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jellysundae and 9 others reacted to hrtbrk for a topic
Staff members at The Daily Neopets stand in solidarity with the Neopets community against the implementation of NFTs and the Neopets Metaverse NFT project. A community boycott has begun this weekend, lead by JellyNeo, which we are in full support of. Speak with your wallets. Spread the word on social media. Let your voice be heard. Quick information about NFTs/Neopets Metaverse and why the community is against it: NFTs are essentially a crypto-currency scam that gives you a "unique" Neopets picture that you "own". It is currently believed the Neopets Metaverse are allegedly taking images from Dress to Impress and selling them as their NFTs. There are plans to make the game pay-to-win, all having to do with the purchase of NTFs. This threatens the heart of the game at its core. We urge all players to read through JellyNeo's article for an in-depth and clear understanding of how NFTs work and how it affects the Neopets we know and love. #NoNeoNFTs10 points -
Look What My Pet Found At Fishing Vortex
MysteryAF and 9 others reacted to coolmusic_girl for a topic
Angeló and 8 others reacted to LekkerLekker89 for a topic
9 points -
9 points
I wrote this a year or so ago for a group I'm in, but I thought it would be nice to post it here for anyone who also needs to hear this... YOU MATTER! You may not see your self worth, but you are worth more than diamonds. Like a diamond being discovered, you don't necessarily shine happily right away. But that's what makes you even more special and unique! YOU ARE IMPORTANT! I know it's hard to see one's worth, but you never know how much you mean to some people and you never know the positivity you bring to another's life. You may feel useless sometimes, but don't let that hurtful lie rule your life or your happiness. We don't always see how much just being ourselves can help someone else. Don't let self doubt rule your feelings. YOU ARE LOVED! I'm sure this isn't always easy to see or tell, but you are loved so much more than you know. YOU & YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID! Everything you feel is completely valid. You have every right to feel sad, overwhelmed, stuck, etc... Your thoughts and opinions all matter and are completely valid. You deserve to feel happy. You deserve to feel joy. And wherever you are, whatever you're feeling.... YOU MATTER! YOU ARE ENOUGH! YOU ARE LOVED! AND AGAIN, YOU MATTER! ------ I hope that this post encourages or helps even one person. I wanted to share a little positivity and encouragement. Stay safe and stay strong, guys!9 points
8 points
Yessss!!! It finally happend!!!
queen_hatshepset and 7 others reacted to enitul for a topic
After many weeks of spending several lab ray cookies, color, gender and species changes I finally have a (male) Ice Hissi! Context: I got Kaskafil (his name) on Hissi day and wanted to get him ice since he'd look cool and like the Snowager, which is my favorite neopian monster. But since I didn't have the money for a potion to do that I tried my luck with the lab ray. When he (or she at the time) became a species that couldn't become ice I used a Starry Grarrl Potion to raise the ice-zapping chance. And finally after quite a (long) while my pet turned ice and I used a premium perk to change him into a Hissi. I am VERY happy that my patience and effort has paid off in the end. Just wanted to share this with you all. Now to decide what to paint my Chomby...8 points -
Trick or Treat 2020!
GillyTook and 7 others reacted to Mouseykins for a topic
It's that spooky time of year again! Head out to explore Neopia in search of 7 exclusive goodie bags for this year's trick-or-treating. These bags will only be available today, so don't delay and get them before they vanish. Royal Potionery | Deadly Dice | Space Armour | Spooky Food | Coltzan's Shrine | Booktastic Books | Magma Pool NOTE: You will not be able to claim the bags from shops if you're using the Beta site. Switch to the Classic Site if you're having difficulties.8 points -
8 points
LekkerLekker89 and 7 others reacted to jellysundae for a topic
I GOT ROBBED! ? IN THE ACTUAL BANK!!! What IS this!!! ? And Mr. Manager there, OBLIVIOUS! Or is he... Never trusted him, he looks way too smug! Neo's great for REs in ironic situations though, isn't it. xD Though personally I prefer the one where your pet's complaining of hunger when in actual fact they're bloated, to this! lol. ... Just thought, do you think all Neopets have worms?? I mean, there's treatments for many illnesses, but there's nothing for worms, is there. Is there? An over-sight on TNT's part maybe. ?8 points -
The Wheel of Celebration has been extended to November 30th, with the ad restrictions being removed so everyone can enjoy two spins a day!7 points
Grundo Warehouse: Redeem CRESTA
bonnie_morrison and 6 others reacted to hrtbrk for a topic
Head to the Grundo Warehouse and redeem code CRESTA for an all new The Omelete Spectre!7 points -
My Apartment!!
