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Woohooo!!! This took forever! The two reasons I liked neopets from the beginning were Neoquest II and Meerca Chase. And now I've finally accomplished Neoquest II insane. Yay!!! :D



You have beaten NeoQuest® II on InSaNe! difficulty!
You are awarded a NeoQuest® II trophy...


...as well as 50,000 neopoints!


Woohooo!!! This took forever! The two reasons I liked neopets from the beginning were Neoquest II and Meerca Chase. And now I've finally accomplished Neoquest II insane. Yay!!! :D



You have beaten NeoQuest® II on InSaNe! difficulty!

You are awarded a NeoQuest® II trophy...




...as well as 50,000 neopoints!

Congrats! I don't think I have the patience haha. How long did it take you?


Congrats! I don't think I have the patience haha. How long did it take you?

Well, it's sorta been eight years in the making. xD But that's since I started my first game of Neoquest II on Normal Level. I think for this round it took me maybe a month of playing. I play with two windows and the neopets window is at maybe 60% so that I can see the whole screen, and the other window is youtube. It makes it much more bearable. ^_^



Also, I found this today! Woot!!

A deserted shore stretches along in front of you.


What's this? It looks like you found something buried in the sand...



You have received a Discovered Treasure Chest


Got the Grand Theft Ummagine avatar today (thanks for the guide TDN!) and if all goes well I should most likely end up with a trophy...sitting in 4th as of right now. *crosses fingers*


Got 10k from the Forgotten Shore today, worked on clearing out my SDB, and found some things in there to sell that'll give me a nice profit for today. :)

Also currently working on chapter 2 of NQII. It's my first time trying to beat it. :D


Edit: Woah, just looked at my trophies and noticed one that must have been there since I got the Tyranu Evavu avatar! 47_3.gifThird place at

Tyranu Evavu!!

I had no idea I got that trophy! :)


Hoping to get the Gold Trophy in Cellblock! I'm on tournament 11, level 8. I got the avatar last night (finally!) at tournament 10, level 5. Trophy is next!!


Then I might go for a flash game avatar, like Feed Florg or Meepit Juice Break.



And, you've earned a Trophy!

Congratulations! You have advanced to the next Tournament.




I added nearly 2.5M NP to my bank account today. (I sold all my shares of EEEEE for about 1M, and I collected my 8-day trophy run of Food Club winnings (about 1.5M, not enough for a trophy upgrade, but enough to get the bronze trophy NP for a few days to help make up for the loss in bank interest, with any luck). I'm just a few hundred thousand from a very big bank account number. Maybe next week?


After weeks of trying I finally got my bronze Freaky Factory trophy!


I'm not much of a gamer so this is a pretty huge accomplishment for me. I keep smiling every time I see it on my lookup. c:


I did food club for the first time yesterday after reading a whole mess of guides, and today I managed to get enough of a payoff that I've finally invested 100k into my bank for the first time!


It's such an small victory, relatively speaking (I have a bloody magical chia pop worth at least 2 mil that I just can't seem to sell), but it's the most pure NPs I've ever had my hands on.


Congrats on getting the Forgotten Shore Avie. Sometimes those random avies can be infuriating (I'm still after a few of them myself). :D


My accomplishment for the day is that I made into the CC again!


If ya feel so inclined...please cast a vote my way. :P


Hope everyone has a Neo-lucky weekend...






I made it to 222 avatars! Not as much as some people, far more than others, either way I'm happy!


Unfortunately my spirits were dampened. I've been saving for a Draik Transmogrification potion. They were around 9mil. Now the only one I can find is 30mil. Siiiiigh.


Today i got my purple site theme. I assumed i must have gotten it in my past, but i was wrong. Woohoo! I have it now though!!!!!! :laughingsmiley:


Something has happened!


You are now eligible to use the 'Neopets Purple' theme when browsing the Neopets.com website! Check out your User Preferences to change your theme. Or, click here to apply it automatically.

If anyone else needs it....



Went to see if I had the purple site theme or not and got my first Dr. Sloth giving me a potion event! I got a Bori Transmogrification potion from it. Would I rather it have been a Draik? Yes. Am I bummed? Nope.


Today i got my purple site theme. I assumed i must have gotten it in my past, but i was wrong. Woohoo! I have it now though!!!!!! :laughingsmiley:


Something has happened!


You are now eligible to use the 'Neopets Purple' theme when browsing the Neopets.com website! Check out your User Preferences to change your theme. Or, click here to apply it automatically.

If anyone else needs it....


Woah, I didn't even know about the purple site theme. Thanks!


Got the Ace Zafara avatar today! I used to never be able to break 700 and couldn't figure out why. Actually tried using a mouse instead of the trackpad today and got it on the first try, haha. Makes me think I stand a chance at actually getting some of the game avatars eventually!


Edit: And I just got the Gormball avatar. Always had terrible luck & would give up on trying to get it once I got too frustrated with losing 20 times in a row, but it only took me 3 or so attempts this go round :D


I'm so jealous of all of you with the game avatars! I stink sooooooooooo badly at computer games (not just Neo games...ALL games!) :D


My accomplishment yesterday was winning Gold in the CC! I'm sure that many of y'all had a hand in that so let me offer a hearty THANK YOU to everyone who voted!


Today I'm hoping to break thru a savings goal...I'm within a few hundred K and I can taste my success!






Completed a battle faerie quest for only 650 np today! Yay for saving on training. My battle pet is currently costing me 4 codestones a go so this was a nice treat.


I finally managed to get Gourmet Bowls and HatPC to load! Today I got the GB avatar and a silver trophy. I'm still working on the HatPC avatar.

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