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    patricebee reacted to is_love in What's your Achievement today?   
    Finally got the Drackonack avatar, after much refreshing of my inventory!
  2. Like
    patricebee got a reaction from rntracy1 in Chances of getting a draik egg or morphing potion from Forgotten Shore?   
    The first month after I returned to Neopets I won a PDE. Since then the best I've received has been 10,000 nps (about once every other month). I'm not complaining thousgh. Apart from the laboratory map, this map gives out more than any of the other maps.
  3. Like
    patricebee reacted to fullonparanoid in How Did You Name Your Neopets?   
    Hey gang!
    I'm curious to hear how y'all named your pets...where the names came from and/or what the meanings behind them are.
    Here are mine:
    fullonparanoid acct:
    Hotai - I adopted him, but his name makes me think of the Laughing Buddha "Hotei"
    Ilio - Hawaiian for "Dog"!
    Kaizlar - My gal and I created 'twin' Draiks on the same day...hers is named Larzkai. We just liked the names.
    Mermutt - My first and forever favorite Neopet. Named after my best friend of 12 years (my pup that has since passed on)
    Neoveo - I just liked the sound of it!
    furiousbandersnatch acct:
    Awexius - Gifted to me by a Neo-friend who knew I wanted a Sea Turtle!
    Dynomita - Adopted as a Grey Grarrl so that I could get the BGC avie...I morphed her Maraquan so I could have a Shark!
    Merminxy - A play on one of my nicknames for my gal.
    Yuppers - Just something I say ALL the time.
    shastathetwitch acct:
    Bonkin - A biking term that means TOTALLY worn out/gassed.
    Slickari - Just liked the name.
    Zaroxx - Just liked the name.
    Zeofyn - Just liked the name (as with Zarrox, above, I like 'Z' names)
    getlostinaz acct:
    FurMinxy - Another play on the nickname.
    MermuttsGhost - Pretty obvious, I'd think.
    MermuttsShadow - Again, not hard to guess.
    ShastatheDisasta - An inside joke.
    manxomefoe acct:
    Jalouxi - A play on the French word for 'Jealous'. My gal got an amazing Shadow Ixi from the Pound. I was, indeed, jealous!
    Llamastud - Just a silly name I came up with on the fly on Lutari Day.
    MauLoaKai - Hawaiian for Forever Ocean.
    Syelmet - Creole for Sky Master.
    Those are the origins of MY Neopets names...what are YOURS?
  4. Like
    patricebee reacted to spencerkatty in How Did You Name Your Neopets?   
    blackbusterbori: 3 parts
    Bori: Was a Bori before I started zapping... will be again when I decide I'm finished zapping him (her? it?).
    Buster: Name of my favorite cat (has since escaped into the wild)
    Black: Just wanted to keep the alliteration going.
  5. Like
    patricebee reacted to maypls in What's your Achievement today?   
    Got my Gold Sakhmet Solitaire trophy and Bronze Pyramids trophy :)
  6. Like
    patricebee reacted to MysteryAF in What's your Achievement today?   
    Okay, I thought today would have nothing special, and then I redeemed my gold KQ key:

    I FREAKED OUT! I am so rich now, woo!
    If anyone wants it, I will put it on the trading post for 415,000 NP :)
  7. Like
    patricebee reacted to Rune Valentine in Why are people so report-happy?   
    Ah, those people need better hobbies.
    I don't really have an answer for you - some people just get their jollies at being jerks online.
  8. Like
    patricebee reacted to Naamah D. in New friends make me smile :)   
    I'm going through a lot right now and really needed to feel better. My mom helped me named my new Gelert. Her name is one of my favorite words. The name Sonnet was taken so I spelled it Sawnitt. Sorry to post this, but it's amazing how the little things make you smile :D
  9. Like
    patricebee reacted to minniemeggie in Have you ever met a neofriend IRL?   
