Clumsy rockyroad1 Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 Grrr!!! Codestones are now so expensive, should have hoarded earlier. 2013 Bri Codestone Low: 2.73k 1/2/13 High: 3.95 k NOW Eo Codestone Low: 5.06k 1/1/13-1/2/13 High: 7.59k NOW Har Codesone Low: 2.81k 1/1/13 High: 4.15k NOW Lu Codestone Low: 6.67k 1/6/13 High: 9.97k NOW Main Codestone Low: 2.67k 1/1/13 High: 3.88k NOW Mau Codestone Low: 2.73k 1/1/13-1/3/13 High: 3.54k NOW Orn Codestone Low: 3.01k 1/5/13 High: 4.33k NOW Tai-Kai Codestone Low: 3.05k 1/2/13 High: 3.95k NOW Vo Codestone: Low: 4.67k 1/6/13 High: 8.05k NOW Zei Codestone: Low: 4.74k 1/1/13 High: 6.52k NOW A full set now costs 55k NP.
xSummer Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 should i sell now or wait until this plot starts? Lamppost 1
Anxious Zombie Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 Actually, there was a time when you could get them for even less. I play an endless amount of battledome and keyquest, I haven't had to buy a codestone in months
karmacow Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 Yeah, I think I'm just gonna hold off on training my pet any further till after the plot (if we get it. I think we will, but nothing's certain). It'll be a long time till I can train anything other than level anyway.
Finn the Human Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 Well I bought up codestones 2 days ago when your prices were what I bought em for. I ought over 200.
Xepha Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 It actually seems like some of them inflated by 3k since this morning alone. o.O
Jadey Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 Yep I've noticed it too because I usually buy them up and sell them, but it's just not worth it anymore. I think they've definitely jumped up in prices because of this new plot that may or may not happen.
hrtbrk Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 Time for everyone to pair up and play some key quest! If the last plot was any indication, there's still a lot more inflation to come! Emily, Mouseykins and Lydia Trebond 3
General Technology Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 I'm so jealous of people right now XD They have so much money =))) How much did Scarab Ring inflate before? O.o
Aquamentis12 Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 Wow, Scarab Rings are selling for 2,500np right now. Back around the last AC, Eo and Lu Codestones were around and higher than 10k, So 6k or so while still high, isn't too bad compared to before the BD started spitting them out. ;) Still it'd be nice if the prices would deflate a bit. I don't think this computer can handle Keyquest, at least not the mini-games, or I'd play it for codestones too. ;) At least the BD seems to give me a decent amount of them some nights. :)
Angeló Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 I sold about 40 codestones 2 days ago ... if i waited a day or two i would've made more profit :D
Nimphal Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 Now this is what I am hoarding 50 of each for, finally my patience will be rewarded (hopefully) :D Will keep them for a bit longer and see whether they won't inflate even more. There is barely any point training my pet right now so better make a profit :D
Lamppost Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 I've been hoarding both codestones and dubloons. I'm not sure whether to sell now or wait until the plot starts, though.
dummydumpty Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 Yikes. I stopped training due to the inflation, unless I get codestones from the BD or KQ (although I haven't gotten really back in it).
Artios Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 lolol. Nice. Been hoarding over 5k codestones for a few months now. Will wait until prices begin to drop a bit, and sell. >:)
Sannah Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 I just had to pay 11,000 NP for a Lu Codestone. Madness. I hope this trend doesn't continue... I doubt Neopets will have the plot ready to start tomorrow. Surely they'll reintroduce abilities and such first? (Isn't it fairly immoral to stock up on weapons, healing potions and codestones for training now that a war is coming, and sell them at inflated prices while your fellow Neopians are trying to save the world from this potential new threat? So wrong. :D)
flyingeevee Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 This is why I haven't been current lesson requires two Lu Codestones and I don't even have one! I'm hoping for the Battledome to give me one and not the other codestones xD
livvy Posted January 28, 2013 Posted January 28, 2013 (Isn't it fairly immoral to stock up on weapons, healing potions and codestones for training now that a war is coming, and sell them at inflated prices while your fellow Neopians are trying to save the world from this potential new threat? So wrong. :D) Immoral? Maybe. But it's also good business. ;) I'm really interested to see what happens with healing potion prices this time. It used to be that you didn't really need them because you could just win-heal on Inflatable Balthazar. Now you can't, so potions may be in more demand. Rebecca~ 1
Lamppost Posted January 28, 2013 Posted January 28, 2013 Immoral? Maybe. But it's also good business. ;) I'm really interested to see what happens with healing potion prices this time. It used to be that you didn't really need them because you could just win-heal on Inflatable Balthazar. Now you can't, so potions may be in more demand. A lot of times with a plot, though, Inflatable Balthazar wasn't available to fight, unless you knew the Javascript trick. Things will still change because that trick won't work anymore, either, and even winning a battle against an opponent won't help you heal. That's why I've been stocking up on healing potions, too - both to use and to sell!
Welcome Back Apathy Posted January 28, 2013 Posted January 28, 2013 Close to good timing for me...I'm thiiiis close to never using the regular codestones again, and once I finish I'm going to sell off all the leftovers I have. Just three more days... How are the prices on the red codestones?
livvy Posted January 28, 2013 Posted January 28, 2013 How are the prices on the red codestones? Down from what they used to be before the BD started handing them out, but still higher than regular codestones.
Welcome Back Apathy Posted January 30, 2013 Posted January 30, 2013 I made it up to level 250, and I'm now using the secret ninja training school. Woohoo! As such, I have released a bunch of codestones back into the wild. Er, my shop. Hallelujah, hint of plot. EDIT: It's been less than a minute, and I've sold eleven. Maybe I should have made them above the lowest in the shop wiz... Lamppost and Lydia Trebond 2
Finn the Human Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 Well I spent 2 mil on codestones! Darn lab ray made my level down to 48. I started training a while ago and now reached LV 75. I need like 85 before I can train other stuff.
Aquamentis12 Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 I can't believe how quickly the stones have jumped in price with the mere HINT of a POSSIBLE plot, and there may not even be any battling, or very little battling. Not only that, look at battledome gear, it's all inflating as well. GHS was 200k at MOST a couple of weeks ago, and now people are asking 500k for one. INSANE! I train, but I primarily wait until I have some codestones built up from the new BD. Mainly I train by alternate methods and use the training school for raising any stat that falls "behind". I wish those new training fortune cookies reduced the price for training randomly, but nope, they only reduce the training time by a random percentage. Maybe TNT thought to try to reduce the number of codestones in-game for the same reasons I've heard rumors about the rubbish avatar, to reduce item load and strain on the servers. Oh well, if you're selling codestones instead of training, now is DEFINITELY your time. Enjoy it while it lasts, because if there's minimal battling in a potential new plot, or no battling at all, the market will probably dry up as long as Key Quest and codestones from the BD exist. ;)
Clumsy rockyroad1 Posted February 3, 2013 Author Posted February 3, 2013 A quick search in the SW reveals these rip-off codestone prices: Lu 15k Bri 4.3k Eo 11.4k Har 5.8k Main 4k Mau 4k Orn 5k Tai-Kai 5k Vo 11.3k Zei 9k A full set now costs...................73.8k! Prices are now nearing RECORD HIGHS!
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