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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/20 in Posts

  1. Technically it was yesterday, but I finally got the coconut shy avatar after years of trying to get it, in so excited!!
    4 points
  2. Charity Corner was kind to me and I hit my next saving goal far quicker than I would have originally anticipated! Once Autumn is over, this is my current plan for her:
    3 points
  3. If you're new to the contest, or simply want a reminder of the rules, they can be found right here. If you want to send me a screenshot of your entry (instead of the image DTI provides) but don't know how, check out this guide. Current theme: Rock 'n' Roll Description: Dress up any pet you like to show them rocking out (could be as a musician, but could also be as a fan, or... anything Rock & Roll, basically). Entering period: Monday, October 5 - Sunday, October 11 Voting period: Monday Tuesday, October 12 13 - Sunday, October 18 If you have any questions about this round, or the Runway in general, just post them here, or send me a message.
    2 points
  4. The ray is fired at Ankheton... ... and she changes colour to Jelly!! :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The ray is fired at pizzadeliveryguy... ... and she changes colour to Pink!! After about 4 weeks of "self - isolation" she is back and she is passing on her pizzas to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
    2 points
  5. Unfortunately it doesn’t give a notification, but I got the coconut shy avatar the other day. Congrats on the aisha scallywag one! I’ve been trying to get that one for ages
    2 points
  6. Got these two today! The Edna avatar is one of my absolute favorite avatars so I'm especially happy to have that one!
    2 points
  7. complicatedwishes

    I'm back!

    Hey I'm Lou and I've returned to neopets/TDN after a very long break. I used to be on the TDN news team back in the day! My long break was mostly due to graduating uni/life changes. Hope all is well! Trying to catch up on what I've missed over the past however many years hahaha
    1 point
  8. I remember when I was, ruffly, over 1 month and an half without a single color/specie change... that was painful.
    1 point
  9. I really enjoyed all the very creative entries this round! Thanks for entering, everyone, and congrats to our winners! You can find the information on next round's theme in this thread.
    1 point
  10. *politely snatches your hand off* HECK YES THEY WOULD! *scuttles off to DTI to do some experimenting* *Arnie voice* I'll be back! *** Well! here's one option that works pretty well! and another *giggles* I think I'm in love. Something a little painful seems to have happened here. D:< Now I'm just being silly. xD
    1 point
  11. That is one heck of a cool uni! I agree that the fiery feet would have been awesome, but fortunately it works either way.
    1 point
  12. Mouseykins

    I'm back!

    My oldest is in 3rd grade and homeschooled. My middle monster is in 1st grade and doing at-home learning through our school division. Lots of Google Meets for her and back and forth between the computer. We're still adjusting our individual learning time so both kiddos get their learning done for the day. @complicatedwishesI got distracted earlier and meant to ask you what you're doing in the school system.
    1 point
  13. I'm slowly but surely achieving all my dream pets one by one now!! My goals have changed somewhat since I was first on neo many moons ago, but several of them are still the same: 1. Faerie Kougra - this was my all time dream as a teenager and I actually managed it once upon a time. Then I got hit by the evil invisible pet RE whilst playing neoquest and it was all for naught! I've now decided on a Royal/Faerie crosspaint, but I'm waiting until Autumn is over as I only recently painted him camoflage to go with the autumn customisation. 2. Halloween Lupe - this was originally a Royal Lupe and again was one of the few dreams I actually achieved as a teenager. I have since cross-painted him into an awesome Royal Werelupe! 3. Mutant Draik - completely unachievable as a teenager, but is a goal I hit with the help of a Fountain Faerie quest and the far more accessible priced Draik eggs nowadays! 4. MSP Poogle - another unachievable goal as a teenager, as the lab map was expensive and I didn't have the patience for the randomness. I achieved this one from the Premium species change loophole. I actually morphed my poor Jetsam into a Water Kau in order to get there... and have since decided I want a Mutant Jetsam which is just typical really. Then there are the ones that have changed but at least kept the same species: 4. Plushie Shoyru - this used to be a Darigan Shoyru, but having come back to the site, the design just wasn't doing it for me at all. 5. Tyrannian Peophin - I'm not sure what my old goal was with my Peophin, I'd just got her painted Christmas so she wasn't a basic colour. I suspect I wanted Royal or something like that. I was toying between Relic and Tyrannian in the end, but the Tyrannian won out. New goals: 6. Maraquan Jubjub - I adopted a Clay JubJub from the Pound and have just realised how bleeding cute the Maraquan Jubjub is!! 7. Lost Desert Koi - I made a Koi on a whim... 8. Woodland Ruki - Because that is gorgeous!! 9. Halloween Grundo - It turns out I like Halloween pets! I have an Elephante named Huggleby and that seems a perfect name for Death Incarnate. 10. Darigan Gelert - I saw the Darigan Gelert playing AC for Darigan and fell in love. And pets I don't yet own: 11. Baby Cybunny - I have already started collecting baby stuff on my side... 12. Oilpaint Ixi - Because that is a stunning design!!
    1 point
  14. I take full responsibility for my own decisions! Don't worry, I won't come blaming you if it doesn't work out!! But yes, that seems more fruitful than the medium approach. I shall trial it for a month and see what happens!
    1 point
  15. I guess my method with this is basically quantity over quality, lol. I dunno how many I actually got because I used 'em all for CC, lol, I've only got VII and lower in my SDB now. But if we take a look at how many of them there are... If you got nearly 30 of any in the r90+ category, that's not bad. and tbh, I'm fairly sure I had more of the higher numbers, you can see the quanities are just starting to climb there... but, that also may be complete nonsense as I can't remember clearly, so take it with a pinch of salt. ^o^;; I wonder why I didn't use the VII ones. they're r80... hmm!
    1 point
  16. I'm in love with this look!! It's so perfect!
    1 point
  17. complicatedwishes

    I'm back!

