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I on the other hand am mad because now I feel like I wasted all that time stocking up on items just to get a slap in the face with this prize shop. The whole reason I strained my wrists over this was for the bank and stock perks, and now ALL OF THOSE sticky snowballs I purchased were a waste.

I don't understand why they completely change the prizes and points system without telling anyone prior. 😞


This was going to be my first year participating in Charity Corner and I'd built up so much excitement after months of hearing about all the prize perks I could get. Now I'm bitterly disappointed that the entire event has been changed up. Been hoarding away Sticky Snowballs for nothing and the prize pool isn't even worth participating for. 😭


Thanks for the heads up on TNT on doing something with Sticky Snowballs, by nerfing the point value of them due to them being the easiest r100 item to acquire (mainly via the Healing Springs shop). I knew that they'd tie up this Sticky Snowball loophole one way or another.

Heck, I got other r90 to r100 goodies I can chuck in for Granny Hopbobbin and Captain Rourke, mainly 6 and 8 pointer Battledome item drops and stuff from dailies unless if any of those got nerfed. I tested a few Itsy Bitsy Tiny Snowballs (r98, Battledome item drop from the Winter Arena), and they still gave me 8 points each at the time of this post.


Yup, figured they would lower the point value of sticking snowballs at some point. 

I'm more disappointed about the lack of perks. I really wanted to get the Puzzle Adventure site theme! 


I am... rather underwhelmed by the prize shop I admit.

And it seems petty to have completely disregarded people's prior planning for the event by nerfing Sticky Snowballs. I get that they were being exploited, but some prior warning would likely have gone down far better with their fanbase. 

I can see people being naffed off to put it mildly!


The prize shop is an utter joke, they don't announce ANY forewarning about the changes WHATSOEVER, like COME ON! It's like they get pleasure in punishing and/or riling up their own fanbase. I can't wrap my head around their decision making. Just when I think "Oh, I should give them the benefit of the doubt" and come back to Neopets, they royally screw us yet again. Yeah, well I'll find my entertainment elsewhere. I'm done.

1 hour ago, Hanso said:

Ikr? 4000 points for a box that has a 1% chance of giving you a rare item? Jumpstart, who hurt you?

Yeah, I'm not bothering with the boxes at all. The weapon isn't anything special in the Battledome either... Turned Tooth is better!! 

14 minutes ago, MysteryAF said:

The prize shop is an utter joke, they don't announce ANY forewarning about the changes WHATSOEVER, like COME ON! It's like they get pleasure in punishing and/or riling up their own fanbase. I can't wrap my head around their decision making. Just when I think "Oh, I should give them the benefit of the doubt" and come back to Neopets, they royally screw us yet again. Yeah, well I'll find my entertainment elsewhere. I'm done.

I want the stamp and the petpet I think... but I'm not actually excited by either of them the way I would have been by the perks. The paint job one in particular and the stocks...


I think what's gone on is they're fully aware that they've created a monster with CC and are looking for a way to tame the beast, lol.

Also a message to us all to not put all our eggs in one basket?

TNT's not obliged to do something just because we expect it; because we draw conclusions and develop expectations from what's been done in the past. This is something Neopians as a whole really should have learnt not to do by now as this kind of scenario happens over and over again. 🙃

If people spend over a year speculatively spending NP on items for an event they don't even know will happen, let alone work the same way; then throw a fit when it doesn't actually work the same way... I guess that's 100% human behaviour for ya, right there, lol. 🥴

People are mad at themselves so lashing out at TNT? The entitlement's VERY strong right now whatever the personal cause. I spent all year stock-piling sticky snowballs from the healing springs, but I've said on here before that if they did disallow them (or nerf them) it'd be nbd because by neopian standards the cost of them is so negligible, that low cost was how I justified the buying of them in the first place as I'd never allowed myself to buy CC stock before.