iloveeevee and 6 others reacted to Naamah D. for a topic
Hi, guys!! I found out that I’m getting my apartment soon. I’ve been on this forum since I was 16 or 17 so that’s pretty amazing. It’s a one bedroom and I’m putting my (real life) Neopets plushies on my bed. It feels like I’m making something out of myself. By the way, I got a FFQ the other day and have my dream Aisha.7 points -
It's a thankless job...
LekkerLekker89 and 6 others reacted to Hayley for a topic
7 points -
So ummm... apparently the Neopian God is rewarding me for coming back...
queen_hatshepset and 6 others reacted to Secre for a topic
7 points -
USA Supreme Court Bans Abortion .. Your Thoughts ?
Musical_Shoyru and 6 others reacted to Aimee for a topic
@Aquamentis12 I'm so disappointed in you. @AngelóI'm so sorry you have to move to the US to be with your fiancee, honestly it would be a lot better for both of you if you weren't living here right now. A lot of already-existing problems with our country are getting worse and worse right now, and I wouldn't recommend anyone to move here. ><; The news about Roe VS Wade being overturned is incredibly disheartening for many reasons, one of which is the fact that the decision was made by only a handful of people, all of whom have perjured themselves by overturning Roe VS Wade. They had sworn at their confirmation hearings that they wouldn't and... well... did. They lied under oath. Not only that, but all of the things Aquamentis said in his reply are completely false, and recycled talking points from the last twenty years. Trust me, I heard them plenty growing up in an anti-choice household and until I got older and started hearing from the other side, I used to believe they were true. Also the coy language around "debating" is part of the typical toolkit that anti-choice parents/pastors/teachers strictly teach, because to them, the concept of whether or not a person should have autonomy over their choice to reproduce is a "debate", and not a form of state-sanctioned violence against people with uteruses. (Especially cis-gendered anti-choice men. It's never "real" to them, it's a chesspiece.)7 points -
USA Supreme Court Bans Abortion .. Your Thoughts ?
Mouseykins and 6 others reacted to Duskitty for a topic
As a non-American I'm quite frankly shocked that less than a dozen people are allowed to make decisions like these, decisions that will affect the lives of millions of people. This is a decision that will result in pregnant people not receiving proper health care, children resented by parents who didn't want them, pregnant people dying in childbirth because of health complications, people forced to seek out unsafe methods of abortion, birth control becoming increasingly difficult if not outright impossible to acquire, impoverished families being unable to properly care for their children, etc. etc. This also sets a major precedent for American citizens' rights. If something like the right to abortion can be so easily overturned, what about other rights, such as gay marriage? Interracial marriage? The right to abortion should be a universal human right, and it's outrageous that the Supreme Court can decide to violate the rights of millions of Americans like this.7 points -
Happy Halloween! Time to go trick or treating around Neopia for exclusive treat bags only available on October 31, 2021. Coffee Shop | Darigan Toys | Haiku Wander Camp | Healing Springs | Robot Petpet Shop | Governor's Mansion7 points
I am heartbroken
Secre and 6 others reacted to iheartsaku for a topic
He is back to normal , thanks to some kind souls.7 points -
Automatic Refresh Pains
ranga_muffin and 6 others reacted to gypsyknees for a topic
I saw yesterday you can put /x at the end of the url to get the old inventory back! http://www.neopets.com/inventory.phtml/x7 points -
What's your Achievement today?
jellysundae and 6 others reacted to MysteryAF for a topic
7 points -
Oh. My. GOD!
