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I remember this happened last year during Day Light Savings time too. Seems Trudy's Surprise is broken again. I see a "has been reset" at the top but it won't let me spin when I go to the page. It just tells me to come back tomorrow. I think it happened last year too. Anyone have a fix?


i came here to post about it 

yeah apparently there is no fix

i was 2 days away from my 100k (like in those movies - dramatic music plays whenever a cop is shot down and he's 2 days away from retirement) 

tell my wife & kids .. ur daddy died broke .. with no NP to feed his 'Pets 


AH, it's THAT time again... Well, I guess I'm glad it's not actually broken, but still... *grumbles*

Oh well. ?


4 minutes ago, Dilley88 said:

Will it be fixed anytime today? I want my 19K.. lol

It'll reset and we'll all get to start again tomorrow. ?

6 hours ago, Smashcash said:

Oh fewf, I'm glad it's not just me!

Do you know if it completely resets or will it go back to where we were?

It resets it back to the beginning unfortunately ?

3 hours ago, Angeló said:

I got 18500 NP 

Same! How weird, I wonder what they did!

14 hours ago, Duma said:

It didn't reset so that's great! the little one, 7 day cycle for an item did but not the big one for the 100k. :D

Same here, I got 19k today but the bonus item reset to 7 days (and I was supposed to get it today, bummer, but at least I got my neopoints~)

I had no idea this was even an issue every daylight savings time, so this thread at least helped me understand why it "randomly" broke yesterday so thanks for that info y'all ?


I'm actually surprised and very impressed it's been "fixed". Well, meaning I was on Day 12, yesterday, and today it is Day 11 - will not be losing my streak. It only seems, for now, to be "broken" when we (US) go(es) to "Daylight Saving Time" (jump ahead one hour). I remember last November, when we (US) went back to "Standard Time", Trudy's Surprise didn't "glitch". So, it looks like JS/TNT is trying to fix it.

EDIT: Look's like it's official. I was reading today's (15 March 2019) Neopian Times Editorial (Issue: 859, 15th day of Running, Y21) and it seems Donny has it fixed:

ref: http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=859

Donny's Corner:

This week Donny has fixed the clover covered castle bg, golden wig restrictions, mano root elixir and of course Trudy's Surprise.

Hopefully, it will not happen, next year.

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