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  1. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from berriganify in Happy Korbat Day!   
    I think the outfit's pretty cute, even if I've never been a huge korbat fan.
    The origami WAS cute until I read a post on another site that said the shading makes it look like the side of his poor little head is caved in and I cannot unsee that, hahaha.
  2. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Singledwish123 in Happy Korbat Day!   
    I think the outfit's pretty cute, even if I've never been a huge korbat fan.
    The origami WAS cute until I read a post on another site that said the shading makes it look like the side of his poor little head is caved in and I cannot unsee that, hahaha.
  3. Like
    GillyTook reacted to hrtbrk in Happy Korbat Day!   
  4. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to hrtbrk in Happy Halloween: Trick or Treat 2022!   
    Eliv Thade has hidden trick-or-treat bags around Neopia in several locations. Can you decipher where to find them to get these exclusive items?
    Tersde Msar
    Pacwlysmk Sitlhg Anactifats
    Peurs Pypah Yci Unf Nosw Psoh
    Gidanar Syot
    Eht Rinab Eret
    Toalelebcelc Aes Lsehls
    Neadlkru Ginnim Oprc
    It's okay if you can't. Head to Desert Arms, Lampwyck's Lights, Super Happy Icy Fun Shop, Darigan Toys, The Brain Tree, Collectable Sea Shells and lastly the Kreludan Mining Corp for your goodies. 
  5. Like
    GillyTook reacted to LekkerLekker89 in Can I protest that today's daily question is wrong?   
    Same. I was pretty annoyed by it lol 
  6. Like
    GillyTook reacted to shauns_fiancee in Can I protest that today's daily question is wrong?   
    is the question incorrect, or is the answer wrong?  that is the question lol
  7. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from aleu1986 in The Runway Votes #150   
    Ooh, the votes are close for this one!
  8. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from GlitchtaleLover in The Runway Votes #150   
    Ooh, the votes are close for this one!
  9. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from midnight_spell360 in The Lab Rays: What happened today?   
    Didn't screenshot the thing, but my former grundo, then skeith turned nimmo recently, and just hit mutant today!  😱  I do believe I'm going to keep frying her, though!  

