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Secre last won the day on May 2 2024

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About Secre

  • Birthday 03/22/1991

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    Reading any book that comes my way, neopets and sleeping!

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  1. Oooh, that's a really neat petpage! I really like the idea of the Birthday Warf or the Royal Kad.
  2. Wytha now has his proper mini-me instead of a Plushie Dragoyle. I am so glad I picked up a Krawk before prices sky rocketed again. I redeemed my AC points and got Cyrene a proper matching petpet. Now just what to do with Cymbolism...
  3. There's two buttons to log in. If you click Play Neopets then you can log in as normal without Neopass. If you click Log In/Sign Up then it takes you to neopass. You can also get to the log in page by using https://www.neopets.com/home/ which takes you straight to log in.
  4. I may yet do similar but I bought five in the initial sale so figured I might as well use one as the Plushie Cybunny is so adorable. I have my eye on the Faerie Hissi as well although that isn't currently in the market. Not sure about the others. And yes, I love the big flip floppy feet!
  5. ....realised I already had a fountain dip waiting so had to use it. Also couldn't resist using one of the Styling thingies I bought in the initial sale.
  6. I have new daily prizes today! Maybe they've fixed it! EDIT: Nope. I got a new fishing prize as well but it's stuck on the rotten shoe now. Not fixed. EDIT 2: Does anyone know if codestones are also glitched at the Ninja School? I'm getting a lot of requests for Mag Codestone and zilch else!
  7. I can't see this has been addressed elsewhere, but if I've missed it apologies. For those who may be confused, there is currently a glitch in the RNG for some dailies; daily quest prizes and fishing are two that I know of. Battledome definitely isn't affected and my weekly prize changed even if my daily prizes are stuck. Somehow TNT have miscoded something with the Festival of Neggs and have got some of the dailies fixed on set prizes which is why you may be seeing the same items come up day after day after day. Further details can be found here if interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/1cdf84v/broken_rng/
  8. I mean that's not a bad price for an event item in honesty. Many rare non restock items are in the millions. It's cheaper because they're plain and a collectors item only.
  9. Ooooh tell me about it. I cleared a huge stack of r102+ and 90+ in the last CC. Sold a hell of a lot at ridiculous prices and then gave away hundreds as I felt slightly guilty that I'd made a small fortune on omelettes of all things. But my stack of 1 and 2 point items was untouched and there are tens of thousands there. I'm having to force myself not to buy random 1 and 2 point items like I was doing in my initial prep. I really don't need them! I was just amazed at how cheap 6 and 4 point items were now! Particularly when we don't know if they'll keep the same points system or move r98+ back to 8 points! I hope the plot will be stand alone.
  10. I came back briefly for the Faerie thing and the chaos with the 4 point items being 8 points. I got remarkably lucky as I had a stockade of omelettes beyond belief. I did not expect prices to have changed so drastically several months on though. Doing a Charity Corner restock as my stocks are now limited. R102+ are now easily 500np worth when they'd previously have gone for 50-300np. More surprisingly, r90+ have plummeted from 300np+ to 1np! I bought a ton of Casket Tables before I got it up to 20np even. And the cheaper r98+hasn't fared much better starting at 5pn and rising to 200np relatively quickly! These 4 and 6 point items (from last years change at least) are now worth significantly less than the 4 and 6 point items of previous Charity Corners. How very, very odd!
  11. And I got another one yesterday... this is borderline insane. That's a Mara Cybunny, a Shroom Chia, a Mutant Ixi and something else... and I haven't spent more than 200k total. The first one I got for 160k odd or something. The rest have been under 5k each. I've got the Grey Faerie today... may wait until tomorrow to complete so I can be confident that I won't wipe over the FFQ I've got stocked. I need to move Mythicent back to use the next FFQ.
  12. I've had similar luck. Got a second one a couple of days ago and got my Shroom Chia. And just got another one for a whopping 2000np. Might paint one of my mutant pets...
  13. You're not an idiot - you'd have been using the previous CC page on JN I assume? From 2020? r98-100 used to be 8 points and r102+ used to be 4 points. They swapped them for this event.
  14. I've got some trades up for 6 point items - UN selfbetrayal. I've got 10,000 down in wishlist, but feel free to offer whatever you want and I'll accept. I have over a thousand of the things. The event is 9 days but I've prepped for 10 just in case. The staff is good, but not 200million good. It does between 13.6 and 19 damage with a medium of 16.3. Void Blade does 16 every turn. The big thing is that it blocks all dark damage and reflects 75% of light damage back as dark. Which is nice and certainly worth getting if the price drops enough, but is dependant on the enemy using light or dark attacks! But it is a good attacker and a blocker which is rare. Feel free to start a thread in the General Neopets Chat section!
  15. Well, I'm now a back street omelette dealer. My shop till is looking very healthy. Started selling at 4000np yesterday. Selling at 13,000np today. I bought these things at 200np or under. The petpet is why I picked Jhudora. Loved the little Gruslen. I think the problem is that they hyped this as CC and it isn't CC. CC is unlimited donations and rewards those who work at it. This is everyone gets a gold sticky star for less than a minutes effort a day. If they hadn't hyped it, maybe people wouldn't be so disappointed. But they did. And they told us to keep hoarding our trash. And then they made it so you can only donate 30 items a day, which means omelettes are now currency as they are worth 8 points which is crashing the site worse than unlimited donations as everyone frantically buys and sells omelettes. We've been waiting three years for Charity Corner. To hype this as 'the best parts of Charity Corner' is absolute nonsense and they deserve all the shade thrown at them.
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