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Spooky Food Eating Contest: The Magic Melody

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I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S3 tablet to play this and can't, for the life of me, get the flowers to move and tapping on them does nothing. The fan works, tho. What do?


I'm absolutely loving this. I can't wait to see how it develops. :D I got a Creepy Spring Salad.


Yay for puzzles! I got a mutant milkshake. I'm also excited about the continuation of this. :)

That's It!
Well, I mean, it seems to be the key to this part of the melody, anyway. Good job. Um... *fumbles around the room*

Here, have this. I'm sure Tippens won't mind.

Pumpkin Negg

Okay, so now we should probably—whoa, you don't look so good. Are you all right?


So, it looks like my prediction was right! (Ahhhh can't wait for tomorrow! Get a good nights sleep everyone!)


I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S3 tablet to play this and can't, for the life of me, get the flowers to move and tapping on them does nothing. The fan works, tho. What do?


Still looking for some help with this ...


I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S3 tablet to play this and can't, for the life of me, get the flowers to move and tapping on them does nothing. The fan works, tho. What do?


I'd try to use an actual computer, because we all know that you can't do everything on Neopets with a tablet.


Otherwise, ask on the Neoboard...



Still looking for some help with this ...

I found that one of my flowers would not move at all I refreshed a couple of times and then they all moved, so perhaps logging out and back in a restart etc might help..better still as someone else suggested if you can use an ordinary computer would be easier for you


hope you get it sorted it must be frustrating


FINALLY a plot step! Finally. Oh, but difficult puzzles. That's why we have a guide. I just hope it's not a bunch of trial and error, I hate trial and error. I get frustrated so easily and judging by these comments, this will not be fun.


Thankfully I did not get frustrated and the guide helped. It only took me several minutes till I got it. I got a Ghostmallow Smore.


I just can not seem to get the pattern correct! I've already tried about 20 times! :questionmark:



Have you used the method the TDN guide gave? It basically goes like this for those who don't know.

First, you have your 4 plants. Put all of them to the top or bottom. Here's an example (.=free space != flower and pot):

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

! ! ! !

Now, you would activate the fan to see the how much decibels it is at currently. For this, let's say it's at 15 decibels.

Let's move the 1st plant to the left up one space. It would look like this:

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

! . . .

. ! ! !

Check at how many decibels it is at now. If it is at 14 decibels, keep going up. If it increases, go back to the same space. Keep it in that space if the decibel increases. (Dang look at how many guests there are!)


I gots a CPMB Salad... yuck... That wasn't too bad, totally epic though, I liked moving them around just to hear the different sounds.


Still looking for some help with this ...

This might be a dumb question, but are you tapping the flowers or dragging them? The fan just needs to be tapped, but the flowers are dragged across the board, and you let up the click when they're hovering over the spot you want them in. I feel like things that involve dragging actions in a browser window don't work for me 100% of the time on tablets, so you might have to go to a computer for it. Hope you get it to work for you!

Even on the computer I had troubles moving the plants, it just takes a bit of patience, and move one at a time.


Even on the computer I had troubles moving the plants, it just takes a bit of patience, and move one at a time.

Same here. I dragged them to a new square but they wouldn't stick--I had to overshoot a little (place them on the upper border of the square I was aiming for rather than the center of the square) to get them to go where I wanted. Once I was able to actually aim them where I wanted the puzzle went a lot faster! Haha.

I got a Ghost Hissi Plushie. Still wasn't hard once you figured out what you need to do.


completed it much faster today now I know that ALL the flowers are supposed to be able to move lol


I got a halloween zafara puppet which is cute

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