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  1. Like
    mtsparky reacted to Shelley in Happy Skeith Day!   
    I actually think they did a good job on the art with this one. I like the shading- it really gives it depth
  2. Like
    mtsparky reacted to Anime in Charity Corner 2015- Back to School!   
    I did some checking, and yes, 5 is the upper limit. So when donating, the first item can be whatever, but after that, the rarity of the next item must be between the rarity of the item before it, and that rarity plus 5 inclusive.
    So, if r is the rarity of the item preceding this one, and n is the rarity of the current item to be added:
    r ≤ n ≤ r+5
    And the dropdowns will helpfully sort this mathy stuff out for you as you go so you can't accidentally try and donate things that aren't properly sorted. You won't even be able to make the selection.
  3. Like
    mtsparky reacted to Anime in Charity Corner 2015- Back to School!   
    Yes, you can donate the same item several times. I donated 5 Yellow Tonu Folders earlier in one go.
    This does include books and wearables (I missed that tidbit when I made my earlier post, since it's an offhand remark in the event description...). But the wearables all things in the cross-section between "wearable" and "school" or "clothes" or "books". And while a lot of wearables are clothing items, most clothing items aren't wearable. People are far more likely to donate the piles of cheap, unwearable clothes items laying about than expensive wearables. The same goes for books, really- people are far more likely to donate cheap junk books you can get from dailies or the BD than anything particularly expensive.
    Also they've changed the donating style from last year, so JN may have just copied the old one over to start with. Instead of being "five items in this range" it's "five items, with each one being no more than 5 rarity points above the previous". So an r76 can have up to an r81 after it. (If that 5 turns out to be wrong forgive me, I haven't tested this in depth yet but it makes sense as a breaking point.)
    Note that the above goes double because last year's end prizes were ridiculously little compared to the effort a lot of people put in. I'm personally going to donate several times so I get a trophy, but it'll mostly be things from my SDB and dailies fodder.
  4. Like
    mtsparky reacted to Emily in Charity Corner 2015- Back to School!   
    Charity Corner 2015 has started! This year, it looks like Granny would like Neopians to donate things for back to school, like books, clothes and school supplies!

    View our guide!
  5. Like
    mtsparky reacted to jellysundae in Charity Corner 2015- Back to School!   
    Do the donations have to be 5 unique items? Or could you give something like 5 bottles of shenkuu ink in one go?
  6. Like
    mtsparky reacted to .Brianna. in Charity Corner 2015- Back to School!   
    Only items with rarities ranging from 1-99 can be donated - if an item is listed as ultra rare, mega rare, special (usually these 3 are daily prizes), or retired you won't be able to donate it.
  7. Like
    mtsparky reacted to Panthersclaw in Help choosing kyrii color?   
    I like the first one's outfit better but I like the second one's paintbrush color more, so tie?
  8. Like
    mtsparky reacted to Scoobert_Doo in First To Rise Activation?   
    That is a hard one. It seems to be located in the very, bottom left corner of the image. Almost the exact left corner, but slightly to the right. It may help to chage the browser view from 100% to 120% or even 140% to make it "somewhat easier" to find. Hope that helps. Keep trying and you'll find it.
  9. Like
    mtsparky reacted to Pikky126 in This is amazing news.   
    Look at these!

