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  1. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to coolmusic_girl in I Just Got This Background From Trudy's Surprise!!!!   
    OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! I have wanted this background since I saw it and TRUDY'S SURPRISE GAVE IT TO ME! *Runs around squeeing happily*

  2. Sad
    GillyTook reacted to mandi__23 in Coconut Shy Froze on Me   
    I was playing coconut shy when I finally knocked down a coconut. But once I knocked it down, the site froze and no message cam up. I tried to refresh the page and it just restarted the game. Is there anything I should of done or can do to fix that?
  3. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in First Baby Pet!!   
    So, as I now have a frankly ridiculous collection of baby items for someone who does not have any baby pets at all (go figure)! I took the plunge, morphed my adopted Gelert named Cynophobia_ into a Lupe, painted him baby and now I have my first baby pet. Now to start transferring NC baby items over to the right account...

    And I really need to stop spending both np and NC right about now!!!
  4. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to CoconutDragon in Happy Pteri Day!   
    I was so caught up in the wearable shag rug that I didn't even realise the implication of moustache placement 😂
  5. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Happy Pteri Day!   
    What in the actual heck?? Just...
    Having a moustache ON TOP of the beak's a lovely bit of inexplicable bizarreness.
    I think we can safely assume that this stuff was NOT done by the good new artist!
    Sponge is a bit of a throw away PB colour for a lot of pets, isn't it. It really is very good-looking cheese on this Pteri, or, I dunno, leprosy, mebbe. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Yuiina in Happy Pteri Day!   
    I have a single word for this pet day.
    Poor Pteris...
  7. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Just Traded For My Sparkly Closed Eyes!   
    And it means I am completely out of boxes and completely out of caring!!
    I was opening those Usuki capsules with the sole intention of getting the sparklies for trading... 
    And then I fell in love with them...
    And then I needed another pair... not for trading but for a side. 
    Because these ones are forever my Peophins:

    And my new set are good on my lab rat:

  8. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Angeló in Happy Pteri Day!   
    the Sponge Pteri looks like Swiss Cheese
  9. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Do you care about environment protection?   
    Anyone who genuinely feels that way needs to realise that's way too narrow a view, if you ask me. That's basically implying that what happens to the environment doesn't have any impact on humans. A way people definitely thought in previous eras, but science keeps showing people now how what we've done (and are continuing to do) to the planet is causing us enormous problems, that are only getting bigger.
    The lose of habitat and biodiversity - through greed, monumental arrogance, and ignorance - is 100% our fault, and we're paying the price for it big time now with (amongst so many other things, can you say micro-plastics?) the rise in health problems because our diets aren't varied enough. A failure in one of the major crop varieties now is gonna be catastophic because there's so few different types being grown now that the loss of one would basically mean famine. Maybe that's hyperbole, but it would definitely mean significant shortages; and not comfortably far away shortages either, not African villagers that you can change channels when you've had enough of looking at crying babies with flies crawling in their eyes, but shortages, oh my god, for your privileged first world white folk! and don't get me started on the loss of pollinators. >8[
    We've just spent too long sat, comfortably ignorant, on top of the pile as the top predator, that it's STILL not got into the heads of so many that we rely on all the other living things on this planet for our own survival. Right down to the bacteria in the soil that we kill off with chemicals...
    I've seen theorising that Covid made the jump to humans because we've encroached on the wildlife's space too much, that's poetic justice in spades...
    Ok, so yeah, seems I have OPINIONS
  10. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Mouseykins in Trick or Treat 2020!   
    It's that spooky time of year again! Head out to explore Neopia in search of 7 exclusive goodie bags for this year's trick-or-treating. These bags will only be available today, so don't delay and get them before they vanish.

