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Vote For The NEW Paint Brush Colour

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Elephante fans can finally party because they're getting some love. Neopets has revealed three new potential paint brush colours and we get to pick which one will be added in to the game. Choose between Marble, Floral or Candy. Voting ends on February 20th. VOTE NOW!

elephant_marble.png elephant_floral.png elephant_candy.png

Marble | Floral | Candy


Hmm, not overly impressed with any of those.  The floral one looks...odd. If someone showed me that and said "what brush do you think this is?" I'd have said Maraquan, because it looks like sponge limbs, and suckery/tenacley body and coral on its head. Doesn't look floral IN. THE. SLIGHTEST.

But at least it's a distinctive style, where as the others are just different coloured stripes and that's just plain LAZY, and doesn't bode well for the other pets that will be done in these colours.


*mourns the days when TNT's artists were GOOD and IMAGINATIVE*

13 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

Hmm, not overly impressed with any of those.  The floral one looks...odd. If someone showed me that and said "what brush do you this this is?" I'd have said Maraquan, because it looks like sponge limbs, and suckery/tenacley body and coral on its head. Doesn't look floral IN. THE. SLIGHTEST.

But at least it's a distinctive style, where as the others are just different coloured stripes and that's just plain LAZY, and doesn't bode will for the other pets done in these colours.


*mourns the days when TNT's artists were GOOD and IMAGINATIVE*

i liked the marble but it's a little too similar to camouflage ... 

i thought floral is a pinata ...

candy .. i like candy ... but we already have lots of candycane striped Christmas pets


Just now, Angeló said:

i liked the marble but it's a little too similar to camouflage ... 

i thought floral is a pinata ...

candy .. i like candy ...

I wonder if I can find the words to express what I'm feeling here...one of the issues with my MS is extreme difficulty expressing my thoughts, but I'll try!

Never considered that the floral one is a pinata look, still kinda weird-looking, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, lol.

Neither of the candy or marble ones look bad, I'm just so disappointed that they're bringing out new brushes that are so dull, I envision every pet that gets painted in these looking exactly the same, and that's very very sad.

Marble as a theme is pretty limiting, so I don't expect any nice surprises there. But CANDY as a theme...that could encompass absolutely ANYTHING. At least if it was being drawn by an artist who could dream up things like this it could...


Basically what I'm afraid of is more pets where regardless of the species, the look for that brush is exactly the same. It's way past time that they had some out-of-the-box thinking for paintbrushes again and gave us some properly different pets within themes again, and they SO could do that with candy, but this elephante isn't filling me with hope in that regard. :sad01_anim: The first outing of this brush and you just give it peppermint stripes? REALLY?!


Hmm, well I THINK I've managed to say what I wanted there, lol. Sorry for the rant! :blush02:


Okay, I'm actually REALLY excited about this! First of all, as a Virgo, I love to take part in important decisions (lol). So I really appreciate them making a poll!

Second of all... #TEAMCANDY, GUYS! I'm gonna have to disagree with jellysundae (I love ya, jelly), I don't think it's lazy... Sure, not the most work they ever put into a pet colour, but it's not just stripes, there's that nice candy shimmer, and some of the twisty designs... And I think they can get more creative with the next species, because there are so many types of candy. I can't say much for Marble though, there isn't much room for variation other than colour scheme.

As for Floral... I'm gonna be very upset if this wins, I think it's quite ugly. I don't care if it's the most elaborate, it looks like chewed up popcorn, or like Angeló said, a pinata (and not a cute one).

Edit: I was too slow, now I get what you're saying, jelly!


Deb, did I actually manage to make sense? \o/  xD "chewed up popcorn" *snorts*

The shading on the other two does at least make them look like the product they're made from, I'll give them that. Maybe we should check the file name for the floral image at a later date and see if it gets altered to elephante/paintbrush/chewed-up-popcorn.jpg :laugh:

I REALLY hope that my fears are unfounded and the candy brush DOES live up to its potential, but I really don't think the current artists have the imagination :sad01_anim:


BUT, yes, it IS great that they're letting people vote. Oh wait though, does that mean only one of these 3 will ever become a brush? If I do vote I'll go for the candy one, because I WANT them to prove my nay-saying wrong. Also, marble = YAWN and the less said about the fugly pinata the better. xD


                 I'm not eager to see any of those... I like the idea of a floral paintbrush, but... if that is the example they give us... I do not know what to choose... I do not like those... Candy is not my thing... at all... and even if the designers improve... I won't like them... marble... I do not know... and the floral... as I said before, I like that idea, but that design is... let's say I do not like it... at all...