jellysundae and 6 others reacted to Secre for a topic
So, I've been thinking about buying Premium for a while. I like the idea of an extra pet spot, it will be used for a draik. And lockdown means I have some spare cash floating around. I've also had a Jetsam on my hands that I quite liked the name of, but Jetsam's aren't really my thing. I then learned that you get a species change with Premium. More importantly, most importantly, if your pet is in a colour that your new species doesn't have, you get to change it to any colour you want!!! So. For 180,000np I bought a water Kau morphing potion. My Jetsam very briefly turned into a water cow. He was rather affronted at this. But then, then, I bought Premium for a month. I will likely upgrade it to a four month plan later, but for the moment a month was all I needed. And I clicked 'species change'. And I clicked 'Poogle'. And I got told that water doesn't exist for Poogle so would I like to change my colour to one that can be used for this species. And I said yes please, thank you, I would like that very much. I think... I think... I'll have THIS ONE! Once I have the Slorg avatar I will then put him with a plushie petpet and he will have gone from my most bemoaned pet to my favourite pet in the whole darn universe! He is a tiny bit confused from all the shape shifting, but he'll get over it! Edit: Now customised to my happiness. I want the Dapper Poogle Hat, but I think I'll wait for the inflation to go down on that particular item first!7 points -
Festival of Neggs is Back!
midnight_spell360 and 6 others reacted to Hanso for a topic
Oooh, I honestly didn't pay much attention to the Blumaroo when I first went to the festival hub, but now that you post that bigger image, I completely agree with you. That is some neat artwork! I wonder if they hired new artists? The Blumaroo kinda reminds me of Professor Milton Clodbottle. I feel like if they met they would be good friends7 points -
Neopets Colouring Book is set to launch later this month on th 18th and comes with a special code: COLOURBOOK. You can head to Grundo's Warehouse to submit it and earn a new stamp for the Other V page! Colouring Book Stamp6 points
I did it!
Pascalla and 5 others reacted to Sciurus carolinensis for a topic
I've been trying to attach the pebble petpetpet from the advent calendar for so long. I decided it looked best with BlobWithFace the Blobikins rather than Uh-Oh the Christmas Rock, but the refreshing was getting to me. I was inspired by seeing someone with theirs in their shop, and got it out of storage. I played another game while refreshing, and noticed eventually that it was gone from my inventory. And here it is firmly attached! The neopet in question is named after a stuffed animal from the games with my siblings as a child. It's name was Thingy, and when i would draw it I gave it glasses. It would be nice to name the pebble.6 points -
Happy Halloween: Trick or Treat 2022!
ranga_muffin and 5 others reacted to hrtbrk for a topic
Eliv Thade has hidden trick-or-treat bags around Neopia in several locations. Can you decipher where to find them to get these exclusive items? Tersde Msar Pacwlysmk Sitlhg Anactifats Peurs Pypah Yci Unf Nosw Psoh Gidanar Syot Eht Rinab Eret Toalelebcelc Aes Lsehls Neadlkru Ginnim Oprc It's okay if you can't. Head to Desert Arms, Lampwyck's Lights, Super Happy Icy Fun Shop, Darigan Toys, The Brain Tree, Collectable Sea Shells and lastly the Kreludan Mining Corp for your goodies.6 points -
6 points
Petpet Splurge!
berriganify and 5 others reacted to Secre for a topic
Next up we have Voldermorts! Deliberate misspell as the actual spelling was taken. But poor little Hedwig! And ooh! It's letting me paste more than one image this time!! Fuzzbabies nearly ended up with a Plushie, but Turmacs are so cute! And finally we have Grandad Eeyore! And I have no idea why it's let me do all the images now, but threw a hissy at more than one image before!6 points -
Happy Buzz Day!
Angeló and 5 others reacted to mewthree21 for a topic
Tyrannian Buzz I'm sure was based on prehistoric Insects during the Permian era. They were much bigger then bugs today some with wingspans up to 30 inches across! The reason for the huge growth was due to there being more oxygen in the prehistoric atmosphere. The Tyrannian Buzz looks from the picture to have a bigger wingspan then normal buzz's it could be just the size of the photo... However that is my theory on what this buzz is based off of.6 points -
Well... The New Pet Slots Brought Me Back...
berriganify and 5 others reacted to Secre for a topic
I've been unusually inactive over the last... four months plus. I haven't managed to fit a Trudy bonus once. Have rarely remembered to place Food Club bets... All of my 'main' pets are in the same place for the first time in years; old and new: Plus a new addition of my much wanted Grandad Pteri. And all my nice petpets are in the same place as well! Now I just need to... not get bored and wander off... Neopets is making that difficult at the moment though. Between cancelled Charity Corner, NFT's, a dearth of working non-Flash games... it's impressive that I stayed invested for quite as long as I did after the demise of Flash! And even the pet slots were more expensive than I was 'hoping' for. I bought the 10 pack for my main as I'd got NC and it was 'closer' to my anticipated price of 250NC per slot. I dread to think of how much the UC conversions are going to cost.6 points -
I've never won anything cool before!
