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Besides playing games, what are the ways people feel are the most bang for their buck in terms of earning neopoints?

Mostly I make money from the stock market, daillies, the Ghoul Catchers app and selling codestones I get from the battledome.

 What do you do for neopoints income?



I collect my bank interest, and occasionally Ghoul Catchers, It won't let me play flash games on Neopets anymore, so those are basically the only two ways I earn NPs. I still buy stocks, but that's not a consistent money maker. I got tired of sifting through the Battledome trash items and pricing the loot, but I know it's a good way to get NPs. The best guaranteed way to make NPs in my opinion is Ghoul Catchers. 50k a day, that's a million NPs in 20 days if you're dedicated.


My main source of NP income is Trudy's, selling codestones from the BD (I keep all other items in my SDB for Charity Corner) collecting Bank interest and Food Club. Did stocks for a while but it's rather boring so now I'm just waiting for the stocks that I have to go up and sell them when they reach my sellpoint. Not buying new ones anymore.

Occasionally I'll play some games or ghoul catchers but that's like maybe once or twice in 6 months.


What I do to earn money is:

  • Spin Trudy daily;
  • Collect Bank Interest daily;
  • Spin Wheel of Mediocrity every 40 minutes (every time I can); 
  • Sell some items I got from dailies (below 100 neopoints I keep for Charity Corner);
  • I ask for wishes at the Wishing Well twice a day (I've won some items worth a good quantity of neopoints).

and obviously I do dailies every day ^_^ TDN's dailies page helps me a lot, it's part of my life now :laughingsmiley:

I don't earn an absurd amount of neopoints, but it's the enough to live my neopian life 



  1. the usual dailies, ie anything that is both a ) free and b ) gives at least semi-consistent neopoints (grundo plushie, forgotten shore, trudy's, etc) or has any chance at codestones/paintbrushes (tombola, temple, fruit machine, etc)
  2. ghoul catchers
  3. my two current avatar games AND my current trophy-hunting game
  4. if i feel like it, any games that i actually enjoy playing and have a good monthly ratio. im not super consistent on these, but theyre more for fun than for np
  5. restock my shop with items left over from pack rat

profits are spent on the stock market, daily training, and current avatar dailies. anything else goes into the bank

and all my battledome wins get stuffed into the bank to be dealt with in batches


Any more i just do a couple easy dailies, buy stocks, and sell whatever is left over in my shop.     Back when i was far more dedicated, ghoul catchers was the main money maker for me, but other games and sales helped.



ever since I trained my main pet up to level 50, attack 85, and invested in two proper weapons (turned tooth) in order to be able to defeat koi warrior, the daily income of codestones - usually a handful of tan ones and one or two red ones - this has been a very nice addition to my income.

I don't do ghoul catchers because the pointless repetition of level 1 hurts my brain :D but assuming you would do that daily, you could probably have a fortune in no time...

On 11/10/2019 at 7:53 PM, alohadiscordia said:

in order to be able to defeat koi warrior, the daily income of codestones - usually a handful of tan ones and one or two red ones - this has been a very nice addition to my income.

Recently I've switched to the Giant Spectral Mutant Walein instead of the Koi Warrior. A fellow ninja on the Shenkuu board said she fights him rather than the Koi as you get more codestones. Ofc my ears perked up at that so I checked him out, and she's right!

Fight him on easy or medium and he's only got one unique prize


rather than 4 or 5 like the Koi warrior has.


so yep, higher chance of more codestones from this guy! :D


6 hours ago, jellysundae said:

Fight him on easy or medium and he's only got one unique prize

i tried that and got the following prizes (as you can see , only 2 codestones)


9 hours ago, Angeló said:

i tried that and got the following prizes (as you can see , only 2 codestones)

Hey now, I did say a higher CHANCE of more codestones xD Just like with the Koi Warrior; some days you don't get many at all.

6 hours ago, jellysundae said:

Hey now, I did say a higher CHANCE of more codestones xD Just like with the Koi Warrior; some days you don't get many at all.

it needs more testing , at least for a week

today i got 5 codestones , playing on Medium 


On 11/15/2019 at 5:42 PM, Angeló said:

today i got 5 codestones , playing on Medium 

Today I got 7 playing on medium.


On 11/14/2019 at 7:20 PM, jellysundae said:

Recently I've switched to the Giant Spectral Mutant Walein instead of the Koi Warrior. A fellow ninja on the Shenkuu board said she fights him rather than the Koi as you get more codestones. Ofc my ears perked up at that so I checked him out, and she's right!


oh wow, I need to check that out then! nice, thanks for the hint! ... I can't stand seeing that koi anymore anyways :D 
I'll join the GSMW testgroup and report back with my results.

21 minutes ago, alohadiscordia said:

I'll join the GSMW testgroup and report back with my results.

This sounds most scientific and important. indubitably.gif

The highest amount of codestones I've ever got from the Koi Warrior was 11... ELEVEN!!! ? I want to see if big ol' Walein can top that! ?

In theory it should be totally possible, though in reality 11 out of 15 prizes being codestones was pretty unlikely in the first place. ?

Today's result.


NO personal prizes from them today look, and it started off with such promise with 4 codestones, but the faeries muscled in in the end. ?

But 6 codestones still. ?


I play Food Club (following Garet`s betting page Boochi_Target) buy stocks, play Trudys, sell prizes from the Battledome (I`m Premium, so I have the Cosmic Dome and fight the Jetsam Ace which gives out nerkmids as part of the prize pool) and do other daillies, such as Fruit Machine, Tombola, etc. I also play some games for fun. Whenever my SSW isn`t being blocked by a FFQ on hold, I also do jobs at the Faerieland Employment Agency, the basic ones that doesn`t require coupons.

