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Reminder: Always have Pant Devil Attractors and a Full Inventory

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Can you imagine what that player has equipped that they'd want to swap out a 30M weapon into their inventory in the first place?  I want to know the other 8 things they are using!!

Not that I've ever changed battledome equipment and forgotten about it being in my inventory for weeks.  Nope, not me.

16 minutes ago, discobiscuit said:

Can you imagine what that player has equipped that they'd want to swap out a 30M weapon into their inventory in the first place?  I want to know the other 8 things they are using!!

Looks like they just wanted to move it from SDB to TP but I'm also wondering what kind of other things they've got with that kind of disposable income!


Probably have nothing else on hand except for that one item.

my inventory is always empty since i always use the check all button., i bring out a bunch of junk before taking out expensive item. aint got time to click a bunch of buttons.


Those Kiko Lake bandits have become the #1 thieves in Neopia pretty quickly .. the Mutant Grundo and Shadow Usul are not even there anymore 

I remember once the Grundo stole my Neopian Philharmonic CD which I paid 100K for !!! Yes 100K was like 10Mil now .. he did it the second I logged in to my side after sending the item there for my gallery .. I was so bummed but my Guild's Leader at the time (May he RIP) replaced it for me almost instantly

Bottom of the story : These guys should really go away , they won the CUP and are still robbing people !!? .............. Rude !!


That's tough, I mean OUCH. Is this something you can complain about though? Well, obvs you can complain, very loudly, lol. I mean to TNT?

Isn't it kind of like living here in the UK and complaining about the rain? Or maybe a better analogy... knowing it's gonna rain, going out without a brolly, then complaining when you get wet?

People do recommend having an inventory full of junk if you're going to be moving a valuable item about, don't they, to try and offset the risk of losing it to a negative RE.


Not to mention that they won the Altador Cup three times within a five year time span and robbed Meridell from the gold they deserved this year.

Last item I remember them stealing from me was a copy of Neovian Darkfall I got from Grave Danger months ago. If they didn't steal it from me, I'd have 6 extra CC points. Apologies for sounding harsh, but I am going to get my revenge on them next AC for stealing an Everlasting Apple from another member on here and to the unlucky fella on the Neopets Subreddit who was robbed of his Kanriks Blade.

If they ever even dare to steal any chocolates and colourful sweets that I'm about to buy and gift to an old friend of mine for her gallery on her birthday next month, I'm not messing around anymore when AC XVI comes around.


The only thing they've stolen from me is a plate of pasta and worms, they were totally welcome to that xD That WAS just after they won the AC tho... those pesky skittles have NO sense of timing! vampire.gif


I can't imagine how upset I would've been if they stole my Flaming Yooyu Hi-Lo Dress before it sold... oh man, I feel really bad for that person.


😵 Ouch, that is unfortunate. It's especially worse when you've only just taken it out of your SDB to sell on the TP/Auction house, etc. That's always my worst nightmare when I'm moving something from my SDB, though it hasn't happened to me yet.

I agree with what others have said on removing these sorts of REs that can take away tens or hundreds of millions of NP if you're unlucky like this; they did remove REs such as Boochi for a similar reason iirc, as one unlucky RE while your pet was active could instantly remove a multimillion dollar paint job.
(Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't Boochi and similar REs affect exclusive and nigh-unobtainable colours such as Robot or Ice?)


Yeah, it looks as though they had moved it to the inventory to move it immediately to the Trading Post and instantly got hit with the stealing event. I think the issue with having junk there as well is that if you have too much junk you can't see the item you want to put on the Trading Post. So it's a Catch 22 really.

17 hours ago, CoconutDragon said:

Looks like they just wanted to move it from SDB to TP but I'm also wondering what kind of other things they've got with that kind of disposable income!

From what they said that was the only item of worth they had as they got it from a TCG item code.

15 hours ago, Angeló said:

Those Kiko Lake bandits have become the #1 thieves in Neopia pretty quickly .. the Mutant Grundo and Shadow Usul are not even there anymore 

I remember once the Grundo stole my Neopian Philharmonic CD which I paid 100K for !!! Yes 100K was like 10Mil now .. he did it the second I logged in to my side after sending the item there for my gallery .. I was so bummed but my Guild's Leader at the time (May he RIP) replaced it for me almost instantly

Bottom of the story : These guys should really go away , they won the CUP and are still robbing people !!? .............. Rude !!

Yeah, Kiko Lake in particular need to stop the daylight robbery!!

14 hours ago, jellysundae said:

That's tough, I mean OUCH. Is this something you can complain about though? Well, obvs you can complain, very loudly, lol. I mean to TNT?