    I've never met a neofriend in person, but I play with a few IRL friends. I have met friends from a couple of forums that I used to post in. Usually it was not me traveling to meet them though, I traveled to Ireland because it was on my bucket list and met a friend I had online, we met at a pub and had an amazing time exploring and rolling down hills. I was going to go back to my hostel but instead we went back to her house and stayed up all night getting to know each-other. She went to college at UT Austin and we lived together for two years, shes still a good friend of mine and was a bridesmaid at my wedding c:
    I did have one bad experience though with a guy I met playing WoW. It wasn't terrible but he was literally the most boring/negative person I have ever met. We went out to lunch and he spent the entire time making fun at everyone and everything. I figured some people take a while to open up so I hung out with him 3 more times. Each time was worse then the first.
    But I would love to meet some neofriends IRL! Have fun in San Francisco, I was born there and just spent my honeymoon there, it was beautiful as always! And if you can look into citypass, its $86 a person and you get passes to all the museums and cruises plus buss fair, including unlimited trolly rides c:
  10. Like
    patricebee got a reaction from missmadiemay in How do you price your shop?   
    I do have the SSW and so it's pretty simple (except for lab pieces, PBs, etc.). And here's a gripe about all this. I understand people wanting to be the lowest and get their items sold so if I put an item at 80,000NPs (lowest at the moment) and someone else comes along and puts their item slightly lower than mine (say a couple thousand), then I understand. I may or may not go lower depending on if I think the item will sell anyway. What irritates me is when someone puts the item at tens of thousands of NPs lower - say 50000 or something like that. Why?? Why are they undercutting by so much? They are hurting themselves and other sellers. They make less NPs and then the item depreciates so that people expect that as the price now. You want to sell fast? Fine - put it a few thousand less and wait 12 hours. If it's still not sold, go a few thousand lower. It WILL sell but there is no sense in losing tens of thousands of NPs.
  11. Like
    patricebee got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Account stolen   
    Is that the account - Artesy? If so, I think it's Premium - correct? If it is or if you've ever bought anything through the NC Mall, tell TNT in your ticket this information. That is VERY important because they really pay attention to tickets from Premium members. Also you could prove it's your account with a credit card number (unless the person who compromised your account has that too?? which would mean that you have bigger problems!). Tell them all the NC purchases you have made (as much as you can remember) and if you have receipts in your e-mail, then give them the transaction numbers. The more info you remember, the better. What are the big items in your SDB (if they haven't been stolen), your gallery and what auctions or TP lots did you last have. Anything that there may be a record of, let them know about. Who were your NFs? VIPs? Let me think. If you go to the Neo boards and look under Games, there is a thread there for people whose accounts have been stolen/compromised. They have a lot of info there. GL to you!
  12. Like
    patricebee reacted to Azurablue in Well, it's now official....   
    It's official - I hate the Coincidence! I got this RE, just a few minutes after doing The Coincidence daily that lost my Battledome fighting pet 3 Strength points (again):
    "The incessant mewing of a Mutant Kadoatie drives you completely mad, and you give its owner 5,135 NP to take it away!"
    That does it. I really HATE this new daily and the new REs. I haven't had any good ones with the minor exception of one that gave me a couple of hundred NP for a bank error in my favour. I have lost a ridiculous number of defense, strength and HP for my main pet, not to mention a ton of money in items and in REs like this one. It's making me consider quitting NeoPets altogther for a while, just to preserve my NP and stats. This is NUTS. Occasionally, I used to get a minor item now and then, maybe a few coins.... Once in a while, something would come along and steal a few NO or something, but it was never a big deal. Not anymore. It's been nothing but bad luck. :grrr:
    I hope The Coincidence gets hit by a meteor cruising past Kreludor. I hope mutant alien space pirate aishas dock with it and gut it completely for parts. I hope that rabid kadoties from the planet Pheed'mee-morr invade the ship and eat everything in sight. I hope that a curse from the catacombs hits a mirror, reflects it into space and smacks right into The Coincidence, changing all the wiring to licorice strings and all the mechanical doodads into triple chocolate cheese wheels. I hope one of Jhudora's evil spells goes awry and turns the entire ship into a giant dung mote. (That last one would be a step up from what it is right now.) :skull:
    Sorry, everyone. Just needed to rant. ^_^
    Oh, and did I mention.... I hate The Coincidence?
