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What's your Achievement today?


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I finally got the haunted woods site theme...only took me 11 years lol


Something has happened! games_mp.gif You are now eligible to use the 'Haunted Woods' theme when browsing the Neopets.com website! Check out your User Preferences to change your theme. Or, click here to apply it automatically.
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Something has happened! games_mp.gif You are now eligible to use the 'Haunted Woods' theme when browsing the Neopets.com website! Check out your User Preferences to change your theme. Or, click here to apply it automatically.

Yay! I've never been allowed to stay up until 12 am previously. xD

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I managed to remind myself to actually participate with the battle of the obelisk! So I did :o

Now the only way those themes can pass me by is if the opposing party wins >.>;


I really need to quit being so forgetful. It's already a big deal if I remind myself to join a team during the time it's possible to sign up for one, and even bigger deal to actually remember to play.

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Something has happened! games_mp.gif You are now eligible to use the 'Haunted Woods' theme when browsing the Neopets.com website! Check out your User Preferences to change your theme. Or, click here to apply it automatically.


I got this theme a few hours ago. Now using it. :)

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Yesterday was a day full of achievements for me, and I'm so happy for them! :laughingsmiley:


First, I got both the Devilpuss and Bionic Cybunny avvies from NeoQuest II (finally! such hard work getting there, phew!)










Then, I managed to wake up at 3:59 am here where I live, because that's the equivalent of 11:59pm NST, so I got the Haunted Woods site theme! Woohoo!!!

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I was able to get the two Shoyru avatars today :D Had to wait for the new month so I could transfer my one pet to my side account, then adopt a Shoyru. I'd feel badly about using it, but I'm sending it back to the pound better than it was...
So, I got the Shoyru - Tough avie and this one just now:


Something Has Happened! blessyoushoyru.gif You are now eligible to use 'Bless you, Shoyru.' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Edit: Just got this:


Something Has Happened! jetsamchomp.gif You are now eligible to use 'Jetsam Chomp!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


'nother edit: Just got this for the sum of 48,673 NP - cheap in comparison to many of the avvies though :) If you don't have it, you should go get it!


Something Has Happened! wishingwell.gif You are now eligible to use 'Wishing Well' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


BEST EDIT: Biggest achievment, for me, of the week!! Thank you ALP!! :)


Something Has Happened! queenfyora.gif You are now eligible to use 'Queen Fyora' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Also, I kind of love this thread...makes me feel productive and I like seeing what all of you have been able to get (gives me ideas on what to go for next, too :))

Edited by Lexa88
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After spending yesterday trying to get some trophies, I woke up today to find out I got a Third Place in Dice Escape, and also managed to improve my Jubble Bubble Trophy from Bronze to Silver!!! YAY!!! :happydance: :dance:


ALSO, I managed to finish NeoQuest II at 2:30 am today (Brazil time), so I finally have its trophy!


Summing it up, 3 brand new trophies to my lookup! YAAAY!!! :dance: :happydance:










UPDATE: Almost forgot to say I got 2 more lovely Cybunnies to my Cy family! So happy <3

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just got lots of trophies for reset.
Second place at Fetch!!!
Third place at Gourmet Club Bowls!!
Second place at Hannah and the Pirate Caves!!
Third place at Edna's Shadow!!
Third place at Shenkuu River Rush!!

And I will get the chia bomber 2 upgrade today (bronze to gold) because my score was being reviewed.
One more thing is that I finally borrowed a BD pet from a generous neopian to finally obtain this avvie for #302 spacefaerie.gif

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Congrats to everyone for their achievements today :) My achievement today was to tear myself away from the computer and actually take a break from Neopets for a few hours (It was hard, lol) I actually hun out in the real world with real live people :O I've been so absorbed in Neopia since the Spooky Food Eating Contest that I had abandoned my life temporarily *not obsessive at all* So I felt a break was much needed, and I'm proud of myself for recognizing and acting upon the realization :)

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Something Has Happened! darknova.gif You are now eligible to use 'Dark Nova' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

And that brings me up to 200 avatars, finally! :D

Thank you so much, Duma. :wub_anim:

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U know what ?! I finally bought my first r90+ in chocolate factory. Tedious work for at least 4 hours there, but finally got it and the time totall worths it.


Something Has Happened! chocolate.gif You are now eligible to use 'Chocolate!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

The Shopkeeper says 'I accept your offer of 2500 Neopoints!'

Dark Chocolate Poogle has been added to your inventory

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My achievement today was to adopt a Skieth to get:


Something Has Happened! hungryskeith.gif You are now eligible to use 'Feed Me' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Edit: Also, won something from the kiosk for the first time and finally got:


Something Has Happened! kioskwocky.gif You are now eligible to use 'Kiosk Wocky' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Edit: FIRST GAME AVATAR that you have to have skill to win that I've gotten!!:happydance::


Something Has Happened! acezafara.gif You are now eligible to use 'Ace Zafara' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
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yayayayay!! I finally did it! I got the Tyranu Evavu avatar. It took me about a week of maxing out my chances each day, but I did it :happydance: and I got to round 21, too. Craziness!


Something Has Happened! jarbjarb.gif You are now eligible to use 'Tyranu Evavu' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
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Just a friendly reminder, we have a thread specifically for posting achieved avatars, so while getting avatars is an achievement in itself, let's keep this thread for all non-avatar related achievements.


This way, we don't end up with duplicate posts of avatars on both that thread and this one.

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FINALLY! reached level 250 for my battle pet! Had to stop zapping for a few days since the labray loved my levels everytime I got close but YAY :happydance:


Congratulations! luckje2000 now has increased Level!!!

*** SUPER BONUS - You went up 2 points!! ***


So, now she's even 251 thanks to the bonus!

:happydance: :happydance:



Ninja School... Here I come! :happydance:

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