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I'm closing down my gallery, and I'm going to give away all the items in it. My theme is "beach," but that was very broad -- really, it was anything that reminded me of the beach and my family's annual beach vacations, or summer, or sand, or water... It had several categories:


·Beverages (mostly milkshakes, slushies, smoothies)


·Desserts (mostly frozen treats)


·Fruit (beach/tropical/summer/sand fruits)

·Furniture (umbrellas, bamboo, island, etc.)

·Gardening (water, beach, etc. plants)

·Island and Aquatic Petpets (from all the beach/water related worlds)


·Meals (fish, anything tropical/beach)



·Souvenirs (MI, gift shop, etc.)







For those who've been around a while, you probably know my username or can figure out where to find it on this site (please do NOT post it in this thread). It's going to take me a while to give all the things away. Please ONLY reply to this post, do not NM or PM me here (unless I have messaged you). Just reply stating what you'd like (please do look at my gallery and ask for specific items currently there - with over 2000 items to give away, I do not have time to search dozens of wishlists for the items each person wants); no need to include your Neo account name, since I'll contact you by PM here with a trade link.


Priority goes to those who would like items for their own galleries (or album pages), and to those whom I know and interact with here. It will take me a while to give all the things away; please do not ask me when I'm going to get around to it. Let me know if you'll be out of town/unavailable to trade for more than 24 hours. You can ask for as much or as little as you'd like. NC items are available, but will be dealt with last. I may ask you to provide your own gift box for transfer (I have a few, but not enough). I'm also offering items to friends on other sites. If more than one person asks for an item, I'll decide to whom it goes based on what else they requested, how long I know them, etc.


As the gallery empties, I'll add things from my SDB that didn't fit. I'll let you know here what I added, so check back.


I'm interested in books that my main Neopet has not read yet. Petpets that I like for my gallery (I do not want all of them, just the ones I think they are beautiful). And Seashells and stamps for the album.


I would be interested in the Seashells, Stamps and Books. I would also be interested in food that is between 90 and 100. Anything given to me would be used for my album and gallery. The food would be feed to my pet. Thank you for your consideration!



If you happen to have anything related to any characters (i.e. Sloth/Fyora etc. I might be interested :) )




Edit: After further scanning of your gallery it seems that everything that would work for me I've already got. You're fantastic for doing this for folks btw ^_^


Please ask for specific items found in my gallery. With over 2000 items in my gallery, I expect dozens of requests and do not have the time to search separate lists for what you would like. Sorry I didn't make that clear.


(They're mostly in order within each category, and they are all categorized.)


How nice of you to do this! My gallery theme is cupcakes, but the ones that you have I've already got myself, haha.


I would, however, be interested in the Gorgeous Sunset Background, though I don't have any gift boxes. It's fine if you don't end up having enough gift boxes. ^^


Impressive gallery. Although I haven't started it yet, I was thinking of making an all things Gelert gallery, so the "Gelert On Treasure Island" would be nice to have. As for the other items, see below. Thank you for considering my request, as we haven't really "interacted".


Swimming Champion Usuki (I like Usukis and this plushie just looks cool!)

Slorg Hat (Another fun item. I would put this on my Gelert. Reminds me of the "rich Slorg". I like that guy.)

Red Pirate Socks (These are just neat)

Gelert On Treasure Island

Gorgeous Sunset Background (I like this background and would use it for my Gelert during the summer months. Plus, he's yellow and I think would look nice against).


At least in my opinion, your gallery idea is not too large (see mine: http://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?gu=spencerkattys )

Make sure you're absolutely certain you're done with your gallery before you give everything away.


Anyway, some items I would like. (Basically anything I saw green on as scrolling through [i already have everything you have with "green" in the title])

All these things would go into my Green Things Gallery


  • Mutant Tentacle Toothpaste
  • Twirly Fruit Coral Lolly
  • Canteen-o-Sand
  • Hula Aisha
  • The Holiday Sand
  • Dried Seaweed Strips
  • Seaweed Wrapped Dumplings
  • Seaweed Paste
  • Island JubJub Beach Ball
  • Watermelon Conditioner
  • Island Plants and Torches Foreground
  • Cherimoya
  • Krawks I Have Known
  • Krawk Claw Polish
  • Leeble
  • Souvenir Magnet
  • Seaweed Drawers
  • Meturf
  • Seaweed Bow
  • Festive Slushie Slinger Cap

  • Mystery Island Heads Background

  • Mystery Island Game Board Background

  • Mystery Island Silhouette Background

  • Jungle Flower Garland Cut Out

  • Sparkling Twirly Fruit Juice

  • Eyeball Slushie

  • Mega Seaspin Smoothie

  • Hook Line and Sinker

  • Koi Owners Manual

  • Kreludan Sundaes

  • Seaweed Krawk Cake

  • Key Lime Pie

  • Slime Cream

  • Lime Jelly Flotsam

  • Palm Tree Beach Umbrella

  • Lurman

  • Yackito

  • Carma

  • AC IV Kiko Lake Team Poster

  • Soggy Sewer Gift

  • Seasonal Kiko Balloon

  • Neopian Mote

Sorry if this sounds like I'm asking for too much. I will accept any number (even zero) that you are willing to give.