GillyTook and 5 others reacted to gypsyknees for a topic
6 points -
Hmm I think I made some good choices >_>
Singledwish123 and 5 others reacted to iheartsaku for a topic
6 points -
How do I feel about having a religious friend while I am not religious at all?
Mouseykins and 5 others reacted to Sciurus carolinensis for a topic
She can believe that cutting her hair is wrong, but she doesn't get to tell you that you shouldn't cut your hair. Same with the other things, although they are bad habits they are not "wrong" for you to do because her religion says so. Her religious beliefs are hers, and unless you share them you are under no obligation to live by them. She will hopefully figure that out at some point. I'm an atheist, but i do have an example of something that while not a religion gave me a similar mindset to your friend. When I was in high school, I stopped eating meat. For a number of reasons, including being bullied for a love for animals. The next year or so, I drove my meat eating family and friends nuts by becoming "preachy" about vegetarianism. Telling them what they were eating was wrong and so on. Eventually, I learned that I had to respect their choices and not try to change them to my point of view if I wanted to keep my relationships. I haven't eaten meat since, they all still eat meat, and that's okay. Hopefully you and your friend can reach a compromise in which you stay friends and respect each other's religion/lack of religion.6 points -
What's your Achievement today?
granny63020 and 5 others reacted to natvv for a topic
I swear I am THE LUCKIEST user on this site. My main two goals right now were getting a Strale P3, and painting my Lutari Maraquan. Unfortunately they're both very difficult and expensive goals, as Strale is not awarded from anything on the site anymore, and my Lutari is on a side account so I can't fountain dip or premium perk her, as Lutaris cannot be transferred. Someone on a Neopets fan group offered me an AMAZING discount on a Strale - the p3 that was my priority goal rn. Purchased it from them for a bargain, sent it over to the side I wanted it on, and started refreshing like mad to attach it. Success! Attached! Fast forward, I'm trying to look up something with the shop wizard on that side... apparently I had received a faerie quest during all that inventory refreshing! A quick google search shows me that yes, I am allowed to complete faerie quests randomly received on side accounts. So, I send the Angelpuss the Grey Faerie is looking for over to that side... and... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! As luck has it... THIS IS MY SIDE WITH MY LUTARI!!! How is it POSSIBLE to be this lucky?!!?!?!6 points -
Having followed the link to the feedback form on the news page (direct link: https://sdwj.99.com/q/aA7v6j), it would appear that they are now considering yet another bleeding match game after only just discontinuing Ghoul Catchers. I just... don't get it. Match games have a hugely over saturated market and I surely can't be the only person who is sick and tired of them. Even games that seem to be actual puzzle related that I download from interesting ads end up having a match format to them and I delete them. If they really wanted to develop a decent mobile game then something like Treasure Finders of old (yes, I'm probably showing my age) which was a shop simulation as I recall that was actually really darn good. Or a re-code and re-make of Habitarium - which would work perfectly in a mobile format! I know they don't own the rights to the original game, but the idea is sound. Re-name, add a load more petpets, add some additional jobs and such like and they could re-make it as a whole new game. KeyQuest - again, I know they'd have to code it from scratch as they 'lost' the original code. But can you imagine the interest from their player base who have been calling for them to bring that game back!? They could do it so you have an option to play single player or multi-player and make it a fantastic mobile game. Or well, you know, just fixing the site!? Fixing the cruddily converted games we have and actually converting more of them on a monthly basis?! I might admittedly be biased because I really dislike match games now, but it just seems so... pointless! The only space for free feedback in the form is the 'Other' response on what would you look forward to most in a Match game. My response: "Absolutely nothing. There is no merit in creating another match game only months after abandoning Ghoul Catchers. The main site needs all the resources you can throw at it and instead diverting to inane mini-games. The market is additionally already flooded with match games. If you must do a side game, then a simulation game like the old Treasure Finders game or a new version of Habitarium would likely go down reasonably well with your customer base. But another match game is just a waste of time, effort and money."6 points
Well... That's Not What I had in Mind!