  10. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Welp, finally cancelled Premium...   
    My renewal comes up next month and I've been getting increasingly antsy about not remembering to cancel and getting charged full price as the sale price still hasn't appeared.
    I'm only spending about half an hour a day on the site max. There's virtually nothing to do. I go on, do my dailies (when I remember), occasionally buy NC stuff - I'm eyeing up those Halloween grams - and then... log off. That's not worth £60. It's probably not worth the sale price, but I'm a sucker for nostalgia and I'd pay it.
    I'm not even willing to buy more NC at this point - I have some leftover on my main, but I've been eyeing up more pet slots on my sides and cannot justify spending real money on the site. If the sale had come out and I'm already purchased another year, maybe - in for a penny, in for a pound and all that. But I'm not even going to have that next month!
    They must be losing bucket loads of people as I can't be the only one not willing to pay full price for a half broken site.
    It's sad, as when I came back during the first lockdown I'd spend hours on the site playing the Flash games, getting involved in events and going from no NC to a full closet of NC items (spending way too much money in the process). I happily paid full price for Premium then. Whereas now... well... it's a 50/50 gamble if I remember to do my dailies.
  11. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Angeló in Neopets Adds Two Factor Authentication (2FA)!   
    You can either log-in to your email on your phone and send the picture or connect your phone to the computer via the charging cable, move the picture to your computer and send it from there. However if your phone is Apple iPhone you will need to sync it with your computer first via iTunes and it's really complicated. Android phones are easier to connect to the computer.
    So the first option is easier in my opinion. Just use the browser on your phone to log-in to your email , or download the e-mail app of your e-mail .. they all have apps now , gmail , hotmail , yahoo mail etc ... 
  12. Like
    GillyTook reacted to granny63020 in Neopets Adds Two Factor Authentication (2FA)!   
    Boy is it nice to know I'm not the only one out there that uses a regular (not phone) computer for neo. I put one of those sims? cards in the phone when we got them several years ago so they are 32 gig instead of 16 (I think).  Every new phone we (hubby and I) have bought in the past we bought at the same time & got the same phone. He's worse than I am about using it. He depends on me to be able to figure out when something goes wrong. I call T Mobile if I can't figure it out. I bad, he's worse. He has never turned on the desk top. Strictly my computer. He has no idea how to use it or how it works.  We are tech stupid family. I'm happy I have you all to ask questions and get answers from. Here is my latest *phone* problem. I ordered some coffee I like from this company. They sent me the wrong flavor. I sent them an email to let them know it was the wrong flavor. I explained that I realized the packages were very similar  and understood how a mistake could have been made. I asked them where they would like me to send the product to for return and asked they give me a return authorization number so I could do so. I got a message from them telling me they want a picture of the product I wanted to return. I told them if they would give me a phone number I would text them a picture but that I have no idea how to email a picture taken with my phone. They weren't rude per sa but they more or less told me I had to figure it out and email the picture. Why would I want to send them the item back with a request for them to send the correct item if I were lying about this. If I were lying wouldn't I want to keep what they sent and try to get more for free? So, for the last week I have been trying to figure out how to send a picture through email which I have not done yet. I get frustrated and give up then try again another day, over and over this past week. So when I say we are a tech backwards family the statement couldn't be more true. I think I am going to be stuck with the product. I even told them I didn't notice it was the wrong product until I opened one or the 6 I bought. I told them I made 1 cup to see if I liked it so I wouldn't have to return it. I also said I didn't like it but would willing pay for the 1 container I opened if they would just send me what I wanted. They are still insisting on a picture. If I don't figure this out I'm going to end up keeping the stuff and ordering the coffee from a different company. It is the 1st time I have dealt with this  one but it is going to be the last time for sure, no matter what the outcome is. I really don't like being called a lair either directly or indirectly.  There are a lot of things I don't have but what I do have is a reputation of being a truthful, honest person. I',m sorry for the long message. I will get off my high horse now. I'm just upset about the whole thing and it made me feel better to at least tell someone, anyone about this problem. Sorry, but thanks for reading.
  13. Like
    GillyTook reacted to berriganify in Neopets Adds Two Factor Authentication (2FA)!   
    @GillyTook Yikes, that is a nightmare! Although I learned via the boards that a lot of modern phones have 2FA built in. My phones are always a generation or two behind, so it's the GA app for me, but if your phone is a current model maybe see if it has one pre-installed?