New to TDN, so, would definitely be appreciative if you'd help add to my gallery, since I haven't interacted with you before.


Never thought of putting an overall theme to my gallery. I just have categories of things I really like. Bruce, 80's look (digital and 8-bit), and dubloons.


Guide to Brucicles (Bruce category in my gallery, I'm so close to finishing my brucicles collection as well. Just need the last, most expensive one: Cloudy Brucicle)

8-Bit Mystery Island Background (For my 80's category in my gallery)

Limited Edition Platinum Plated Y9 Commemorative Dubloon (Dubloon category in my gallery. I've only seen this once.)


Thanks in advance if you consider giving these items to me!


lol I don't know your neopets name, but I am wondering if you have 1 of either Places to Visit During the Altador Cup and/or Altador Cup IX Commemorative Stamp in your gallery, and what you'd want for them? I missed out. :( Otherwise, generically, I'm interested in Peophin-themed items not in my gallery.


I don't know your neopets name and I couldn't find a link but if there's anything with lupes I'd take them off your hands.


Hi, wow, you are such a generous person :) Are you going to be making a different gallery instead, or just closing it?

I'm sorry I don't know your username either but I just emptied my gallery of cloud stuff to start a new plant-y one. Anything with 'rose' in the name would be welcome; I haven't much to swap except codestones if you wanted any (or a fine recipe for a microwave chocolate sponge cake, if you wanted a recipe irl).


Hi, if you really are sure you are emptying your gallery, I would like one (or more) of these:

-Neopian Lakes

-Mystery Island Travel Stamp

-Maraquan Defenders Stamp

-Governor Mansion Stamp

-Dice-A-Roo Stamp

-Sand Sculpture Strategies

-The Holiday Sand

-Boarding Your First Ship

-101 Calamari Recipes

-Sand Drawings


Thanks in advance! :D


eek I don't remember your neopets username either sorry. I too would love stamps/shells for my album. I also have two gift boxes for NC backgrounds (i love backgrounds!). This is really very nice of you.



EDITED (I found your gallery)


This is a list of things I would love, and things I don't see myself otherwise acquiring:



Mystery Island Aishas Stamp

Mystery Island Travel Stamp



blue and gold tube shell


Wearable Apparel:


Krawk Island Silhouette Background

Jungle Foliage Face Paint

Underwater Background

Island Plants and Torches Foreground



Floating at the Beach Background

Exploring Maraqua Background

MME7-S4: Hidden Beneath the Waves Background


Anything you choose to give would be greatly appreciated!


I would be very interested in any petpets you have. I especially love the Yackito, Spyrabor, Ponka and Momba as they are petpets I don't have in my gallery yet. However, any petpets would be appreciated and if I already have one, I would save it to paint into a different color :) Thank you!