I like Candy, the way I see it it could be a more accessible alternative to Chocolate (and less restrictive to boot, since there's tons of different kinds of candy but only so many ways to stretch "chocolate" as a theme). 


@deboratibi i , too , am a virgo .. thats why i jumped to voting instantly :P

@jellysundae you should vote for candy if you want to see it come to life ;)

btw this may be NOT the final version of the Elelphante in these 3 colors .. they may , and most probably will , make changes ... but as you guys said , Candy has more potential ... imagine a gumdrop Chia or a Taffy Kiko  Grape Kiko Taffy




I'm not feeling Floral at all if this is the example. I like the way the Marble one looks best, but I'm concerned it might be because I'm partial to green. Overall, I feel like Candy has the most range. I don't like this example because I feel like the striping is too close to the candycane Christmas pets, but I also feel like there are many more places that they can take the Candy brush if they are creative. I voted for Candy.


Awesome! You have voted for Marble. Thanks for voting!

I guess I'm a lone wolf on this one. :biggrin: But I do see your points. I guess Candy made me think "Umm, why are you trying to turn my Pet into an edible treat? Wasn't Chocolate doing that enough?" and for Floral, "Pinata-look? Naw, but it does remind me of a Rose Bowl Float or a Mummer's Parade Costume!" 

8 hours ago, ShadowStarEmpress said:

I'm torn between Marble and Candy...the candy is pretty and has more variation potential, but I also like the texture of the marble and marbles can come in all different colors and patterns...this is difficult :bigeyed:

I agree with ShadowStarEmpress that marbles DO come in different colors and patterns, so I guess you could also say I'm a down to earth kind of guy. :wink:


We've all realised it, I think, it ALL comes down to potential here.

They ALL have the POTENTIAL to produce interesting pets, but it's entirely dependent on the imagination/skill of the artist, and those two things are sadly lacking a lot of the time these days.

Whichever one wins, we'll know once the NEXT pet is painted with that brush; it's then that we'll see whether there's going to be variation, or if they're all going to be coloured in exactly the same way as the elephante. Only time will tell.

@Angeló I did vote for candy :nod_yes:



Meh not impressed with any of these. Glad they have a new color, but maybe they should have had some sort of entry contest? There are so many talented artists out there that I bet would love to participate! I still love this one:


They're simple but so pretty 


37 minutes ago, missmadiemay said:

Meh not impressed with any of these. Glad they have a new color, but maybe they should have had some sort of entry contest? There are so many talented artists out there that I bet would love to participate! I still love this one:


They're simple but so pretty 


I love those Nebulas! They're so pretty!

About the Elephant colors, I didn't like the flower one because it looks (like someone already mentioned) like an odd pinata. 
I like the other 2 :)


I also voted for Marble~

But I hope they will release the paintbrush for ALL three of them. That would be so nice of them...

Also -  are those pets @jellysundae posted UCs? Are they still available now? I've never seen any, so interesting!

23 minutes ago, heartybfast said:

I also voted for Marble~

But I hope they will release the paintbrush for ALL three of them. That would be so nice of them...

Also -  are those pets @jellysundae posted UCs? Are they still available now? I've never seen any, so interesting!

I'm pretty sure they're still available now? I just pasted the images from Neocolours though, so I don't actually know.

I guess it's down to rarity of brushes and so on? Some of the mutant and Maraquan pets in particular are especially awesome though, because they're just SO different from the basic pet.

45 minutes ago, heartybfast said:

Also -  are those pets @jellysundae posted UCs? Are they still available now? I've never seen any, so interesting!

no these are not UC's .. most of them came out after the conversion anyway , like the Maraquan Kacheek and Mutant Chomby 

here's the UC versions of those pets 


darigan gelert  grandfathered = still available .. but you'll have to trade for one and they're very valuable

tyrannian pooglerobot tuskaninny  (not grandfathered = notavailable anymore)


Awesome! You have voted for Candy. Thanks for voting! 



I kind of agree with a lot of people, these colors are in your face and bright. I wish  they could have a subtle color. 

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