  13. Like
    patricebee reacted to Saxen in GUYS GUYS GUYS!!!!!   
    I just won the gallery spotlight!!!!!!!
    It's not being shown yet (I guess at news time?) but omg omg omg omg omg omg omg !!!!!!
    You can check it out here: http://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?gu=youidol
    *falls over*
  14. Like
    patricebee reacted to Angeló in I GOT IT !! I GOT IT !!! *cries*   
    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Neopian Times Star' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
    From: [theneopetsteam] The Neopets Team
    » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 11/6/2014 11:00am Folder: Inbox Subject: Your Neopian Times submission Message:
    [Report Message]
    Dear Angelo, 
    Congratulations! Your entry (Neopia's Best Summer Destinations) has been selected to appear in a future issue of the Neopian Times. A shiny trophy has been added to your user lookup. Thank you for contributing to the Neopian Times!
    Yours Sincerely,
    The Neopets Team
    Dont forget to tell your friends about us - send them a greeting at http://www.neopets.com/sendgreeting.phtml.
  15. Like
    patricebee got a reaction from missmadiemay in Restocking Pains   
    Draik morphing potion - I lucked out recently and got a skunk draik MP. That's the only way that I have any NPs at all because I keep spending them on paint brushes!
  16. Like
    patricebee reacted to Shelley in Real Life Lessons We Learned From Neo   
    So I was just browsing buzzfeed and came across this article that was posted yesterday titled "17 Life Lessons we Learned From Neopets"
    I found it amusing and thought I would share :p
    hahah this was probably my favorite bit...
    3. We understand that sometimes we have to do things we don’t like to make money
  17. Like
    patricebee got a reaction from Nubisbully in Help deciding on Negg Gazer accessory!   
    No problem! I'm glad that they will be put to good use.
    Those are a lovely shade of purple and with the right outfit could work well. They aren't as versatile as those that you wanted but I'll bet that they would look good. The new prizes seemed to have all the folks on the NC chat boards all excited. They really like the faerie stuff so I think you're right in that if you decide that you don't want them later, someone else will. :)
  18. Like
    patricebee got a reaction from Nubisbully in Help deciding on Negg Gazer accessory!   
    I know that there are a lot of pink wigs - true - but this is a pretty nice one. The other thing that I noticed on my pets anyway, is that the wings look somehow off on the four legged pets. They seem to overwhelm the pet. However maybe on a longer legged four legged pet (like a uni) it won't be so bad.
    Tell you what - if you haven't already chosen one over the other, get the wig and you can have my wings. I am not going to use them and I'd rather they go to someone who will enjoy them then rot on a trade list. I'll check back here tomorrow or you can always NM me and then I can send them to you.
  19. Like
    patricebee reacted to erato_ in Happy Lutari Day!   
    The skunk one reminds me of Pepé Le Pew! It almost makes me want to get one :')
  20. Like
    patricebee got a reaction from Lamppost in Customization help, please!   
    What leverhelven said about the BG and her outfit not matching - yeah, I definitely agree. Also really look at the past winners. They all seem to have a theme. The colors blend well and they have several things going on like a garland, a foreground, maybe a light or some sort of floating thing (movement - even though we don't see the movement in the picture, it adds overall to the theme). I've tried to win too but I know what some of my issues are. For example here is m0ranga who I've entered a couple of times. edit - what's going on with this font? weird!
    I think she looks pretty good. She's a skunk wocky and I decided to try the black and white theme with just a touch of color. But some people don't like blk/wht. I also should have added that movement - like a snow shower. There are things I can improve upon with her. The thing is, try not to get frustrated and keep trying!! It does get a little frustrating when I see people who have won multiple times but I figure they just must have the touch because it's determined by votes - not by the TNT folks.