    Hey lovely I'm very good thank you! Glad to hear things are good. I actually work in education (a school) now so I'm still settling into the new school routine myself aha! Hahaha! I lived in South Yorkshire for 6 years so I was very confused when people suddenly started calling me duck
    1 point
  18. OOH! I struggle with this background because it turns all pets into GIANTS. But it works magnificently and impressively with this lady! Stoopzy may be making use of this b/g as the month progresses though, as you've reminded me of how this one was basically what triggered my getting an invisible pet in the first place, after creating this horror with NP items on DTI.
    1 point
  19. AH! Another Ray favourite when it comes to Angeló! And again the skeleton body paint making a colour look very cool! Ray seems to be enjoying playing with that considering the amount of colour-changes you're getting one after the other! (though not the one you want, ofc, that's not Ray's way xD) Just more dullness pour moi. The ray is fired at misterFloo... ... and she loses 3 movement points!!!!
    1 point
  20. Whoa how did I miss this!? This is BIG! I'm surprised I didn't physically hear your reaction. X'D
    1 point
  21. A lot of luck happening for TDNers lately! I wish it could motivate me to tackle Edna, for example. I just get too annoyed with her and her withholding of 3 item quests. X'D
    1 point
  22. Yeah I have this suspicion also, lol. I've learnt my lesson with regard to buying anything for CC, regardless of how cheap. I'll go back to being happy when Kiko Pop gives me high rarity healing potions. An anomaly I noticed is while I only ever play that on Easy and Effortless to guarantee I win something (your snark has zero effect on me, Elvin :P) and the prizes from that top out at r79, this isn't the case with the healing potions you win if you get the weapon icon, and you only ever get a healing potion if you land on that on easy. I ended up with a significant amount of r90+ ones by the time CC rolled around.
    1 point
  23. Beautiful and Majestic I had a Nightsteed too , but I painted him Transparent
    1 point
  24. Secre

    Faerie Quest Help

    If it's a cheap item, I tend to bite just in case TNT ever do decide to fix agility in the Battledome. I don't standardly train agility, I admit!!
    1 point
  25. Duma

    Crap Crap Crap! :(

    It's allowed to use the lab ray on more than one account as long as you bought the lab map pieces on your main account and transferred them to your side. It's just the cookies that are only allowed on one account.
    1 point
  26. iyavi

    Is that Hannah?

    Hannah needs SOMETHING to do since her games are unavailable haha
    1 point
  27. I like that korbat customization, you wouldn’t normally think of a zombie being the scientist lol
    1 point
  28. This gives off a really good fairytale vibe, this crosspaint is super cool, I love it!
    1 point
  29. My ultimate dream pets are a lot of UCs that I doubt I’ll ever get, so those are more pipe dreams haha. When I was a kid one of my big dreamies was an alien aisha, and I made soooo many applications for them back in the day, so I think my inner 14 year old would be so happy to know I have one now
    1 point
  30. @Angelówow Ray really is teasing you, isn't he! He is consistently showing that everything seems to look awesome with visible bones though. xD. Hey, maybe it's a nod to your profession! :D
    1 point
  31. Angeló

    Faerie Quest Help

    Air Faerie quests aren't usually worth spending NP on since she only grants your pet Speed Also the myth about skipping quests angering Fyora is not true
    1 point
  32. Hm. According to TDN, here are the requirements for obtaining the avatar: So, I believe you can buy and sell in the same day. I got the avatar, doing the "midnight" method. That method was "discovered", so you wouldn't loose any money in the process. Meaning, the stock rates can change at any time, except during Neo reset time (midnight). If you purchase 1M NP of stocks right before midnight, and sell them for the same price, right after midnight, you won't loose any NP, and have the 1M NP requirement to get the avatar. Well, at least that's how I understand it. It's more of a "guarantee" (not 100%, of course), doing it the "midnight" way. But, you should be able to sell at any time. Just make sure the rate/price hasn't gone down, before doing so.
    1 point
  33. complicatedwishes

    I'm back!

    Awww haha! It definitely must have been the energy which brought me back I've missed you!
    1 point
  34. I was inspired by the "Splat-A-Sloth group effort" board and got 500 for the first time earlier this month. Against all odds, I managed to get the bronze trophy after getting pushed up 50 slots! Hopefully I can eventually get gold If anyone here hasn't got the trophy yet, check out the board on #23!
    1 point
  35. Finally, he can get his forever petpet the Hegie!! And I realised I'd missed another clickable!! I've attached a Harris to my one pet without a long time petpet to get that avatar whilst I wait to try and trade my Snow Yooyu!
    1 point
  36. I've never gotten a wish to come true before!
    1 point
  37. Whoot! Two avatars in a week what with the CC one as well!
    1 point
  38. As I was signing into my guild, The Kindness Project.... I am MUGGED by a...ghost? FOR HOW MUCH? over 1000 np? You don't even have pockets, Ghost Boy!!! And I love the irony that while I am trying to "fall into Kindness", Ghost Boy is being UNKIND by stealing from me! So not cool! Happy Wednesday everybody! Well, Ghost Boy, just goes to show you that stealing from a Pirate doesn't pay...YOU!!!
    1 point
  39. GIVE ME A COLOR CHANGE!!!!! I don't care if it's a BASIC color, just give me SOMETHING!!!!! 96th Mosaic Grarrl Attempt: The ray is fired at Nonogan... ... and he loses 2 movement points!!!!
    0 points
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