    Quality art, this is beautiful.
  10. Like
    mtsparky got a reaction from Songbirdsara in Vote for Obelisk War! Round 64!   
    Seekers please its the last one I need.
  11. Like
    mtsparky reacted to Songbirdsara in Vote for Obelisk War! Round 64!   
    I have to go Seekers. It's the last avatar that I need!
  12. Like
    mtsparky reacted to sara1elo in Happy Draik Day!   
    It is nice but so simple... Happy Draik Day anyway! ^_^
    Edit: The sad Top Hat for Draiks is not a great thing either. I mean, come on, it's Draik day! I think they should have added a trouser or a shirt at least.
  13. Like
    mtsparky got a reaction from sara1elo in This is my fault but I'm still upset   
    It happens a lot on the avatar pound board too. Users remove aged petpets even though they are cheap or will remove a zapped one which is just ridiculous.  Dont let a few noobs ruin it for you. 
    Its hard to rehome pets these days, so many are painted and everyone is obsessed with names (more than before).
  14. Like
    mtsparky reacted to acorah in This is my fault but I'm still upset   
    Yup, know what you mean. I think some newbies don`t realise that once they remove a zapped petpet it`ll revert. Ha ha.
    Also, as misparky says, people are totally obsessed with names. Sorry but that seems a bit shallow to me. I re-pounded a healed and zapped fab shadow grarrl and it took me ages to realise nobody would want him because he has numbers in his name  :(
  15. Like
    mtsparky got a reaction from acorah in This is my fault but I'm still upset   
    It happens a lot on the avatar pound board too. Users remove aged petpets even though they are cheap or will remove a zapped one which is just ridiculous.  Dont let a few noobs ruin it for you. 
    Its hard to rehome pets these days, so many are painted and everyone is obsessed with names (more than before).
  16. Like
    mtsparky reacted to jade4 in This is my fault but I'm still upset   
    There are some neopets that I've pounded, but I've wanted to find good homes for... so I went to lost.quiggle and put their names on there. One of them had a Neotrak, which at the time was worth 100k. I kept checking on the pets and found that people would adopt them just to take their petpets. 
    I mean that was definitely negligent of me, I should been aware of that possibility and that's no one's fault but my own. But at the same time it bothers me that someone would do that, you know? People would steal the cheaper petpets too. Next time I'll just remove the petpets before pounding them (unless they're super cheap anyway), even if it makes me feel like a jerk. 
  17. Like
    mtsparky got a reaction from Duskitty in Yay for finding my Magma Pool time :D   
    Yes. Your magma pool time is constant. You may go and dip one pet a week. When I was zapping my BD pet I dipped her magma because it was free and awesome.
    Note: JS took over in 2014 and moved the servers. If you knew your time before this transition it has changed and you will need to find your new time. 
  18. Like
    mtsparky reacted to rntracy1 in Yay for finding my Magma Pool time :D   
    I have been trying to find my time forever now.  It has to be sometime in the wee hours of the morning.  lol
  19. Like
    mtsparky got a reaction from life_eclectic in gifting robot acara and halloween korbat clothes   
    I really hope TNT comes up with a way to get rid of  PB/Zapped cloths. good luck. I have a robot kau without casings and would love to get them out of someone's closet. 
  20. Like
    mtsparky reacted to jade4 in Is this allowed?   
    I personally don't think there's anything wrong with it, but I'm not an expert.
  21. Like
    mtsparky reacted to Angeló in Is this allowed?   
    yes youre allowed to shorten or nickname your pets ... 
    btw Sundragon is a great name 
  22. Like
    mtsparky reacted to AlwaysProcrastinating in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Q: What do you do if fierce Peophins has eaten too much tin of olives?
    A: With hidden an bow of Fire Anubis Alkenore Cybunnies!
    You've done it! King Skarl is in hysterics!
    King Skarl Says:
    *hehehehehe* That was a really great joke! I give it a 756 out of 1000.
    You're brilliant! You must take this gift from me.
    King Skarl hands you:
    Bowl of Yuck
    He also gives you 223 Neopoints!
    Something Has Happened!
    You are now eligible to use 'Blumaroo Court Jester' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    Yaaay :D I've got the really bad joke avatar already, so I'm done with king skarl forever!!!
  23. Like
    mtsparky reacted to chknlimbosthe1 in Pound, Adopt or Trade Your Pets   
    My lab lady maarvyn was zapped into a Mutant Pteri today. Very strange looking. Figured I would see if anyone was interested! 
    I can change the gender too! Let me know! I will return zapping them on Monday if I don't hear from anyone!
    Hit Points: 18 / 18
    Strength: GREAT (22)
    Defence: godly
    Movement: quite slow
    Intelligence: master genius (82)

  24. Like
    mtsparky got a reaction from jade4 in Am I missing something with the Daily Puzzle?   
    Its happened before, eventually TNT will get to changing it. I have several l Nimmo Topiaries from last time.
  25. Like
    mtsparky reacted to Aquamentis12 in How can I buy some good weapons?   
    Shop Wiz, Trading Post and Auctions are the best ways to buy/trade equipment. You can search TDN's Battlepedia for the stats of most pieces of equipment..
    While it WOULD be easier to make recommendations based on your battle pet's stats, and opponents you'd like to fight. I can recommend 1 item right off the bat. Get a "Downsize!" Downsize!, is a defensive piece that cuts damage you take by 50%. But only works for one round and once per battle. Whatever you do, do NOT buy Downsize Power Plus! It's retired, over-priced, and is one-use. In other words, use it once will block all damage for that turn, but it disappears FOREVER. NOT WORTH IT!
    Nowadays, if you want to block ALL damage with a one-use item, go for Thick Smoke Bomb, MUCH more affordable on the shop wiz, or if your pet is level 250, you can buy them directly from the Secret Ninja Training School. But either way they are still pricey enough I'd recommend not relying a lot on it, and instead train your stats. Defense can be quite beneficial. ;)
    Muffins are also good, there are various strengths. You can check out all the muffins here. http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/s/Muffin
    A healer is also a good item to have, especially when starting out. But to recommend a good one, I'd need to know the stats of your battle pet(s). No sense in getting one that heals more HP than you have, right? ;)
    Also, just because an item is expensive, doesn't always mean it's good, or will work against all opponents. Some are good like that, but not many.
    Budget Battling, is certainly possible. I've mentioned this before, but you can go far without really high-end/expensive weapons. If you study your 1-player opponent and look for what would work best against him or her based on the types of icons they can use via their weapons and shields. I was under-leveled for MOST of my battles for Defenders of Neopia, and wars. Yet I managed to do fairly well without massively expensive weapons. Cheap weapons, if used correctly, and if your stats are well-trained can be pretty effective as well! After playing Neopets and battling for over a decade, I only have 1 hidden tower item, and that is the Ghosterbomb, that I only bought a few years ago to replace my Honey Potion, which I had probably used for the first 8-9 years of my time on Neopets.
    Remember, the secret to the boosts you get at certain levels of training your strength and defense is this. Icons, multiplied by Boost = Damage. (This is not counting the opponents defense though)
    I'd recommend TDN's own Damage Calculator while you're researching weapons. ;)
    If you want to know more about boosts, and at what point in your training they occur, this link should answer those questions.
    Lastly, we have a number of excellent articles to help out most levels of battlers.
    They can be found here.
    I hope this is helps. Happy battling! Feel free to ask more questions if you wish. XD
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