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60 kads! I've been doing so many, haha. I'm at my computer all the time because I'm a software engineer, and kadding is such a perfect way to break up my day - a few emails here, refreshing at the kadoatery for a couple seconds, then a project review, then some more refreshing...etc.


Hopefully at this rate I'll have the avatar by the end of next week! I'm leaving on a trip tonight, so I won't be able to do any kadding again after today until Monday.

Technically this happened yesterday, but oh well ^^;; A very awesome friend of mine bought my Zombie Paint Brush, and now I am up another million or so in the bank. Thank you, awesome friend! :wub_anim:

At long last!!!


You have won 760 Neopoints.
You also win a Gold Trophy for completing all of the rounds!


You have beaten all of the players! Care to try your luck again?



It was the most boring game ever!!!

I will never ever play this game again!

Next trophy here I come!

I think I will try the Round Table Poker trophy next!


I'm having a super lucky day today... Got the Neggbreaker avatar when I did the Mysterious Negg Cave puzzle, caught the Turmaculus when he was awake, got my first species change by the lab ray (another avatar!), my Pile of Ashes petpet turned into a White Scarabug at the petpet lab ray, and I got a super bonus 5 point increase in strength when I finished up some training. Really hoping this luck keeps up, the day is only halfway over!


Two new trophies for me!


I almost feel like I should have tried harder to get a better trophy for Dueling Decks, but I was SO BORED. Ugh.


finally got to the next strength boost level 300 woo hoo at long last .. now starting on defence ... sigh

Posted (edited)

WOOOOOO! I got a NC Mall Wearable from the Money tree! Ecstatic!!


Edit: Actually I got two now... I think it's going to become a daily goal haha!

Edited by mandichi

I was on the premium board getting some quest help. Post my thanks after getting my reward.

And I'm greeted with these words at the top of the page:

The Fountain Faerie glides up to you. "Hullo. I don't suppose you'd find me Uni Spying Wand? It's ever so important."


Not much of an achievement, but I reached level 10 on habitarium (I barely played it before, can't blame me xD)






This Month: N/A


Like, 800 points off of being in top 3 XD (I love Sorcerer's Skirmish o.o)


I have been clicking hopefully for maybe a year or so and finally I hit it just right .. strange that I still feel sorry for my poor pet pet that got eaten though lol


You have awoken the great Turmaculus...
AHHHHHH!!!! Turmaculus ate your petpet! BURP

Something Has Happened! turmaculus.gif You are now eligible to use 'Turmaculus' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!




Turmaculus will be waiting for you in theBATTLEDOME!!!

Hide your petpets!!!!!

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