    Royal Potionery | Deadly Dice | Space Armour | Spooky Food |

    Coltzan's Shrine | Booktastic Books | Magma Pool
    NOTE: You will not be able to claim the bags from shops if you're using the Beta site. Switch to the Classic Site if you're having difficulties.
  11. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Secre in Happy Korbat Day!   
    Oh my goodness, why did you have to tell me that?  Oh no, now that is all I can see!  I agree that it is very cute, though.
  12. Thanks
    GillyTook got a reaction from Angeló in Enter the Runway #112!   
    Shame Buffy isn't a practitioner. . .  My draik would be peeerrrrfect for this one!  Oh, I'll have to try to cobble something up for this one, though.
  13. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from aleu1986 in Enter the Runway #112!   
    Shame Buffy isn't a practitioner. . .  My draik would be peeerrrrfect for this one!  Oh, I'll have to try to cobble something up for this one, though.
  14. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to Nielo in Enter the Runway #112!   
    If you're new to the contest, or simply want a reminder of the rules, they can be found right here. If you want to send me a screenshot of your entry (instead of the image DTI provides) but don't know how, check out this guide.
    Current theme: Something Wicked This Way Comes!
    Description: In celebration of Halloween, dress up any pet as a witch, wizard, mage, spell caster, voodoo practitioner, etc. (Any being in the business of practicing magic, basically.)
    Entering period: Monday, October 19 - Sunday, October 25
    Voting period: Monday, October 26 - Sunday, November 1
    If you have any questions about this round, or the Runway in general, just post them here, or send me a message.
  15. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Secre in Another Dream Pet Completed!   
    That is one heck of a cool uni!  I agree that the fiery feet would have been awesome, but fortunately it works either way.
  16. Thanks
    GillyTook got a reaction from Angeló in NC Giveaway! - CLOSED   
    I got both items safe and sound. Thank you so much!
  17. Like
    GillyTook reacted to complicatedwishes in I'm back!   
    Hey 🙂 I'm Lou and I've returned to neopets/TDN after a very long break. I used to be on the TDN news team back in the day!
    My long break was mostly due to graduating uni/life changes.
    Hope all is well! Trying to catch up on what I've missed over the past however many years hahaha
  18. Like
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Adoption: For Life??!   
    Everything about this couple reeks of white privilege, they disgust me. .___. I really don't have words to describe how repellent I find them.
  19. Like
    GillyTook reacted to MysteryAF in Behold! The Final Mutant Pet Has Arrived!   
    Why did they not add any shading or depth? This could've turned out really well, but instead it looks like it came out of a coloring book. As a person who loves birds, this is not good.
  20. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Behold! The Final Mutant Pet Has Arrived!   
    What... what on earth happened here?
    I mean put it aside the older mutant species and I guess it's ok... but put it against the more detailed and nuanced mutants... and it's a cartoon mess!

    There's virtually no toning or shading... it's all stark lines drawn in a cartoonish pose. 
    This fanart is so, so much more in keeping with the mutant ideas: http://www.neopets.com/~Myuung
  21. Like
    GillyTook reacted to phoenixgal in Behold! The Final Mutant Pet Has Arrived!   
    As someone who loves all things Vandagyre and birds in general: Ew.
  22. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to CoconutDragon in Behold! The Final Mutant Pet Has Arrived!   
    Yeah...reminds me of a low-budget power rangers monster 😕
  23. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Tedhaun in Behold! The Final Mutant Pet Has Arrived!   
    Final Mutant pet until they decide to introduce a new Neopet that is.
    No offense, but I was expecting something more gross and sinister like some of the legacy mutants. This looks more like one of those monsters that'd be more at home in a 60s or 70s Saturday morning kids show if anything.
  24. Sad
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Reminder: Always have Pant Devil Attractors and a Full Inventory   
    Some poor soul on Reddit has just lost a 30 million neopoint item to the Kiko Lake Bandits...

    Disclaimer: Not me!
  25. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Angeló in HAH! Thank you, Pound!   
    Krawks have been sort of on my want list forEVER now.  I've got all the permissible sides (boo.  I want more, haha) and was browsing lost and pound this morning.  Within the past 24 hours someone abandoned a pirate krawk with a good name.  Yes!  I now have myself the krawk I've been wanting for YEARS, and didn't have to pay a ridiculous amount for her ❤️  Now to find a paintbrush.
    Of course I've also gotten a ton of other pets from there recently.  I can't believe how many nicely painted pets get ditched.  I've even seen a few with the more expensive paint jobs like eventide in there.  
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