I've yet to even check CC out, my brain needs time to process the changes and it's not ready to do that yet it would seem! Maybe a lot of my don't care attitude is once again down to the MS, my ability to react, to give a [insert expletive of your choice] is so minimal that I just can't care that stuff's been changed so drastically. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



You're completely misunderstanding why I'm upset then. They threw a curveball without telling anyone. It has nothing to do with acting entitled, it's literally JumpStart's fault because they just pooped out this prize shop without announcing it. And can you HONESTLY say that this prize shop is good? It's one of the most half-assed things I've seen them put out. They didn't even announce what it was gonna be, they just said "Charity Corner is coming soon!" People didn't expect anything to change because they didn't announce anything was gonna change! They're not staying open with their fanbase, and it shows. They had over a year to announce these changes and put the event together. I could live with the crappy prize shop, as long as I knew it was gonna be a prize shop. They left everyone in the dark, which caused people to prepare for it in the wrong ways. I think it's justifiable to be upset over that.

53 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

I think what's gone on is they're fully aware that they've created a monster with CC and are looking for a way to tame the beast, lol.

Also a message to us all to not put all our eggs in one basket?

TNT's not obliged to do something just because we expect it; because we draw conclusions and develop expectations from what's been done in the past. This is something Neopians as a whole really should have learnt not to do by now as this kind of scenario happens over and over again. 🙃

If people spend over a year speculatively spending NP on items for an event they don't even know will happen, let alone work the same way; then throw a fit when it doesn't actually work the same way... I guess that's 100% human behaviour for ya, right there, lol. 🥴

People are mad at themselves so lashing out at TNT? The entitlement's VERY strong right now whatever the personal cause. I spent all year stock-piling sticky snowballs from the healing springs, but I've said on here before that if they did disallow them (or nerf them) it'd be nbd because by neopian standards the cost of them is so negligible, that low cost was how I justified the buying of them in the first place as I'd never allowed myself to buy CC stock before.

I've yet to even check CC out, my brain needs time to process the changes and it's not ready to do that yet it would seem! Maybe a lot of my don't care attitude is once again down to the MS, my ability to react, to give a [insert expletive of your choice] is so minimal that I just can't care that stuff's been changed so drastically. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I have to say, I think TNT have kinda made a rod for their own back here and I have very little sympathy. They knew this kind of move would face a backlash and in honesty it seems rather petty and spiteful to remove the points bonus with no warning. Even a small amount of communication at the end of last years event or some time in the lead up to this years event would have softened the blow somewhat.

They set themselves up to fail because there was an expectation from preceeding years events that wasn't followed through on.

Personally I'm not too salty. I only had 400 stickies anyway, but they would have been a nice points boost. I'm at 6000 so far and it's tedious!! I also have no experience of previous years events, which might help. But the fact that they only reduced the stickies - not the icy snowballs for example just strikes me as a petty move on their part.

46 minutes ago, MysteryAF said:

You're completely misunderstanding why I'm upset then. They threw a curveball without telling anyone. It has nothing to do with acting entitled, it's literally JumpStart's fault because they just pooped out this prize shop without announcing it. And can you HONESTLY say that this prize shop is good? It's one of the most half-assed things I've seen them put out. They didn't even announce what it was gonna be, they just said "Charity Corner is coming soon!" They're not staying open with their fanbase, and it shows. They had over a year to announce these changes and put the event together. I could live with the crappy prize shop, as long as I knew it was gonna be a crappy prize shop.

I think the lack of communication is perhaps what is the worst thing about it...


I agree, lack of communication is one of the worst parts, but they should've realized this by now; it's a mistake they've repeated countless times.


I can't help but think in honesty that it also shows a marked lack of respect for their fanbase. To know in advance that your customers - many paying - are going to spend all year preparing by doing one specific avtion and then negating that almost entirely is disrespectful and rather nasty in honesty.