midnight_spell360 and 5 others reacted to Secre for a topic
6 points -
Changing Avatar?
iheartsaku and 5 others reacted to jellysundae for a topic
That's because, there is no link to it any more, so no need to feel silly at all! You need to alter the url to get to it now. On the main boards page: http://www.neopets.com/neoboards/index.phtml You need to change index for preferences. http://www.neopets.com/neoboards/preferences.phtml Voila!6 points -
Use Your Email Address To Sign In
Aquamentis12 and 5 others reacted to Ian for a topic
Hello all! For the safety and security of our members, we have disabled the ability to log in to your TDN Forums via your public display name. You must now use your email address associated with your TDN Forums account to sign in. This helps keep your account more secure and safe and prevents malicious users from being able to try logging in using your display name over and over again. Best, Ian6 points -
Enter the Runway #126!
GlitchtaleLover and 5 others reacted to jellysundae for a topic
Huh, you mean I can't enter Berry in her current AC coach/ref guise?!? *sulks* Anyone willing to partake in some training? She only gets a little bit mad if you get the Yooyu stuck up a tree. Ignore her shoes, that's paint RL sports it is! Hopefully I remember, tempted to go have a play now, but, but... MUST. GO. PLAY. YYB!!!6 points -
Avatars: What have you got?
nirv120 and 5 others reacted to jennoying_sparkle for a topic
6 points -
Well, I finally gave into temptation and did a few Valentines customs: But with a slightly creepy twist for most of them! I opened a handful of the retired caps, got absolute tat and refuse to open any more, so I'm just going to have to make do with what's already in my closet. Although I did go for the gothic gram in the Mall currently...6 points
The Runway Votes #115
Nielo and 5 others reacted to shauns_fiancee for a topic
omg i really wanted to do one this time, but ran out of time. these MADE MY DAY!!!! they're amazing. i'm not having a good day and i am just loving looking at them. how am i supposed to choose? they're all so wonderful!!! princess azula reference!!! bravo6 points -
6 points
Turmy times on dailies page!
Mouseykins and 5 others reacted to jellysundae for a topic
6 points -
Another free cupcake is available in the NC Mall! Head there to claim it now!6 points
Hey all! It turns out that I didn’t need to change medication at all. My abilify dosage was lowered and I am okay! Not to mention...I’ve lost over 40 pounds. Instead of a 22/24 at 267 I am a happy and healthy 16/18.6 points
berriganify and 5 others reacted to jellysundae for a topic
Wise Old King King Hagan listens contently to your words of wisdom... "Never trust the angry Bubbles," you state perceptively. He ponders all that you have said. Wow! King Hagan is very impressed. King Hagan Says: Ahh, brilliant! It's good to know there are intelligent Neopians out there. I give you an A+! (766 out of 1000) You must take this gift from me. King Hagan hands you: Advanced Learning He also gives you 379 Neopoints! Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Skeith - King Hagan' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! I am NEVER visiting this old fraud ever again!!! Though, gotta hand it to him, what I said to him today did actually make sense. I wonder how often it does when he awards the avatar... not very often, I'll bet. I love it when he informs you that he knew that already, when you just told him some completely garbled nonsense.6 points -
tiny question re "active paintbrush"
LekkerLekker89 and 5 others reacted to Angeló for a topic
Hello and Welcome to Neopian History 101 Years and Years ago , you could paint your Pets "Glass" or "Stone" They were not popular and the colors were discontinued Glass pets were changed to Tyrannian and Stone pets to Island however the paint brushes still exist as R180 (retired) items and you can buy them from user shops but you can't use them Unicorn Paint Brush was an idea that didn't really take off ... they tried to add unicorns to the pets .. but i think they decided to create a whole new Unicorn pet and call it "Uni" ... then removed the Paint Brush from the site and replaced it with Uni Gem Unicorn pets were thus changed to the basic Red we all know and love6 points -
SUCCESSSS! You guys! This is my #1 neogoal and tomorrow is my birthday! In celebration I'll be adding my username on NP to this account (Starre305) Feel free to add me as a NF!6 points
Festival of Neggs is Back!
midnight_spell360 and 5 others reacted to hrtbrk for a topic
Right? I believe the art for the neocash portion is also new and I absolutely love it. Wish it was a desktop background.6 points