls, and members who have been repeatedly warned but have not changed. Our Warning Policy +1 Warning Point: given after 7 minor offenses and a verbal warning (off-topic post, short post, double post, duplicate topic) +2 Warning Points: given if a 7-day moderator review period does nothing to lessen rule-breaking and continues on with 5 or more infractions. Two warning points are also given to trolls, flame-baiters, members who mention cheats, and members who are deliberately rude to other members or staff. +3 Warning Points: given after a member has already incurred 3 Warning Points and has not changed their behavior. At 6 Warning Points: Banned A Note On Pinned Topics Moderators may pin topics to the top of a forum if they are particularly useful and relevant. Pinned topics are not, however, a popularity contest. A popular topic doesn't necessarily mean it'll be pinned. Moderators can pin and unpin topics at their discretion. Thank you for helping keep The Daily Neopets Forum the best Neopets forum on earth! JimJerm, eugeneuv16, alola9 and 17 others 20
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