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Hello all, I have another school project I am doing. I have a small survey. There are 10 questions. It will take less than 1 minute to complete, and it is completely anonymous. 

This time it is a few questions focused toward being online. 



Last time you all did so great with helping me. I really appreciated it! 

Thanks so much ?



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Happy to be of service once again. :D

That's an interesting mix of questions! Some psychological tie-in with people who were/are bullied, and petty theft?

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Yeah, an interesting survey indeed. I'll admit, I've been on both ends of bullying, as the bully (which I regret, of course) and as the one being bullied. Something like that is hard to forget.


Good survey, and best of luck!

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Did the survey too. Wasn't sure what to pick about the last question though. I mean, I've probably said hurtful things to others but not intended as bullying or being mean. Probably happened online too as typed words don't always get interpreted as you wanted to. And sometimes a tease or a joke doesn't "arrive" as intended either. But I would never say anything (online or not) with the intent to hurt/bully! And if I got told they didn't like it or that it was hurting I would of course apologize or try to explain. (I'm also excluding my years as a kid, as I've said some hurtful things to my siblings when we were having a fight)

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3 hours ago, Duma said:

Did the survey too. Wasn't sure what to pick about the last question though. I mean, I've probably said hurtful things to others but not intended as bullying or being mean. Probably happened online too as typed words don't always get interpreted as you wanted to. And sometimes a tease or a joke doesn't "arrive" as intended either. But I would never say anything (online or not) with the intent to hurt/bully! And if I got told they didn't like it or that it was hurting I would of course apologize or try to explain. (I'm also excluding my years as a kid, as I've said some hurtful things to my siblings when we were having a fight)

SAME! I'm VERY sure that I've said things over the years that were perceived as bullying by the people I said them to when my intent was more on the level of sarcasm or similar. I WILL have been rude too, no doubt about it, but that's not bullying, that's just bad manners. :blush02:

7 hours ago, LekkerLekker89 said:

I'm sure that most everyone has downloaded media from a not-so-legal source, but how  many people have actually stolen a book or movie? Probably not many...

OOH! I didn't make that connection, ahhhh yeah... ?  That does raise an interesting moral question, doesn't it!

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I possibly lied on #9?  I mean, I haven't ever gone after someone for having a different opinion, but I do tend to be nasty to anti-science people in pro-science places.  Not along the lines of what I got in school 'you're ugly/stupid/etc' but more 'aw, you're quoting a known psuedoscience source?  Lol, try again, cupcake!'

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The course is called sociology of deviance. So I am looking at what deviant acts of society people may be more willing to commit because of social media or being online in general.   ?

Thank you all so much ! :D I know I can always count on my TDN group.

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I wasn't sure how to answer the 'have you ever bullied/ been bullied' either... I'm 41 and if I think back I KNOW I said or did some hurtful things in grade school. For instance, In grade 1 kids in my class went through a phase of trying to pull each others pants down. Usually the 'victim' would catch their pants before they went down and everyone would laugh at the attempt. Well... I tried it on a classmate who was walking by my desk in class in jogging pants. I totally pants-ed her in front of everyone. I never expected her not to grab/ catch them. She was obviously upset (rightfully so)... but I think I was almost as upset for having done it. Sometimes I think kids don't get the consequences of actions like this until they do something wrong/ stupid and know how bad it feels. 

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2 hours ago, charelan said:

I wasn't sure how to answer the 'have you ever bullied/ been bullied' either... I'm 41 and if I think back I KNOW I said or did some hurtful things in grade school. For instance, In grade 1 kids in my class went through a phase of trying to pull each others pants down. Usually the 'victim' would catch their pants before they went down and everyone would laugh at the attempt. Well... I tried it on a classmate who was walking by my desk in class in jogging pants. I totally pants-ed her in front of everyone. I never expected her not to grab/ catch them. She was obviously upset (rightfully so)... but I think I was almost as upset for having done it. Sometimes I think kids don't get the consequences of actions like this until they do something wrong/ stupid and know how bad it feels. 

hahaa right, it really makes you think about things. I realized before I made the question that it may have bee quite difficult to answer because you may not see yourself personally responsible or recognize an action as bullying. Totally get that! 

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It's also difficult because today's society tends to classify so much as bullying which really isn't. If someone's a little snowflakey they accuse people of bullying them just for the other person strongly disagreeing with them, or being  called on what the other person sees as BS. It's tough.

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I put fake information on everything online! It is so easy for people to hack one innocent account, follow your e-mail or phone number, and wind up with all of your information. I don't even use the same fake information. I mix and match about 12 different names/e-mails/phone numbers/addresses. I use info like - jane smith (555)867-5309 at 1 Random Rd, New York, NY. I don't use 1 Random Rd anymore since I met a person who actually had that as an address, but that is just an example. I am a very paranoid person...

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On 4/13/2019 at 4:13 AM, babayaga67 said:

I put fake information on everything online! It is so easy for people to hack one innocent account, follow your e-mail or phone number, and wind up with all of your information. I don't even use the same fake information. I mix and match about 12 different names/e-mails/phone numbers/addresses. I use info like - jane smith (555)867-5309 at 1 Random Rd, New York, NY. I don't use 1 Random Rd anymore since I met a person who actually had that as an address, but that is just an example. I am a very paranoid person...

There's some VERY different reasons for using fake info online, isn't there! Safety is the only legit one though. I wonder how many of the people who use it to be trolls and bullies justify it to themselves by saying it's for security reasons... hopefully not that many, if you're gonna be a douche you need to be able to admit that to yourself.



So I am looking at what deviant acts of society people may be more willing to commit because of social media or being online in general. 

There's an enormous disparity still between... oh grrrr, I just don't know how to verbalise it.... ?


We do SO much online now, but there's STILL a very strong current of it's not real if it's just on the internet... and that's WHY a lot of the trolling and bullying and general fakery goes on, isn't it, and the downloads theft.

People can detach themselves from it because it's not physically there in front of them, so they can't seem to associate it with RL behaviour. They're not physically confronted by the angry/distraught person, getting all up in their actual face about the horrible things they said; if the person they were bullying could turn around and punch them on the nose then it wouldn't happen, would it! Same with that great pile of pilfered CDs and DVDs that's covering their coffee table; if there was a physical representation of those it'd shock most people to the core, I think, but because there ISN'T one...


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I also thought about the legitimacy of wanting to have fake info online. Its a real concern. I've tried really hard to erase myself too and thought it might just be easier for me to lure data snatching sites with fake info than to erase real info. 

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