Isn't it kind of like living here in the UK and complaining about the rain? Or maybe a better analogy... knowing it's gonna rain, going out without a brolly, then complaining when you get wet?

People do recommend having an inventory full of junk if you're going to be moving a valuable item about, don't they, to try and offset the risk of losing it to a negative RE.

TNT have been known to replace extremely expensive or rare stolen items... so it's worth a shot!!

11 hours ago, jellysundae said:

The only thing they've stolen from me is a plate of pasta and worms, they were totally welcome to that xD That WAS just after they won the AC tho... those pesky skittles have NO sense of timing! vampire.gif

They had a Sticky Snowball off me... just after the nerfing of them!!

8 hours ago, MysteryAF said:

I can't imagine how upset I would've been if they stole my Flaming Yooyu Hi-Lo Dress before it sold... oh man, I feel really bad for that person.

I am terrified everytime I have to re-do my Yooyu trading lot for this exact reason!!

6 hours ago, Duskitty said:

😵 Ouch, that is unfortunate. It's especially worse when you've only just taken it out of your SDB to sell on the TP/Auction house, etc. That's always my worst nightmare when I'm moving something from my SDB, though it hasn't happened to me yet.

I agree with what others have said on removing these sorts of REs that can take away tens or hundreds of millions of NP if you're unlucky like this; they did remove REs such as Boochi for a similar reason iirc, as one unlucky RE while your pet was active could instantly remove a multimillion dollar paint job.
(Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't Boochi and similar REs affect exclusive and nigh-unobtainable colours such as Robot or Ice?)

I never had an 'exclusive' but my Faerie Kougra that cost millions back in the day when Flash games were my main source of income was hit by the Invisible event whilst playing NQ. Now that really stung!!


You only need to put about 20-30 junk items in your inventory and a couple pant devil attractors

This way you can still see the item(s) you want to trade and decrease the chance of it being stolen


2 minutes ago, Angeló said:

You only need to put about 20-30 junk items in your inventory and a couple pant devil attractors

This way you can still see the item(s) you want to trade and decrease the chance of it being stolen


So what about having 20-30 pant devil attractors? :snitch:

2 minutes ago, CoconutDragon said:

He's no threat compared to Kiko Lake.

They totally should make an avatar for getting something stolen by KL. xD That's the kind of irony early-TNT reveled in. It would also diminish a little of the salt the theft generates.


4 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

So what about having 20-30 pant devil attractors? :snitch:

i have done that in the past and i think it just increases the probability of the Pant Devil visiting you .. but that's just my own theory because i got him twice in one day


They totally should make an avatar for getting something stolen by KL. 

or getting stolen by anyone really


You get a trophy (and iirc, an avatar?) for having a certain amount of NP stolen by the Tax Beast/Dr. Sloth/etc, so getting something similar for having an expensive item stolen could work. Not sure how they'd implement it though as you'd probably need to implement certain threshholds of NP for what counts as an "expensive" item, and the value of items does fluctuate over time.

(Tangentially related, apparently I have a golden trophy from Sloth's Invasion Tax. I have no idea how much he stole from me...)

4 hours ago, Duskitty said:

You get a trophy (and iirc, an avatar?) for having a certain amount of NP stolen by the Tax Beast/Dr. Sloth/etc, so getting something similar for having an expensive item stolen could work. Not sure how they'd implement it though as you'd probably need to implement certain threshholds of NP for what counts as an "expensive" item, and the value of items does fluctuate over time.

(Tangentially related, apparently I have a golden trophy from Sloth's Invasion Tax. I have no idea how much he stole from me...)

Yeah, I thought that - they couldn't use the straight 'value' of the item as that is often woefully out of touch with the neopian economy of players... likewise rarity, some 'rare' items are all but useless and therefore worthless... others are actually worth millions. It would need to be based on the cheapest SSW/trading price and I can't see them implementing that bit of code!!


It's a shame it'd be so complex, as getting an avatar or a trophy would definitely make (at least some!) people far less salty about the item loss

8 hours ago, Duskitty said:

(Tangentially related, apparently I have a golden trophy from Sloth's Invasion Tax. I have no idea how much he stole from me...)

His ego will NEVER recover from this, I'm sure! Nothing quite like your evil villain behaviour going entirely unnoticed for taking the wind out of your sails. lol.gif

22 hours ago, jellysundae said:

It's a shame it'd be so complex, as getting an avatar or a trophy would definitely make (at least some!) people far less salty about the item loss


I'm not sure even a shiny trophy would make me less salty about losing an items worth millions, I admit!

  • 2 weeks later...

Geez that’s terrible! The fact that you can get REs anytime should make tnt rethink about item stealing REs- what if you’re on your items page about to safely put away your items when you get it? They should at least not steal anything that goes above a certain rarity.

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