Welp, it's taken most of the day but I'm at 10,000 points... and still got pages of my SDB to trawl through... and a load more comfort rocks to pick up...

3 hours ago, jellysundae said:

TNT's not obliged to do something just because we expect it; because we draw conclusions and develop expectations from what's been done in the past. This is something Neopians as a whole really should have learnt not to do by now as this kind of scenario happens over and over again. 🙃

If people spend over a year speculatively spending NP on items for an event they don't even know will happen, let alone work the same way; then throw a fit when it doesn't actually work the same way... I guess that's 100% human behaviour for ya, right there, lol. 🥴

so has charity corner ever not had perks? it's not entitlement for people to expect perks if that's been the status quo for multiple years in a row. like, good for you if you saw this coming, but maybe don't put the blame on other people for not being super cynical?

the perks seemed pretty cool, a way to tailor the site to your own needs. so of course people looked forward to them, and of course they're upset that they've been replaced with lootboxes.

(also they didn't change the text when youre using the machine, it still says 'living with less'🤦‍♀️)


I was wondering what Charity Corner was since I haven't been active on NP for a while until recently. I heard all about the boons and whatnot and now that I see the prize shop for CC this year, I'm a little disappointed. I was looking forward to at least getting the bank account interest boon, if that was one of them. But the prizes don't even look worth it. I need to have over 5knp to even get the two things that I want. The background and foreground. I did see some ppl already selling some prizes in their shops for almost 1mill np. Im not about to spend the 3+mill that I saved since being back on things that I want. I doubt the prices will go down any time soon. CC doesn't seem worth it. 😕


Yet we ask for some Altador Cup changes (like switching around players or getting a new side-  game) and get NOTHING for about 10 years :P

1 hour ago, berriganify said:

so has charity corner ever not had perks?

Yep, just the last two had the perks, it was the donate 5 items to get 1 back thing prior to that. I am being a bit cynical though, aren't I! I guess I just wish Neo wasn't such a dramafest all the time, TNT do seem to bring it on themselves though, over and over again!

Gotta say, ignoring liking the prizes or not, they're all very well drawn! Right now there's a very good artist producing Neo stuff!

30 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

Yep, just the last two had the perks, it was the donate 5 items to get 1 back thing prior to that.

i guess it's less weird that they'd change it then.

still wish that they'd mentioned something prior, i was really looking forward to trying some of them out.

16 minutes ago, berriganify said:

i guess it's less weird that they'd change it then.

still wish that they'd mentioned something prior, i was really looking forward to trying some of them out.

I'd love to know why they changed things, but I doubt we'll ever know, I'll be surprised if it's even addressed; though as some people are cancelling their premium maybe they'll feel obliged to say something?


I’ve just been browsing the boards and I don’t think I’ve seen this much frustration, disappointment and rage since the big overhaul of Yooyuball all those many moons ago.

People are genuinely livid and there are a significant number who have stated they have cancelled their premium. 

I think it’s the dumpster fire mix of messes that’s the problem. If it was just the stickies being nerfed, or just the perks being missing or just the limited prize shop, I imagine people would shrug and move on.

But it’s all of the above, plus the 15 item donation limit, plus the format reversal to item prizes but without a prize for donating 5 items, plus the lagging of the donation page and how much the process hurts my fingers. Yeah, sorry. That ones just me! I swear I was getting repetitive strain injuries by the 10,000 points in mostly 2 point items!!

Oh and the page says the prize shop will only be open for the duration of the event of course!!


Yeah I think this will go down as the biggest hot mess TNT has managed so far.


Kind of in keeping with the rest of 2020. 😩


This almost feels like an April Fools joke in September.

You know, I'm glad so many people are cancelling their memberships. Maybe it will trigger some sort of response from the staff. Maybe they will try to undo some of the damage.


Hah. The fix may have made things a whole lot worse. 

I created a new thread for the update as I can see the neo drama Increasing exponentially!!

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