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Naamah D.

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Naamah D. last won the day on March 24 2024

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About Naamah D.

  • Birthday 06/09/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere in New England
  • Interests
    Plushies, Neopets, Tamagotchi....blah.

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  1. Hi, guys!! I found out that I’m getting my apartment soon. I’ve been on this forum since I was 16 or 17 so that’s pretty amazing. It’s a one bedroom and I’m putting my (real life) Neopets plushies on my bed. It feels like I’m making something out of myself. By the way, I got a FFQ the other day and have my dream Aisha.
  2. Not cheesy, at all. I love cooking too and thanks! I feel like self care is something that I didn’t do for a very long time. Now I’m taking time to put on makeup, get my hair cut (I’m keeping it short and “floofy”) and coordinate an outfit. When I joined this forum I was a total tomboy, so it’s cool to see my evolution from Mallgoth and Emo to not being afraid to wear Tommy Hilfiger and J.Jill. I still love black, though. Sorry, I get a little carried away.
  3. So, while I do look less Goth and Metal these days, I still love the music and admire the outfits I see on YouTube. What are your favorite alternative fashions and subcultures? I’d say Dark Academia, Fairy Kei and Grunge are my favorites. Note: I am going to an Amaranthe concert this Saturday, so I’ll be wearing a faux leather vest, a shirt with the band’s logo and dark makeup. Except I have less hair to headbang with, nowadays. Also, I forgot to show a before and after on my self care post. Before: After:
  4. What is your favorite form of self care? I’d have to say that hair care is my favorite. I cut my hair short recently and I have a pretty solid routine. I wash my hair every other day and only condition my ends, let it air dry and comb to make it all nice and fluffy! I don’t use product. I find that skincare is my 2nd favorite. P.S.
  5. Congrats on living independently! I’m preparing for my first apartment. It’s going to be nice for me to have my own place where I can just be myself and not have to please other people.
  6. I’ve been on this forum for 12 years and thinking back, I’ve grown a lot. I used to have a very Mallgoth clothing style and was into My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. These days I dress a more girly but wear band tees and Blackcraft merch every now and then. I’m not as obsessive about Neopets and I don’t care what other people think about me. How has time changed you from a decade ago?
  7. This is the best Neopets April Fool’s joke yet. I’m getting emotional over how funny and believable it is.
  8. Happy Gnorbu day! They are a personal favorite species of mine. The candy one is adorable!
  9. I ended up getting pets that have always had wearables that I think are cute but aren't for the pets I already have. I just created a Lenny and Grundo as well as adopted a JubJub.
  10. What pets have you guys gotten with your extra pet slots? I now have a purple Yurble, red Lupe, yellow Chia, blue Bruce, strawberry Wocky, Checkered Gelert, green Nimmo, red Zafara, green Gnorbu (as if I don't already have so many Gnorbus that absolutely it's ridiculous) and a green Tuskaninny added to my Neopet family. I've already bought two morphing potions and one paint brush. Dreamies for the win!!!!
  11. I love her outfit! Thanks to the new pet slots, I got a dreamie! I adopted a blue Gelert on one of my side accounts and bought him a checkered paint brush. Now I have another checkered friend (one of my Boris is checkered). I also created a Chia on one of my sides named FriendlySushi but just call him Sushi.
  12. So far, I've added some pets to two of my side accounts (I had some NC that Neopets gave out through an even way back when). Now I wait for my Christmas money so I can get ten on more on my main account.
  13. This is awesome! Can I buy additional pet slots on my side accounts too?
  14. This year I know what I want, a Desert Aisha aka my ultimate dream pet.
  15. South Park the Stick of Truth. I’ve played it before but recently got back to playing it.
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