    As for whether or not it's working I've heard mixed reports. I'm waiting until I see if they're going to add an option to remember your device for 7-30 (it currently doesn't, and while I'm fine entering the code every time I wanna check like, my bank account, I'm just... not going to the trouble of doing that a dozen+ times a day for a virtual pet site. 🤷‍♂️ I'll add it on if I ever take an extended break. I did send in a question to the editorial asking about that, and I've seen others requesting it too, so fingers crossed we get that added.
  14. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Singledwish123 in IGOTONE!!!!!   
    I tried for a couple hours on and off at work, so I definitely get the getting tired of it, haha.  I was sort of afraid of being banned, but since I rarely win anything from the tree I figured I could protest it.  Managed it by keeping clicking the same one until it couldn't escape any longer. 
    I'm planning to keep it.  I've got a bunch of adopted pets on my side accounts and one of them could definitely have fun with it.  Thinking of calling it Newt and giving it to my pet named Severus Snape. 
  15. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to midnight_spell360 in Today's Random Events   
    Usually have been getting 5,000 or less. Hmmm, is Neopets feeling a little guilty about locking me out of my account for a month for their Breach incident? 
  16. Like
    GillyTook reacted to berriganify in Happy Bori Day!   
    @GillyTook saaaaaame 🥲
    I am loving that outfit!! I wish I didn't already have a bori cause it would fit so well onto my D&D account
  17. Like
    GillyTook reacted to granny63020 in Neopets Adds Two Factor Authentication (2FA)!   
    To each his own but I use a desk top with a 32" monitor and  never use my phone to lay neo. I tried once but I felt I was trying to play some game I never played before. It was so different than my desk top and I had a hard time reading/seeing the screen!  I recently used a pad while in the hospital that T Mobile gave me for (I can't remember why they gave it to me) nI think it has a 7 or 9" screen but I tried using it in the hospital and it was so hard to use. I couldnt figure out how to open up multiple windows next to each other like the desk top. I couldn't get it to work anything like the desk top and I didn't know how to get to the old neo. Anyway, my point is I hope this new security thing is not mandatory. I already have enough problems and I don't want to be forced to use a 2FA. Please tell me if you know, will this only be required if logging in on a mobile phone or a tablet similar to what I have from T Mobile?
  18. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from berriganify in IGOTONE!!!!!   
    I tried for a couple hours on and off at work, so I definitely get the getting tired of it, haha.  I was sort of afraid of being banned, but since I rarely win anything from the tree I figured I could protest it.  Managed it by keeping clicking the same one until it couldn't escape any longer. 
    I'm planning to keep it.  I've got a bunch of adopted pets on my side accounts and one of them could definitely have fun with it.  Thinking of calling it Newt and giving it to my pet named Severus Snape. 
  19. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from queen_hatshepset in IGOTONE!!!!!   
    I tried for a couple hours on and off at work, so I definitely get the getting tired of it, haha.  I was sort of afraid of being banned, but since I rarely win anything from the tree I figured I could protest it.  Managed it by keeping clicking the same one until it couldn't escape any longer. 
    I'm planning to keep it.  I've got a bunch of adopted pets on my side accounts and one of them could definitely have fun with it.  Thinking of calling it Newt and giving it to my pet named Severus Snape. 
  20. Like
    GillyTook reacted to gypsyknees in IGOTONE!!!!!   
    WOW CONGRATULATIONS! Woah I didn't even know about this! And definitely didn't know the CTRL+ left click thing. Theres under an hour left of the "day" but I'm giving it a shot haha.
  21. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Singledwish123 in IGOTONE!!!!!   
    AHH!  AHHHH!  AAAHHHHH!!!  I probably did the ctrl+left click trick a few thousand times, but I FINALLY GOT ONE!  Oh my goodness, I'm in shock right now!  The funny thing is I didn't even catch the screen I finally managed to get it on because I was closing a hundred or so tabs waiting to try again!  **does happy dance**

  22. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from discobiscuit in IGOTONE!!!!!   
    AHH!  AHHHH!  AAAHHHHH!!!  I probably did the ctrl+left click trick a few thousand times, but I FINALLY GOT ONE!  Oh my goodness, I'm in shock right now!  The funny thing is I didn't even catch the screen I finally managed to get it on because I was closing a hundred or so tabs waiting to try again!  **does happy dance**

  23. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from berriganify in The Lab Rays: What happened today?   
    Didn't screenshot the thing, but my former grundo, then skeith turned nimmo recently, and just hit mutant today!  😱  I do believe I'm going to keep frying her, though!  

  24. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from gypsyknees in IGOTONE!!!!!   
    AHH!  AHHHH!  AAAHHHHH!!!  I probably did the ctrl+left click trick a few thousand times, but I FINALLY GOT ONE!  Oh my goodness, I'm in shock right now!  The funny thing is I didn't even catch the screen I finally managed to get it on because I was closing a hundred or so tabs waiting to try again!  **does happy dance**

  25. Thanks
    GillyTook got a reaction from Angeló in Happy Eyrie Day!   
    Interesting.  I wonder what the purple wings look like on other paint jobs.  Off to Dress to Impress, I guess!
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