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Hi! I'm new to the forums, but I've been a lurker for a long time now. TDN and the forums have been really helpful in my last few years on Neopets!

But, I've decided to more or less quit Neopets after the current plot is done so I can focus more time on my business.

To make sure I actually stop playing, I'm giving away everything. All my items, from 15+ years of on-and-off playing. I haven't been a super-active player except in short spurts over the last few years, but I still have a lot of stuff.

Since TDN and the forums have helped me out a lot, I want to give everyone here the chance to request items before I dump it all at the Money Tree. 

So! If you have a wishlist, post or PM me a link to it. Or you can just send me a list of some items you'd like. If I have anything you want, I'll send it to you. If not, I might send you something similar in price. 

If you'd rather have Neopoints, put something in your shop for 99,999 and gimme the link and I'll buy it. 

After I've fulfilled some specific requests, I'll post a list of everything I have left and people can pick and choose. I just want to give people who have been wanting certain items for a while first dibs. This is kind of an awkward way to do it, but I can't think of anything that would work better, so. :D 

If you have any questions, ask! :heart:

Edited for some updates/additional info:

  • I'm keeping my Neopets (but thanks to the people who have offered to adopt them!).
  • I don't have any paint brushes, so if that's something you're wanting, I'd recommend putting some 99,999NP items in your shop and giving me the link.
  • Same for battledome stuff; the few decent things I have I'm keeping till the end of the current plot.


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I don't have a wishlist but, anything altador cup, chia, xweetok, hissi, or ixi related would be fine. I have a gallery of altador themed items and for my four main pets.

(I have adopted a 5th pet but I'm zapping them so I can give them away to someone who wants a certain color for a dream pet but can't access the lab yet)

edit: Sorry that you are leaving, but I wish you luck with your business. Hope everything goes well for you :D


How sad that you're leaving :(  I'm always looking for books, either normal or booktastic ones, though I've got almost all of the under 100K booktastic ones, I think.  Thank you for the kindness, though.  


I am always looking for Fyora and Illusen items. I also collect goodie bags, mystery capsules, and mugs. Anything would be a great help. I'm sorry you're leaving Neopets. :sad01_anim:


Neopets is so hard to quit!  I haven't ever actively tried to quit, but every time something draws me away for a hiatus, I end up back with a vengeance.  Best of luck with responsibility!  :)  Hopefully you won't miss Neo too terribly.

I really like petpets and petpetpets, which sounds fairly simple.  And weird as it is, I really like items with moving images.  :3


Are you sure you`ll never want to come back ... but I guess running your own business will take every second of your time, and I wish you all good luck with your venture.

I foster sick Grarrls from the pound, they get trained and painted, so if you might have any spare item I could sell in my shop then that would be very much appreciated.

It`s nice of you to be so kind  :)


I'm a HUGE stamp collector, so if you have ones that I don't have in my album, I'd be forever grateful!

Sorry to hear you're leaving Neopets and I wish you all the best in your business ventures!


Oh wow. That's some drastic measures to make sure you quit! I'm sorry you couldn't find a nice balance between your business and your neo-time.

I don't really need anything, but just wanted to wish you the best of luck and I really hope you won't regret it at some point.


MiraiKT, I'm sorry to hear that you are leaving. But I also wish you the best in your business. I will ask some less wealthy friends on Neo what they may like. As for me, I like special backgrounds, paintbrushes, potions, and anything scenic or beautiful. I may add a new pet soon so I'm considering new looks for them. Thanks for your generosity. Even if I don't get anything, I appreciate you doing this for everyone else.

EDIT: Sometimes I think we longer players don't deserve to ask for anything. But it occurred to me that we are also the ones who are more likely and more able to donate to others. I once gave a Lost Desert Paint Brush to someone and felt great for doing so. But even if we don't "re-gift" these items, it's also a case of giving to people who appreciate the items and the whole experience of Neopets on a deeper level. These gifts make us remember who gave them as well, like a keep sake full of memories of past friends and fun times. I know that "real world" collectors often do this for each other. I really admire the time and effort the artists spend on designing and creating an item. I also respect the hard work a player put into gaining the piece and what it meant to them.


Congrats! Thanks so much for doing this! I love seeing people like this! It's one of my favorite things to do as well!

My wishlist is here so pretty much anything on it would be awesome. I have all my stuff organized so it should be easier to find things for people https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/singing1633/

I have been working on getting stamps and all my faerie items just recently :)


Also the guild I run has A LOT of people just like you in it that have given so much to the community! I have all their wishlists posted here so if you have any items left you don't want you can send to any of these guys as well :)


(ranga_muffin the first comment above is actually in the guild too! So her name will be on the link I listed above as well haha)


I wish that all of the clutter in my head would quiet down so I could focus on starting my own business, kudos to you for making that commitment and unburdening yourself from one more meaningless thing. Neopets is fun, but in the scheme of things just playing the game will isn't doing anything to change the world. I haven't even played in the last year and have barely missed it, but with December here, I like to collect my Christmas goodies, since I don't always get so many real life ones. 

As I've been away for so long I don't know that my wants are very up to date, although I suppose I still want all of them. The 2 biggest things I'm always on the hunt for when I'm active are petpets and stamps I don't have. Wouldn't mind painting my pets either since they're all very basic. 

Again good luck on with your business and congratulations on cutting the neo cord. 


11 hours ago, miraiKT said:

Thanks @ranga_muffin! I didn't get all the way through your wishlist, so I'll probably come back to it again later. 

Thank you again for the book! I very much appreciate it :) I marked it off on my wishlist and realised just how long it was, so thanks for trawling through it!


You are so awesome for doing this! It's sad to hear a neopet member leave, but you have your busniess and I wish you the best of luck with it!. What a perfect time to gift during a season of giving! I don't really know how the wishlist works... I've played forever and I still haven't figured it out haha. But I would be interested in any Weapons or Neohome Furniture! I am working on leveling up my pets and decorating their homes! But anything would be neat. Thank you for this opportunity. 


Its cool your doing this. I have two different accounts I use (I use them as if they were separate don't worry) and there's one thing I'll request for each.  A lutari morphing potion for my rubydarknessangel account and a baby paint brush for my sansyskele account. I realize this might be a lot though so If I can only get one I would like the baby paint brush.

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