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Spooky Food Eating Contest: The Magic Melody

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Move all your flowers to the far right (or left) side, then move them one by one to the opposite side. Note the change in decibels, Based upon the change, you can find the right square for each row with just three moves, so today wasn't that hard.


I got a Ghosterchief hammer, fyi, at one time a decent weapon although strangely light in defense. dang ghost.


Hmm, starting to wonder how long this Magic Melody thing will last. It's been a good number of days.


Got this today:


Old Stone Wall Foreground


YAY! A few items from my wishlist are on the prize pool today! The puzzle was sorta annoying because I had it right but it told me it wasnt -_-


I got Skeletal Hands Foreground. Maybe wearables this time? Will update when I find out what my friends got for their prizes. They're already asleep lol


Im enjoying the plant moving thing now and would like them to make it a game after the event, its oddly relaxing lol


I got the cobweb foreground which I love, in fact I had a look at what prizes are available for today and they are all wearable s and almost all of them are really desirable..bought almost all of them and used them all too


a good day for me :laughingsmiley:


Yes, wearables this time. I got a Old Stone Wall Foreground today.

I really hope this ends tomorrow. (I'd expect it to last a week)


The table magically expanded.


That table has certainly got room for another day, wonder what the gifts will be for tommorow?

They are all themed trying to think what is left now

weve had food, potions, weapons, books, and wearables .. whats left??



training aids?

paintbrushes ...doubt it will be paint brushes ?? oo but you can dream lol

That's It!
Well, I mean, it seems to be the key to this part of the melody, anyway. Good job. Um... *fumbles around the room*

Here, have this. I'm sure Tippens won't mind.

Skeletal Hands Foreground

Okay, so now we should probably—whoa, you don't look so good. Are you all right?


I'm so tired of these....so boring xD


Really looking forward to the end of the flower-moving. Here's hoping tomorrow will have a new puzzle. My friends let me know that they got Malevolent Tombstones, Golden Water Fountain, and Flowery Pink Parasol.


I'm glad it wasn't something different today as I had a long day and I was/am tired. This part is still easy.

I won a Golden Water Fountain.


I got the Golden Water Fountain as well.

Here's to hoping that if it continues on tomorrow that they start handing out stamps- that would make me pretty darn happy!


i hope the flowers won't fill up the entire grid ... it'd be too much for my little ears to handle :sad02:


I finished about four puzzles, and then I was on one with 9 plants, and one of the plants is unmoveable for me. I thought at first it was just part of the puzzle but now I can't seem to complete it because I can't move that one...


I finished about four puzzles, and then I was on one with 9 plants, and one of the plants is unmoveable for me. I thought at first it was just part of the puzzle but now I can't seem to complete it because I can't move that one...

That happened for me as well. Try refreshing the page. It should move after that :)


That happened for me as well. Try refreshing the page. It should move after that :)


Ah, thanks very much. That worked. I was worried it would reset the entire board, I'm so glad it didn't. xD


I only just returned to Neo today - how long has this puzzle been around? I've been able to get a lot of prizes from it but based on other people's posts, you should only get one per day? Or maybe I am just reading them wrong.


Aw, kinda disappointed that there was nothing new today. Oh well, at least there were wearable prizes! Got a Neovian Serving Trolley. :P

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