Food Club is highly recommended for a steady income - you win some, you lose some, but overall you profit nicely, especially if you have an older account as your bets are worth more, and so you profit more.

17 hours ago, alohadiscordia said:

oh wow, I need to check that out then! nice, thanks for the hint! ... I can't stand seeing that koi anymore anyways :D 
I'll join the GSMW testgroup and report back with my results.

8 codestones Today ! rough start but it kicked off in the end

Things are looking better already 



I just realized after being all hyped up - at strength 93 that walein is way beyond my capabilities :'D oh well maybe some day. 

@aleu1986 I have to admit, I was never able to wrap my head around the food club stuff. to be fair I lost interest shortly into the explanation because it seemed so complex. what profits exactly can you expect with a, let's say, 10 year old account? how much of a time sink is it as a daily activity?

2 hours ago, alohadiscordia said:

I just realized after being all hyped up - at strength 93 that walein is way beyond my capabilities :'D

 ?‍♀️ I didn't even consider that when I mentioned it! I'm annoyed with myself now >_<

It won't be too long before you can battle them though? Let's say, by the time the Faerie Quest Event rolls around next year at the latest you should be there? I've honestly ZERO idea of how long it takes to train up so I'm just waffling, but the event should help you get there if you're not there already by then.

Food Club's not much of a time hog at all. I used to play it. My disease-addled brain can't cope with it any more, but that doesn't mean what I was doing was too confusing, it's not in the slightest when someone else's doing the heavy lifting for you and I'm perpetually annoyed that I can't play it any more. ?  I too followed Garet's bets, it's just copying the info from his table there into the drop-downs on the betting page, simple as and doesn't take long. With a ten year old account you'd be able to bet quite a lot if you wished! So when things went well your returns would be great.

This is my winnings.


You can see I more than doubled my money. Garet's pretty conservative in his betting. @Angeló will tell you other people often make more money than he does, but I'm sure they suffer bigger losses too. No-one should go into Food Club without being fully aware that some days you might as well be throwing your money in the ocean. xD

12 hours ago, aleu1986 said:

Food Club is highly recommended for a steady income - you win some, you lose some, but overall you profit nicely

Aleu summed it up so much better than I could!


"just" 5 today.


1 hour ago, jellysundae said:

it's just copying the info from his table there into the drop-downs on the betting page, simple as and doesn't take long. With a ten year old account you'd be able to bet quite a lot if you wished! So when things went well your returns would be great.

This is my winnings.


You can see I more than doubled my money.

holy smokes! it IS easier and way more profitable than I ever thought :D I'll check it out as soon as december gets me back into the hardcore neo mood, thanks!

also about the battle training - I never bothered with battledome before earlier this year aswell. (you might be asking yourself what I DID do before on neo - I'm in love with all the pretty item artwork... :D ) so I, too, have no idea how it would take me to get there. but good hint using the faerie quest event to get there, will do that!


Regarding Food Club 

These are the status for 4 of the top betters for November (so far)

As you can see , Garet is closing the gap that was at the beginning of the month 

Phoenix won HUGE the first two days , then tanked pretty much every day since .. still he's first .. but with not much difference anymore 



Garet Lucy Lefty Phoenix
As of the 17th of November Totals 230:150 234:160 255:170 276:170
- ROI 1.53 1.56 1.50 1.73

As you can see , Garet takes less risks , wins less amounts , but is more consistent 

with Phoenix you're pretty much re-gambling all your winnings (which you may have already spent on some expensive item you want)

the other two are a mix-and-match .. hit-and-miss type .. and i don't trust their bets much to be honest



I do wonder what the Food Club people do for a profession. I feel sure they must be accountants or stasticians or something! Or professional gamblers! lol.

@alohadiscordia if you've already trained up enough to be able to fight the Koi Warrior you're doing good. :D I remember the sense of acheivement I felt on reaching Level 50 and being able to get Lens Flare so I could take him on with impunity. ?

Is that what you did?

I'll admit I stayed fighting the Chia Clown WAY longer than I should have, because I'm a big chicken. ?

Also, lots of nommy food from the Central Arena. :yum:


I've been playing food club now for almost two years (maybe closer to a year and a half, but not sure anymore) I've been following different people or sometimes adjusted some bets to get more safety. I've never really made a 10 bet set on my own as far as I can remember and it takes me maybe 2 minutes a day during my dailies.

I do have an 18 year old account so that helps a LOT but here are my totals:


Difference of 34 MIL! It's basically my main income to be honest. XD

21 hours ago, jellysundae said:

Is that what you did?

I'll admit I stayed fighting the Chia Clown WAY longer than I should have, because I'm a big chicken. ?

yep that's what I did!
and oh my, it's almost embarassing to admit how long I kept fighting that clown just to get those items for my pack rat ava instead of putting in any actual effort with training haha :D funny to hear others were in the same boat :P  on a slightly different note, I was so disappointed once I got the hang of the BD to find out the punchbag ava is basically broken since the oponent hasn't been seen in years. one less ava I could get for my longterm goal...


@alohadiscordia I WAS training my pet though, and I still just fought the Chia Clown. ?

I justified it to myself by saying I needed an opponent I could 1-shot K.O. because I make a mess of things otherwise, am I enabling myself there? Most definitely! Oh well xD

My broken brain killed me too often in the BD when I tried fighting stronger opponents because I got confused way too often and used the wrong weapon; did stuff out of sequence; forgot to use an ability... all the dumb things! so 1-shot K.O. FTW! ?

Also, selling the chocolate ice creams for up to 50k a pop might have had something to do with it. :snitch:

Yeah it'll be very cool if Sid ever re-appears!


My haul today from the Big W


Not bad!  ?

20th November

"Only" 6 today! lol. 4 regular and 2 red.

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