* Books: Sand Sculpture Strategies, Boarding Your First Ship, Sand Dune Sunsets, 1001 Recipes for Sand Cake, Fishing For Techos, 101 Fruit Salad Recipes, Masks of Mystery Island, Nimmos, The Great Slugawoo Mystery, King of the Island, Ruki Sand Sculpture, Pirate Ixi 101, Aisha Sea Life, The Peophin That Couldnt Swim, Krawks I Have Known, Gone Fishing, The Great Koi Caper, Sand Cuisine for Elephantes, Famous Sand Collections, Beach Vacations, Neopian Sunrises, Neopian Lakes, Tarlas Travel Photo Album, Scorchio Summer, Shoyru Summer, Life Is Good, Maps of Neopia, Ancient Map of Neopia, Star Map, Finding Cyodrakes Gaze, Guide for Stowaways, Anger Management for Navigators, Users Guide to Underwater Pools, Maraquan Messenger, Maraquan Pop-Up Book, The Ixi Adventure, The Rainbow Pool, Kiko Lake Happenings, Kikos Darkside, Krawk Island Travel Brochure, Krawk Island Chronicles, A History of Krawks, The Korbat From Krawk Island, A Tail Of Two Krawks, Team Krawk Island: Journey to the Top, Pirates vs. Ninjas: The Novel, The Curse Of The Pirate Aisha, How I Lost Me Leg, Roo Island Paperback Book, The Legend of Count von Roo, Bouncing Blumaroos, Baby Blumaroos, Brainy Blumaroos, Super Roo - The Comic, Blumaroo Guide To Dancing, Hula De Ruki, Haunted Locations of Mystery Island, Tiki Brochure, Techo Mountain, Improving Your Hut, Jungle Survival Tips, Jungle Kyrii Tales, Petpet Biology, The Secret of Tagobo, Out of Cash - The Tombola Story, Training School Myths, Secrets of Goparokko, No Longer Stranded in the Desert, Fishing Made Easy, Hooked on Fishing, Hook Line and Sinker, Advanced Swimming, Swim, Flotsam Swimming Lessons, Quiggle Swimming Guide, Water Faerie Wishes, The Water Mote, Lutari Dental Hygiene, Keeping Your Krawk Happy, Koi Owners Manual, Healing Koi, Feed Koi, Flotsam Wok Recipes, Mynci Day Cook Book, Bananas the Mynci Way, Quiggle Food Guide, Magical Island Recipes, Extraordinary Ice Cream Cookbook, Kreludan Sundaes, Guide to Brucicles, Slugawoo Art, Slugawoo Adventures, Blurtle Adventure, Big Book of Myncies, The Old Mynci and the Sea, The Confused Mynci, P is for Peophin, Scary Peophin Tales, Leaps and Bounds, Quiggle Stunt Book, Nimmo Winter Tales, Flotsam Fables, Fun With Flotsams, My Life At Sea, A Flotsam Christmas, Sandcastles, Kite Races, Shell Crafts, Rainy Day Activities, Square Book of Rainy Day Activities, Rainy Day Activities for Koi, Mynci Colouring Book, Puzzle Magazine, Neopets Puzzles and Games, Popular Games Guidebook, Kacheekers Strategy Guide, GoGoGo Handbook, Drawing Kiko.

* Petpets: Snarhook, Neucloop.

* Seashells: Blue and Gold Tube Shell, Matching Pastel Shells, Blue Spiral Seashell, Brown Spotted Shell, Camouflage Scallop Shell, Crimson Spotted Shell, Deep Seashell, Faerie Wings Shell, Glossy Blue Shell, Green Smooth Shell, Pink Curly Shell, Purple Spiral Shell, Rainbow Coloured Shell, Shiny Purple Cowry Shell, Sparkly Green Scallop Shell, Spiky Orange Murex Shell, Spiky Shell, Tangerine Trumpet Shell.

* Stamps: Dice-A-Roo Stamp, The Wave Stamp, Mystery Island Travel Stamp, Mystery Island Aishas Stamp, Governor Mansion Stamp.






I know It is a lot. I would accept anything. And if you don't want to give me anything it is okay too.


Any petpets you want to give me would be nice. :D


Siniri, I don't think we've ever talked before, so I don't recognize who you are and haven't seen your page. First, I wish I had seen your gallery while it was still up. I think it is an awesome theme idea. I also have fond memories of family trips to beaches at lakes in Michigan and Canada as a kid. I still remember shoveling sand into buckets, looking for shells and stones and climbing dunes. I love the sound of gulls and the sight of sunsets on the water. If and when I ever make my own gallery, I might try something similar (I'm planning on painting my Uni Water sometime). I would take anything, if you have some left--but if you don't that's fine. I would like to give you something of similar value in return--if I knew what you like. Thanks for your generosity and the evoked fond memories. :icecream: b) <3 0:)


I'm currently dog-sitting and have limited access to a computer. I will start giving things away later this week. Many of the retired items (such as the utility fish) were a gift from a NF who found them really hard to part with -- her account is from 1999, and she tried to have one of everything at the beginning. After a few years, she would give me a few for Christmas/birthday for my gallery so they could be seen and appreciated vs. rotting in her SDB, but I know how hard a gift that was for her, so I'll be returning those items to her. I'm waiting for her to let me know exactly which items those are, before I start giving things away. Sorry for the delay!




i am a returning player :) would love any stamps / coins/ shells to help in my collection.


Thanks in advance :)

  • 2 weeks later...

I've been working, maybe not all that diligently on filling my albums. As of now the closest one I am to finishing is the sea shells and while I don't know your user name I did see someone with a list of sea shells so I hope that it's OK, if I borrow from that list.


Blue and Gold Tube Shell

Blue Spiral Seashell

Purple Spiral Shell


with those I would only need:


Tiny Golden Shell

Royal Orange Cowry Shell

Purple Twirly Shell

Golden Shell


As for my own gallery I collect petpets, I know an impossible task. Again going from what I've seen others post I am still in need of:











I think this is very generous of you.








I apologize but I can't find your gallery Siniri :(...


Can I have the link to your gallery please? 



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