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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/22 in all areas

  1. @Aquamentis12 I'm so disappointed in you. @AngelóI'm so sorry you have to move to the US to be with your fiancee, honestly it would be a lot better for both of you if you weren't living here right now. A lot of already-existing problems with our country are getting worse and worse right now, and I wouldn't recommend anyone to move here. ><; The news about Roe VS Wade being overturned is incredibly disheartening for many reasons, one of which is the fact that the decision was made by only a handful of people, all of whom have perjured themselves by overturning Roe VS Wade. They had sworn at their confirmation hearings that they wouldn't and... well... did. They lied under oath. Not only that, but all of the things Aquamentis said in his reply are completely false, and recycled talking points from the last twenty years. Trust me, I heard them plenty growing up in an anti-choice household and until I got older and started hearing from the other side, I used to believe they were true. Also the coy language around "debating" is part of the typical toolkit that anti-choice parents/pastors/teachers strictly teach, because to them, the concept of whether or not a person should have autonomy over their choice to reproduce is a "debate", and not a form of state-sanctioned violence against people with uteruses. (Especially cis-gendered anti-choice men. It's never "real" to them, it's a chesspiece.)
    6 points
  2. I'm going to be the odd one out here as I am absolutely relieved this has happened, as an avid pro-life supporter this is something that those of us who have been fighting for 50 years are just amazed to see. I know there is a lot of people that are upset about it and I don't mean my support in any hate, but abortion is murder and it's something I'm glad is finally being taken seriously as such, thinking about all those poor children that never got a chance to decide if they wanted to live or die just makes me sad. I don't really intend to debate with anyone so won't be responding to debating messages, but I figured I'd give my thoughts on the matter in a non-venomous way as there are always two sides to every story.
    3 points
  3. That`s a fun theme, I look forward to seeing how people interpret it!
    2 points
  4. Be sure to check out the rules if you're new to this contest (or if you simply want to refresh your knowledge of them). They can be found right here. If you want to send me a screenshot of your entry (instead of the image DTI provides), but don't know how, check out this guide. Current theme: Girl Power Description: Show us your interpretation of awesome/cool/smart/amazing/brave girls (/women). Pet does not need to be female, nor does the outfit need to include (stereo)typically feminine things. Basically, just create a pet that screams 'girl power' to you, whatever that is. Anything goes, really.** Entering period: Monday, June 27 - Sunday, July 10 Voting period: Monday, July 11 - Sunday, July 17 If you have any questions about this round, or the Runway in general, just post them here, or send me a message*. *And if my inbox happens to be full (again), just tag me in a post here and I'll get right on that. ** I know this is a really vague theme, but just know that there's not a lot you can do that will make me say "nah, that doesn't fit the theme". But I could totally understand if you have questions, so don't hesitate to ask them!
    1 point
  5. I have no interest in debating on this forum because I use it to destress from the tragedy that is our current political climate. But I will say this. People will die as a result of this ruling. Our nation already ranks badly when it comes to maternal mortality compared to other developed nations. There is no justification for forcing people to carry to term. People will die; living, breathing, feeling people. All in the name of the "pro-life" movement. I'm just sickened by this whole mess.
    1 point
  6. Well said @Aimee! You articulated that much calmer and more eloquently than I could have right now.
    1 point
  7. I'm sure this theme will turn out very well in many forms! Now to see if I'm creative enough for an entry....
    1 point
  8. @Musical_Shoyru, good to read your post! Very rational! I don't usually wade (no pun intended) into these mires, and like Musical_Shoyru, I have NO desire to debate my views. (Already done that plenty over the previous months elsewhere). So, I will simply state and explain them, and put anything I feel might be "sensitive" behind spoiler tags. I wish I could be as concise and less passionate as she was with her post. Unfortunately, I believe so strongly in speaking out for the weak and innocent that I can go long at the keyboard and my passion can become fiery. So, please bear with me. I'm not trying to offend anyone here. ^^; Just wanting to get my thoughts out. First off Angelo, congrats! I hope that you and your fiance have a fine and long life together! But the thing is Angelo, when Roe won out over Wade in 1973, Abortion was supposed to be 3 things. 1) Safe 2) Legal 3) Rare. It's been 49 years, and over 74,000,000 abortions have happened in the USA since then. I would HARDLY call that "Rare". Also, the abortion facilities don't need hospital level sanitation in the rooms where the abortions are actually done, so nix "Safe" too. Texas TRIED to impose that in their state, but that was overturned for whatever unfathomable reason. Having strict sanitary conditions in a room where an internal procedure like that is done, should be sanitary imho. I was SHOCKED to learn they weren't required to do that! So, a little history first. The biggest abortion organization in the US, Planned Parenthood, the founder, one Margaret Sanger, was an avowed racist who said that 'if they can't obliterate the non-whites, then they should keep their numbers in check'. Her answer, Planned Parenthood and Abortion. She even spoke at KKK rallies! This is why so many of the early Planned Parenthood "clinics" were in urban and metro areas, where there were lots of non-whites who were poor and had too many people in their families and not enough money to afford bigger homes in better neighborhoods. Granted, segregation was also going on when Margaret Sanger was still around. I didn't even know what Planned Parenthood DID until the mid-90s, when one of the LAST protests (with graphic signs) against abortion marched by where I grew up as a kid. I say "last", because