    The carnival BG may be good with yours. I used it on my faerie lenny. Lots of color and suggested movement. Also maybe some contacts (since she's got big eyes) or one of the faerie eye shadows. That would make her eyes stand out
    Here she is although I chose the wrong colored wings. They blend in too much:
    oops! I just realized - you want NP not NC items, right? Well I think everything on her is NP and the FG and BG are NC..
  21. Like
    patricebee got a reaction from leverhelven in Customization help, please!   
    What leverhelven said about the BG and her outfit not matching - yeah, I definitely agree. Also really look at the past winners. They all seem to have a theme. The colors blend well and they have several things going on like a garland, a foreground, maybe a light or some sort of floating thing (movement - even though we don't see the movement in the picture, it adds overall to the theme). I've tried to win too but I know what some of my issues are. For example here is m0ranga who I've entered a couple of times. edit - what's going on with this font? weird!
    I think she looks pretty good. She's a skunk wocky and I decided to try the black and white theme with just a touch of color. But some people don't like blk/wht. I also should have added that movement - like a snow shower. There are things I can improve upon with her. The thing is, try not to get frustrated and keep trying!! It does get a little frustrating when I see people who have won multiple times but I figure they just must have the touch because it's determined by votes - not by the TNT folks.
    The carnival BG may be good with yours. I used it on my faerie lenny. Lots of color and suggested movement. Also maybe some contacts (since she's got big eyes) or one of the faerie eye shadows. That would make her eyes stand out
    Here she is although I chose the wrong colored wings. They blend in too much:
    oops! I just realized - you want NP not NC items, right? Well I think everything on her is NP and the FG and BG are NC..
  22. Like
    patricebee got a reaction from Saxen in Customization help, please!   
    What leverhelven said about the BG and her outfit not matching - yeah, I definitely agree. Also really look at the past winners. They all seem to have a theme. The colors blend well and they have several things going on like a garland, a foreground, maybe a light or some sort of floating thing (movement - even though we don't see the movement in the picture, it adds overall to the theme). I've tried to win too but I know what some of my issues are. For example here is m0ranga who I've entered a couple of times. edit - what's going on with this font? weird!
    I think she looks pretty good. She's a skunk wocky and I decided to try the black and white theme with just a touch of color. But some people don't like blk/wht. I also should have added that movement - like a snow shower. There are things I can improve upon with her. The thing is, try not to get frustrated and keep trying!! It does get a little frustrating when I see people who have won multiple times but I figure they just must have the touch because it's determined by votes - not by the TNT folks.
    The carnival BG may be good with yours. I used it on my faerie lenny. Lots of color and suggested movement. Also maybe some contacts (since she's got big eyes) or one of the faerie eye shadows. That would make her eyes stand out
    Here she is although I chose the wrong colored wings. They blend in too much:
    oops! I just realized - you want NP not NC items, right? Well I think everything on her is NP and the FG and BG are NC..
  23. Like
    patricebee reacted to leverhelven in Customization help, please!   
    Hmmmm... are you going for some specific theme?
    I don't think that background matches the rest. She looks festive while the background is too dark and serious. I'll go fetch some suggestions to post here.
  24. Like
    patricebee got a reaction from beruichi in Can someone help me figure out what is wrong with this paragraph?   
    Okay - I know this sounds stupid (because it is...) but if you look at this part: "I've got answers on F5, UC's, and Key Quest so far. 0:-)"
    if you look at the capitalization of the words it can quickly look like an inappropriate word. I may be wrong but it's strange what TNT finds inappropriate.
  25. Like
    patricebee got a reaction from Clumsy rockyroad1 in Can someone help me figure out what is wrong with this paragraph?   
    Okay - I know this sounds stupid (because it is...) but if you look at this part: "I've got answers on F5, UC's, and Key Quest so far. 0:-)"
    if you look at the capitalization of the words it can quickly look like an inappropriate word. I may be wrong but it's strange what TNT finds inappropriate.
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