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My goal is to help Maraqua (of course), gain personal points, and of course, try to see what the MAXIMUM score for YYB is. Even if I get a score of 17 to 1, it would prove that 18 is POSSIBLE. 17 to 0 is my best score over the years. lol


This is my second year playing, and I'm hoping I can make it to All-Star this time. Last year I got to 15.


My current rank is 4 so I am definitely off to a good start.


Bah! I was having a really good game, scoring and timewise, and then got stuck with a darigan yooyu! Ate up just about a whole minute. (lol I know it COULD have been worse). Managed to get enough goals to get to 12 somehow in the final minute.. my least favorite yooyus. EASILY Darigan and Faerie. lol The Mutant one is an odd one, but he only rarely gives me any trouble. (not like those other 2 pesky yooyus. lol)

Anyway, on the quest for 18, either I mess up near the end, or I get a darigan that refuses to play nice. lol


Nice to see so many people ranking/having fun. :)

Well, back to the grind. XD


My initial goal this year is Rank 10. Last year I got 15, before that All-Star. I just don't know if I'm willing to put in quite that much time this year. :P


Still at Rank 1, but i'm hoping to get to 10 at least. But considering i'm going to be busy on the 8,9 and 10th... and then there's E3... But i'm hoping for a rush of points on the last week of games.


But i really need to improve my Yooyuball defense. the auto player selection is killing my defenses.


The games have already started!? :weird: Gosh, I'm so out of it, lol. Busy week.


Needless to say, I'm currently Rank 0. I'm not really setting a goal for myself, but considering I got rank 18 last year, perhaps All-star is something I can achieve this time!


I just hit rank 5. I doubt I will keep up all of these MSN matches throughout the month though. xD


Still at Rank 1, but i'm hoping to get to 10 at least. But considering i'm going to be busy on the 8,9 and 10th... and then there's E3... But i'm hoping for a rush of points on the last week of games.


But i really need to improve my Yooyuball defense. the auto player selection is killing my defenses.


Nix, Are you GOING to E3?! Or just watching coverage online? I'd love to go to E3 someday. Ah well, perhaps SOMEDAY. LOL


And yeah, the auto player selection has been a thorn in my side too in a few games. I still need a few games to get to Rank 1. lol Haven't had much time to play today


Yesterday, I got to rank 2, 5 rank points away from rank 3.  I am not really sure what my goal for this year is.  My goal is the highest rank I can get while not going crazy.  The optimal fun-rank balance.  Last year, I got to rank 15, but that was a bit too much Yooyuball early on.  


I actually hit Rank 3 yesterday, oops. Played way more than I thought I would. I'd like to rank up twice today, but once will satisfy me. May as well bump my goal up to 12 for now. :P

HAHAHAHAHAHA I got to rank 1 last year, and truthfully if I manage rank 1 again this year I may stop there. If I can find the motivation I might aim for rank 3 or so. I don't really like the Altador Cup :(

It does become a pretty awful grind after a while. I recommend playing while you watch a movie or listen to music, so you can focus on something else other than doing the same thing over and over and...


I just hit level two. My goal is one per day so I can get to All Star level before the end of the AC...hopefully I can get a little bit ahead of schedule on weekends, since I foresee this whole process becoming extremely tedious over the coming weeks...


On the other hand, this is the first AC I've actually participated in, so I'm interested to see how it turns out!


This is my very first year playing even though my account is nearly 13! I'm at a Rank One for the time being, but I work full time and I'm pretty busy so I don't have a lot of time to play :( Hoping to get at least Rank 5


Hit Rank 2 today, I double checked and I actually DID get to Rank 2 last year, so NOW I'm even :) I'm still going to be conservative and say my target is Rank 5 because I know I'll be less productive on some of the days!


Edit: W00t! Had a very productive morning... just hit Rank 3! Wanted to get those Yooyuball plays in since it's a bonus points day!


I'm at Rank 2, trying for 3 today. Man, it's a lot of work!!!


Congrats to everyone so far!



I can't believe it, I just hit rank 10!


I think I have a problem... xD

Are you kidding?!? WOW! :woot:

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