shortly there-after pro-life protestors were BANNED from carrying signs that show what these protestor-signs showed. Unborn babies before birth, as well as photos of aborted babies. Talk about stomach turning. (The latter, not the former). Back then, partial-birth abortion was still legal. A barbaric practice in which the womb was injected with Another argument FOR Planned Parenthood has been that they PROVIDE mammograms, a lie. In or around 2014, the president of Planned Parenthood testified before the Senate and was asked about that. She said that to the best of her knowledge, not a single PP facility in the USA PROVIDES mammograms, they do refer women to clinics where they can get them, but they do not provide them themselves. I firmly believe a woman has the right to decide what goes INTO her body. But, after she becomes host to a growing child, I believe that child has the right to life. After all, the US Constitution DOES say "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Every pro-life person I've spoken too, and even a few who are pro-choice. Mainly women, have agreed with that idea. Guys, should REALLY be prepared. I mean, "protection". Preferably both should be using it. Or, as Queen Hatshepset offered, a vasectomy is another possibility. They can be undone if you ever decide you want kids. It would be a LOT easier an safer for you to have that done, than for your fiance having her "tubes tied". Not personally a fan of shots and stuff, but for someone I loved? I could probably be talked into it. Guys, if you're with a lady, and you don't have "protection", and she is uncomfortable in going further because of that, or for ANY reason for that matter, BACK OFF! Accept how she feels and just back off! Trying to convince her otherwise is not respecting her perspective and fears at that moment in time! There's an old saying, some might consider it harsh, but there are MANY variations of sayings with the same meaning. "You've made your bed, now lay in it." Basically meaning of course, that your actions have brought up consequences and you need to face them. Just like "If you do the crime, you do the time." Everything action has consequences, whether good or bad to that person's perspective. Abortion, imho, is a way of shirking that responsibility, by trying to delude people into thinking that until a baby takes it's first breath, it's not really alive. Unscientific hogwash. Of course it's alive! It can react to external stimuli, it can feel pain, it has a detectable heartbeat before the first tri-mester is even up. Oh yeah, even if it's not fully formed yet, it IS clearly alive. Even the plaintiff (Roe) in Roe vs Wade, has for about 20 years now, regretted her winning that landmark battle! She has been to and spoken at so many of the March for Life marches over the years! She said she brought suit to argue for abortion because medical technology was not good enough to save every mother who had a complicated pregnancy. When I heard her speak on TV, she would say that things had changed since the 70s, and that now the vast majority of cases with complicated pregnancies that BOTH mother-to-be AND child could be saved! And that was about 15 years ago I heard her say that! Also, this ruling does NOT completely ban abortions across the nation. It means that the States get to decide based on their people's votes. In other words, Democracy! People vote who people who will carry out their views. Pro-Life, pro-choice, or somewhere in-between. Anyone truly concerned about getting an abortion, can also "vote with their feet" as the saying goes. Move to a state that has abortion "clinics" for whatever level of reasoning suits your conscience. I believe Colorado just passed a law allowing it up to and during LABOR that the woman can decide to abort the pregnancy. Basically, infanticide since the baby's gotta come out NO MATTER WHAT. Whether it's alive or dead. That makes no sense to me, especially on a humanitarian level. Meanwhile, in Arizona, the passed some limitations on Abortions, save for a few circumstances. As the state-house was being invaded by an angry mob of pro-choicers. They needed smoke bombs to clear them out and protect the state legislature! Mobs of pro-choicers have been rioting (similarly to the Summer of 2020), over this decision destroying property, hurting people, even those who might AGREE with them about Roe. During all the years that The March For Life was going on, for almost 50 years too, I've NEVER heard of any of those pro-lifers doing anything violent, torching buildings, hurting people, etc. during their rallies. With the way these pro-choicers (not all, just the rioting mobs and those egging them on) are acting, you'd think they were part of some sort of Death-cult or something. Using violence and intimidation tactics instead of trying to speak their perspectives clearly and rationally. And certainly not trying to understand the other side's perspective either. I've done a LOT of pondering on this since I was as teenager. I DON'T HATE people who've had abortions. That had to be an incredibly HARD decision to make. I DO know people who HAVE HAD abortions. The pain, the tears, the sadness when they talk about it.... Is beyond palpable. That's why I get so passionate about this. Short-term, it may seem like a solution, but long-term, it stains your heart with guilt and good people shouldn't suffer, even if they do sometimes make horrible mistakes as MANY people do, have and will. Oh yeah, and that line some politicians are saying about "the courts are coming for your birth control/contraceptives next!", that line? Utter BULLPLOP! Not at all true! This isn't a theocracy after all. So there we go. Some history, some of my thoughts and how I arrived at them. Etc. I know I got a bit impassioned here. But when it comes to protecting innocent life? Yeah, I'm gonna stand up for this. There are no lives more innocent and defenseless than these! And they SHOULD be protected if at all possible, imho. Sorry this got long, all. I've seen so much and I held back on a LOT because I knew this would get long, just not quite THIS long. All life should be considered precious. Especially those innocent of any wrong-doing, as babies are. Later! Happy debating.
    1 point
  9. I can't believe it happened. But a safe option would be to have your finance get a vasectomy it is reversal able and more manageable for him to have it done. My husband got it done and he recovered in days and it is completely safe. But just a suggestion!
    1 point
  10. Angeló

    The Runway Votes #145

    Peopha is very happy with her trophy Great entries everyone ... I loved #5 but forgot to vote for it
    1 point
  11. I've adjusted the double since no one had voted yet. Saved me some time This topic is for the current round of June 27th.
    1 point
  12. As a non-American I'm quite frankly shocked that less than a dozen people are allowed to make decisions like these, decisions that will affect the lives of millions of people. This is a decision that will result in pregnant people not receiving proper health care, children resented by parents who didn't want them, pregnant people dying in childbirth because of health complications, people forced to seek out unsafe methods of abortion, birth control becoming increasingly difficult if not outright impossible to acquire, impoverished families being unable to properly care for their children, etc. etc. This also sets a major precedent for American citizens' rights. If something like the right to abortion can be so easily overturned, what about other rights, such as gay marriage? Interracial marriage? The right to abortion should be a universal human right, and it's outrageous that the Supreme Court can decide to violate the rights of millions of Americans like this.
    1 point
  13. GlitchtaleLover

    Happy Kau Day!

    This Burlap design is so cute! Kaus are already pretty cute, but the fluff really makes it look adorable! The colors are really nice as well. And this outfit is nice, I think the robe could be more easily used than the hair strips or hood, but that Skarl doll is so delightful! A very cool day, Kaus!
    1 point
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